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Syllabus Civil Society Conflict Transformation & Reconciliation:Between Theory - 54750
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Last update 11-02-2018
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: conflict management & resolution

Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr. Maya Kahanoff

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Monday 17-18

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Maya Kahanoff

Course/Module description:
The course will focus on transformation processes enabled in social and ethno-national conflicts, involving issues of identity and belonging; Process that aim to rehabilitate damaged relations between conflicting parties and base them on mutual trust, respect, justice and cooperation. We will focus on civil society's role in facilitating such processes, and become acquainted with the challenges facing processes of transformation that are long term, and gradual, and require changes in both structural and psychological structures.
The first part of the course will present theoretical perspectives of conflict transformation, peacebuilding and reconciliation, and discuss major issues involved in the process of reconciliation between Nations and people. Later we will learn about the role of civil society in facilitating processes of such transformation and get to know the different intervention strategies. Meanwhile, we will meet various NGOs working to promote conflict transformation and reconciliation in the Israeli society, and examine the possibilities and the challenges facing these tasks.
The course will combine lectures and meetings with civil society organizations.

Course/Module aims:

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
The students will learn about various intervention strategies to promote conflict transformation and social change; they will evaluate the compatibility of different strategies to the characteristics and challenges of the Israeli-Palestinian field; Compare existing strategies and evaluate their benefits and limitations, so that they will be able to design or to recommend best practices to reach a certain goal, taking into account existing challenges.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:

Course/Module Content:
1-2 – Conflict Transformation and Peace-building: Theoretical perspectives
3. - Peace-building and Reconciliation: between Theory and Practice
4. – Recognition, Reconciliation and the transformation of identity
5. – The Role of Civil Society and Peace-building
6. – Intervention Strategies (1) – Advocacy, promoting equality and human rights
7-8 – Guided Field trip in Jerusalem/ Ir-Amim
9. – Intervention Strategies (2) – Dialogue and Relation Transformation
10. – Women leading Peace and change – Gendered perspectives to conflict transformation
11. – Intervention Strategies (4) – Testimony and confession
12. – Intervention strategies (5) – Coping with the past/ Truth and Reconciliation Committees
13. – Summary and students presentaitons

Required Reading:
Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T. & Miall, H. (2005). Contemporary Conflict Resolution, Cambridge: Polity Press (“Introduction to Conflict Resolution: Concepts and Definitions”), pp. 3-31
Francis, D. (2004) culture, Power asymmetries and Gender in Conflict Transformation,
Michelle, G (2006) "Peace-Building: Theoretical and Concrete Perspectives", Peace & Change, Vol.31, No.4 October 435-478
בר-טל, ד. ובנינק, ו (2002) "מהות ההתפייסות", פוליטיקה, גיליון 9, מכון דייויס, האוניברסיטה העברית, עמ' 9-34
Kelman, H.C (2010) Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation: A Social-psychological Perspective on ending Violent Conflict between Identity Groups", Landscapes of Violence, Vol. 1: No.1, article 5. Available at: Http://
ג'מאל, א. (2001) "הכרה הדדית, פיוס וטרנספורמציה של סכסוכים: היבטים תיאורטיים", סוציולוגיה ישראלית ג (2): 313-341

Verdeja, E. (2009) "Civil Society and Reconciliation", in: Unchopping a Tree, Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Political Violence, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, Pp 136-159
Michelle, I. Gawerc (2013) "Organizational adaptation and survival in a hostile and unfavorable environment: Peacebuilding organizations in Israel and Palestine", Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, vo. 36, 167-202
גורדון, נ. (2005) "זכויות אדם ומרחב חברתי: כוחה של האגודה לזכויות האזרח בישראל", סוציולוגיה ישראלית, ז (1), עמ' 23-44
Tali Nir (2009) The State of Human Rights in East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures, ACRI, 33-47.
Maddison Sara (2014) “Relational transformation and agonistic dialogue in divided societies”, Political Studies, pp. 1-17
Saunders, H.H. (2011) Sustained Dialogue in Conflicts. Transformation and Change, NY: Palgrave Macmillan
Jenkins, T., & Reardon, B. A. (2007). Gender and peace: Towards a gender-inclusive, holistic perspective. In C. Webel & J. Galtung, Handbook of peace and conflict studies London: Routledge (pp. 209-231). Or:
Rey, C. & Mckay, S. (2006) “Peacebuilding as a Gendered Process”, Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 141-153

אולמן, ח. (2012) "לראות את המחסומים: על תהליך העדות בחברה ובטיפול", בתוך: י. אליצור (עורך) כתם של עננה קלה. חיילים, צבא וחברה באינתיפאדה, אדום, הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד,עמ' 140-155
Helman, S. (2015). “From the protest to testimony and confession: The changing politics of peace organizations in Israel”, in: F.Markowitz, S.Sharot & M.Shoked (Eds.) Toward an Anthropology of Nation Building and Unbuilding in Israel, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, pp. 73-90.
Sasson-Levy, O., Levy, Y. & Lomsky-Feder, E. (2011) “Women breaking the silence: military service gender and antiwar protest”, Gender & Society, Vol.25 No.6, December, 740-763
בר-און, ד. (תשס"ה) "צדק פורמלי וצדק בין אישי: בחינה מחדש של מושג הפיוס", משפט וממשל, ח': 623-642
Avruch, K. (2010) "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: problems in Transitional Justice and the reconstruction of identity", Transcultural Psychiatry, Vol. 47 (1): 33-49

Additional Reading Material:
Villa –Vicencio, C. (2006) "The politics of reconciliation", in: T. A. Borer (ed.) Telling the Truths. Truth Telling and Peace building in Post-Conflict Societies , University of Notre Dame press, pp. 59-82
Patten, A. (2014) Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights, Princeton University Press, Ch.1
קריסברג, ל (2002) "פעולות התפייסות בזירה הפנימית ובזירה הבינלאומית", פוליטיקה (9), מכון דייויס, האוניברסיטה העברית, עמ' 35-58
People-to-People: What went wrong and how to fix it? Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture (2005-6), Special Issue, vol.12 no.4 & vol. 13 no. 1.
Kahanoff, M., Salem, W. & Nasralla, R. (2007) Assessment of Cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian Civil Society Organizations, The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, (יש גרסה בעברית)
כהנוב, מיה (2010) דיאלוג חשוף – יהודים וערבים במפגש, אוניברסיטת בן גוריון.
אוסטרוף, ש (2012) (עורכת) דיאלוג ומנהיגות על קווי השבר בחברה הישראלית; תיאוריה ופרקטיקה בהתהוות, בסוד שיח והג'וינט – אלכ"א, בתוכו במיוחד: כהנא וכהנוב... שפירא מריים ....
ששון-לוי, א. ורפופורט, ת (2002) "גוף, אידיאולוגיה ומגדר", מגמות, מ"א, 4
אהרוני, ש. ודיב, ר. (עורכות) (2004) איפה הנשים כולן? החלטת מועצת הביטחון 1325: היבטים מגדריים של הסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני, חיפה: פרדס.
Golan, Galia & Kamal, Zahira (2006) " Women's people-to-people activities ; Do We do it better?", in; People-to-People. Palestine-Israel Journal of politics, economics and culture (2005-6), vol. 12 no.4 &vol 13 no. 1, pp. 58-63
Kahanoff, M. (2003) Women in Conflict Zones: Struggling with Ethno-National and Racial Conflicts, Report on a women’s workshop, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and the British Council, Jerusalem
Borer, T.A. (Ed.) (2006), Telling the Truth; Truth telling and Peace building in Post-conflict Societies, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Especially: Borer, T.A. " Truth telling as a peace-building activity: a theoretical overview" pp. 1-58
Dudai, R. (2007). A Model for Dealing with the Past in the Israeli–Palestinian Context, The International Journal of Transitional Justice, 249–267
Rey, C. & Owens, I. (1998) "Perceptions of psychosocial healing and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa", Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 4 (3)' 257-270

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 0 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 100 %
See Additional information

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.