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Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
Unit In Brain Sciences With A Computational
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Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76900 | From Molecules to Circuits
ממולקולות למעגלים עצביים
Test time 2.00 h
1.5 h
3 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yoav Adam
Dr. Eran Lottem
Dr. Naomi Habib
Mr. Qixin Yang Lecture
2nd Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: Participation in the course requires basic knowledge in Molecular, Cellular Biology, Genetics, and Genomics (i.e. the structure of the cell, RNA, DNA, proteins, cellular signaling) as well as in Neurophysiology (i.e. passive and active membrane properties, basic principles of synaptic transmission). If you haven't studied these topics you are required to take the introduction course number 76944.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76901 | Systems Neuroscience
נוירופיזיולוגיה של מערכות
Test time 2.00 h
1.5 h
3 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Lilach Avitan
Prof. Mati Joshua
Ms. Inbar Shapira Lecture
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76903 | Neurophysiology of behavior
נוירופיזיולוגיה של התנהגות
Test time 2.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. David Omer
Mr. Reuven Lifshitz Lecture
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76913 | Advance Cognitive Processes
תהליכים קוגניטיביים מתקדמים
1.5 h
3 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Merav Ahissar
Prof. Leon Deouell
Prof. Ehud Zohary
Ms. Deena Elul Lecture
2nd Semester
2002 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76921 | Human Vision: A Computational Approach
ראיה אנושית: גישה חישובית
Test time 2.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yair Weiss Lecture
2nd Semester
Shprinzak 215 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76931 | Dynamical Systems and the Neuron
מערכות דינאמיות ותא העצב
Test time 2.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Mickey London
Mr. Aizenbud Ido Lecture
1st Semester
2002 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76937 | The Biological Basis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
הבסיס הביולוגי למחלות ניוון עצבי
Test time 2.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Hermona Soreq
Prof. Eran Meshorer
Ms. Sima Dubnov Lecture
2nd Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76943 | Tutorial Course: Selective Topics in Neural Computation
קורס טיוטוריאלי: נושאים נבחרים בחישוביות עצבית
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Mr. Basu Raunak
Prof. Mati Joshua Lecture
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76944 | Introduction to cell Biology and Physiology
מבוא לביולוגיה ופיזיולוגיה תאית
1.5 h
3 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yoav Adam
Dr. Naomi Habib
Ms. Inbar Shapira Lecture
1st Semester
2002 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: For the direct track to PhD students, this course in mandatory course for students who has no biology background.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76949 | The Degenerating Brain: From Research to Hope
המוח המתנוון : ממחקר לתקווה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Hermona Soreq
Ms. Hodaya Vrubel Lecture
2nd Semester
Online - Avnei Pina (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: The course is part of the “Cornerstone Program” - Avnei Pina - Experimental field. The course will be held on the ZOOM video platform.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76957 | Disease and Health of the Brain
תחלואות המוח ובריאותו
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Idan Segev
Mr. Mohammad Tamimi Lecture
2nd Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76908 | Dynamics of Computation in the Brain
דינמיקה של חישוב עצבי
Test time 2.50 h
2 h
4 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein Lecture
2nd Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra) Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein Lecture
2nd Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra) Mr. Roi Meir
Mr. Yogev Hendel
Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein Exercise
2nd Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76909 | Neural Learning
למידה עצבית
Test time 3.00 h
2 h
4 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Mr. Isaac Ashkenazi
Dr. Jonathan Kadmon
Mr. Shai Tishby Lecture
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra) Mr. Isaac Ashkenazi
Dr. Jonathan Kadmon
Mr. Shai Tishby Lecture
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra) Mr. Shai Tishby Exercise
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: Additional hour will be given on Thursdays at 13:00 classroom 2002.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76915 | Information and Coding in the Brain
עיבוד מידע וקידוד במוח
Test time 2.50 h
2 h
4 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yoram Burak
Mr. Gronich Yishai Lecture
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra) Prof. Yoram Burak
Mr. Gronich Yishai Lecture
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra) Mr. Gronich Yishai
Mr. Nischal Mainali Exercise
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: Students in the Minor Track in Computational Neurosciences (7080) can replace this course with 67577 course. The tutoring session will be held on Mondays at 4:00 PM
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76989 | Introduction to Cognition
מבוא לקוגניציה
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Mr. Imri Lifshitz
Dr. Aya Benyakov Lect&Ex
1st Semester
2002 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: Students who are not part of the PhD Program or the minor track, please contact the course's teacher before registration,.
Minor track students can replace this course with 06115 or 51539 courses.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76920 | Colloquium in Brain Sciences
קולוקוויום במדעי המוח
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Aya Benyakov
Dr. Jonathan Kadmon Seminar
1st Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra) Dr. Aya Benyakov
Dr. Jonathan Kadmon Seminar
2nd Semester
2004 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: No credit points.
The seminar will begin at 14:30.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76952 | Recent Developments in Molecular Neuroscience
התפתחויות במדעי המוח המולקולרים
2 h
4 credit/s
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Hermona Soreq
Prof. David Greenberg Seminar
(Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76956 | Modeling Neurons and Neuronal Networks
מודלים של תאי עצב ורשתות נוירונים
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Idan Segev Seminar
2nd Semester
(Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: The course will take place at prof. Segev's lab.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76980 | M.Sc. Seminar in Brain Sciences
סמינריון מוסמך במדעי המוח
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yoram Burak Seminar
2nd Semester
(Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: The course is only for second year students. It will take place a week before the beginning of the academic year.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76990 | Final M.Sc. Examination
בחינה מסכמת בלימודי מוסמך
1st and/or 2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Shaul Hochstein
Prof. Inbal Goshen
Prof. Yoram Burak Seminar
2nd Semester
(Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: Qualification exam towards stage A in doctoral studies.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76905 | Research Techniques in Neurobiology
שיטות מחקר בנוירוביולוגיה
2 h
4 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Inbal Goshen
Prof. Ami Citri
Ms. Meron Shai
Mr. Tomer Sheinfeld Laboratory
1st Semester
04/11/24-04/12/24 5 מפגשים3 שעות למפגש
Nof Classroom (Campus E.J.Safra) Prof. Inbal Goshen
Prof. Ami Citri
Ms. Meron Shai
Mr. Tomer Sheinfeld Laboratory
1st Semester
04/11/24-04/12/24 5 מפגשים5 שעות למפגש
Nof Classroom (Campus E.J.Safra) Prof. Inbal Goshen
Prof. Ami Citri
Ms. Meron Shai
Mr. Tomer Sheinfeld Laboratory
1st Semester
04/11/24-04/12/24 5 מפגשים5 שעות למפגש
Nof Classroom (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: Limited places. The course is open also for doctoral students in ELSC labs and for excellent students who received an approval from the course's teachers.
For registration please email:
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76922 | Lab Rotation
סבב מעבדות
2 h
4 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yoram Burak Laboratory
2nd Semester
(Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: 50 hours of internship in two ELSC labs (25 each).
Advisor's lab is included.
Approval from the head of the program is necessary for internships outside ELSC labs.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76993 | Human Neuroscience Methods
שיטות בחקר המוח בבני אדם
2 h
4 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Aviv Mezer
Ms. Noa Guttman Lect.&Lab
2nd Semester
2002 (Campus E.J.Safra) Dr. Aviv Mezer
Ms. Noa Guttman Lect.&Lab
2nd Semester
2002 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Comments: lecture & lab 1 To chug 597 .
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76966 | Supplementary Math Course - Calculus and Probability
קורס השלמה במתמטיקה - חדו"א
Test time 3.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
Summer Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yoram Burak
Ms. Rachel Cohen Tutorial
Summer Semester
(Campus E.J.Safra)
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.
76967 | Supplementary Math Course -Linear Algebra
קורס השלמה במתמטיקה - אלגברה ליניארית
Test time 3.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
Summer Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yoram Burak
Ms. Rachel Cohen Tutorial
Summer Semester
(Campus E.J.Safra)