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Syllabus Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship 101 - 11160
PDF version
Last update 14-09-2022
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Cornerstone program

Semester: 1st and/or 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: English

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr. Amnon Dekel, Sharon Levite-Vaknin

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Digital Course: Via Email

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Amnon Dekel,

Course/Module description:
In an age where technology is creating disruption in the world of work, all university graduates need to prepare themselves. This course will allow participants to learn Innovation and Entrepreneurship fundamentals and how they can help them become more future proof in their careers. The course will focus on how innovation can be developed and enhanced and then will look at the world of entrepreneurship and how it can be relevant for each and every one of the participants. Throughout the course we will introduce and practice the Lean Startup Model, focusing on how to identify real problems for people and then finding solutions for those problems. As an online course, students will watch short videos, use interactive applications, answer online quizzes and develop an idea for a venture (business, social or design). The course will end with a project that presents a model for a real world venture.

Course/Module aims:
- Expose the students to the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship and strengthen their interest in those fields.
- Highlight the relevance and importance of these fields to the students’ everyday life and future careers.
- Provide the students a macro perspective of the innovation and entrepreneurship fields and the ability to discuss them using professional terms.
- Familiarize the students with the process of entrepreneurship.
- Introduce the students to the skill set needed for innovation and entrepreneurship processes.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
At the end of the course, students will:

- Understand basic concepts in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Learn to identify the market in which a venture operates.
- Understand how to identify a problem, its underlying need and how to design potential solutions for it
- Understand the lean startup methodology and it can be used to develop a solution in the market.
- Understand what a business model is and how to use the business model canvas to design the business model of a venture.
- Understand the importance of design within the venture development process.
- Know how to articulate the value proposition of a venture
- Learn how to present a venture successfully and coherently to an audience.

Attendance requirements(%):
Digital Course: no attendance required

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The Course will be in English (With Hebrew and Arabic Subtitles)

- Asynchronous Online
- Quizzes
- Discussions
- Final presentation


students must:
- Complete of all the units in the course
- Complete of all the assignments and quizzes
- Participate in Peer assessment
- Participate in the discussion groups throughout the course

Course/Module Content:
The Course will be in English (With Hebrew and Arabic Subtitles)

1. Introduction: where are we today and what do we want our tomorrow to look like?
How and where does innovation and entrepreneurship present itself in my everyday life?
Changes and disruption to our everyday life. Examples: Education, Transportation, Food and Agro Tech etc.
Why do I need this knowledge and skill set even if I’m not planning to be an entrepreneur?
Academia’s role as a leader and supporter of innovation.
Leading technology examples that are relevant to innovation and entrepreneurship such as: Big data, Cloud computing, Automation and Robotics, AI, Nano technologies, 3D printing, etc.

2. Introduction to innovation:
What is innovation
Why is innovation important
Types of innovation
The Innovation process

3. Introduction to entrepreneurship:
What is entrepreneurship (and how is it different from innovation)
Types of entrepreneurship
The Human side of entrepreneurship
Misconceptions about entrepreneurship
The process of developing entrepreneurship

4. From Zero to Hero, part 1: Forming the idea
Why do so many ventures fail?
Introduction to the Lean Startup methodology
Identifying a problem and a need
Ideation- why and how
Assignment 1: Ideating my venture

5. From Zero to Hero, part 2; Who needs it?
Market research- significance, impact, who and how.
Product market fit
Understanding the job
Porter’s 5 forces model
Competitor landscape
SWOT analysis
Assignment 2: My market analysis

6. From Zero to Hero, part 3: Hitting the target
Developing a Value Proposition
Assignment 3: My value proposition canvas and statement

7. From Zero to hero Hero, part 4: Show me the money
What is a Business model
Example of business models
The business model canvas (BMC)- what is it, why and how to use it
Assignment 4: My BMC

8. From Zero to Hero, part 5: From the look and feel of it
Product design
The impact of design
User experience
Assignment 5; The design whiteboard

9. From Zero to Hero, part 6: Once upon a time..
Storytelling: Why is it important, impact and key elements
What Is a Pitch and How It Is Done
Evaluating a Pitch
Assignment 6: My own elevator pitch- to be submitted in the last unit

10. From Zero to Hero, part 7: Let’s get down to business
Financing my venture: The importance, the process and challenges
Finance “Safari”: exploring alternatives
The legal side of innovation and entrepreneurship : intro to corporate law- The concept of legal personality, limited liability, ownership structures and implications.

11. From Zero to Hero, part 8: The legal side of innovation and entrepreneurship: intro to IP law
Introduction to IP Law
Patents and Trade Secrets

12. Looking back into the future:
What can we learn from the case study of Israel - the Startup Nation
The future workforce and your future career
The entrepreneurial mindset

13. Course Summary and Parting Thoughts
Summary: What have we done here? What have you learned?
The role of Academia as a leader and supporter of innovation.
My takeaways from this course
Where do I go from here? How can I learn and practice more?
Assignment 6: My own elevator pitch - submission

Required Reading:
- Blank, S., & Dorf, B. (2020). The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for building a great company. John Wiley & Sons.‏
Blank, S. Online Web Repository of Materials: [ ]
- Byers, T.H., Dorf, R.C. and Nelson, A.J., (2011). Technology ventures: from idea to enterprise. McGraw-Hill.
- Goldenberg, J., Mazursky, D., & Jacob, G. (2002). Creativity in product innovation. Cambridge University Press.‏
- Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.‏
- Porter M. E.,(1979) "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy", Harvard Business Review,(Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 137–145.
- Ries, E. (2014). Lean Startup: Founding a company quickly, without risk and successfully . Redline economy.

Additional Reading Material:

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 15 %
Project work 25 %
Assignments 25 %
Reports 30 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 5 %
peer assesment

Additional information:
Tools to be used in the course:

Campus Studio Learning Management System: [ ]
Miro: Online Visual Shared Board for Collaboration [ ]
Youtube [ ]
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.