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Found 15 results
School of Social Work | Social Work
03077   |   Child maltreatment in international perspective: The case of South Korea, Germany and Israel קורס בינלאומי - התעללות בילדים בפרספקטיבה משווה: המקרה של דרום קוריאה, גרמניה וישראל
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester 17/03/25-20/03/25 4 מפגשים    (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03096   |   International Course The Mobile University in China קורס בינלאומי האוניברסיטה הנודדת בסין
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. hanan abojabel
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester 06/07/25-18/07/25 5 מפגשים    (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03129   |   International Course in Budapest Social Work in a Multicultural and International Context קורס בינלאומי בבודפשט עבודה סוציאלית בהקשר רב-תרבותי והבינלאומי
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Ron Shor
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester 04/05/25-09/05/25 5 מפגשים    (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03219   |   How to help parents foster resilience in their children: an introduction to parent guidance in the ( איך לעזור להורים לטפח חוסן בילדיהם: מבוא להדרכת הורים במודל (I ) ADAPT
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. avigail gewirtz
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 12/03/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 219 (Mt. Scopus)
Prof. avigail gewirtz
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Tuesday 11/03/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 219 (Mt. Scopus)
Prof. avigail gewirtz
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Sunday 09/03/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 219 (Mt. Scopus)
Prof. avigail gewirtz
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Monday 10/03/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 219 (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03231   |   Religion and Civil Society דת ושירותי דת כמשאב לעבודה סוציאלית ושירותי הרווחה
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Ram Knaan
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 12/03/25 09:30-16:15 399 Library (Mt. Scopus)
Prof. Ram Knaan
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 11/03/25 09:30-16:15 399 Library (Mt. Scopus)
Prof. Ram Knaan
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 10/03/25 09:30-16:15 399 Library (Mt. Scopus)
Prof. Ram Knaan
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 09/03/25 09:30-16:15 399 Library (Mt. Scopus)
Course instructor: Prof. Ram Cnaan. Intensive course
School of Social Work | Social Work
03307   |   PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: FROM THEORY TO THE FIELD פסיכופתולוגיה: מבט מן התאוריה אל השדה
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Jonathan Gewirtz
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 12:30-14:15 Hall 283 (Mt. Scopus)
Course will be given in English.
School of Social Work | Social Work
03328   |   ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTR. OF SOCIAL SERVICES ארגון ומינהל של שרותי רווחה
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Sydney Engelberg
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 15:00-16:45 Education 284 (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03397   |   Methods in Social Work for First Year Students Yeshiva University in Israel מתודות בעבודה סוציאלית לתלמידי שנה א' ישיבה יונברסיטי בישראל
2 h 4 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Adina Hoffnung Assouline
Lecture (a) Yearly Wednesday 14:30-16:15 Classroom 220 (Mt. Scopus)
Ms. Amalia Brofsky
Lecture (b) Yearly Wednesday 14:30-16:15 Classroom 219 (Mt. Scopus)
Ms. chava kadosh
Lecture (c) Yearly Wednesday 14:30-16:15 Classroom 605 (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03398   |   Methods in Social Work for First Year Students Yeshiva University in Israel מתודות בעבודה סוציאלית לתלמידי שנה ב' ישיבה יונברסיטי בישראל
2 h 4 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Ms. Elliezra Peretz
Lecture (a) Yearly Wednesday 14:30-16:15 42505 Humanities (Mt. Scopus)
Ms. atara Weinstein
Lecture (b) Yearly Wednesday 14:30-16:15 Classroom 528 (Mt. Scopus)
School of Social Work | Social Work
03399   |   Personal Social Services and Social Security Systems in Israel (Yeshiva university) שירותים חברתיים אישיים ומערכות הביטחון הסוציאלי בישראל (ישיבה יוניברסיטי)
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Gili Tamir
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 08:30-10:15  (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03465   |   Human Trafficking and the Role of Social Work as a Human Rights Profession Human Trafficking and the Role of Social Work as a Human Rights Profession
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Mary Katherine Twis
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 10:30-12:15 Classroom 528 (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03498   |   Children at risk from a Comparative international perspective קורס בינלאומי במלטה - ילדים בסיכון בפרספקטיבה בינלאומית משווה
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Anat Zeira
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester 11/05/25-16/05/25 5 מפגשים    (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03542   |   Forensic Social Work with Victims of Crime Forensic Social Work with Victims of Crime
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Mary Katherine Twis
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 03/02/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 224 (Mt. Scopus)
Dr. Mary Katherine Twis
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 06/02/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 224 (Mt. Scopus)
Dr. Mary Katherine Twis
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 04/02/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 224 (Mt. Scopus)
Dr. Mary Katherine Twis
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 05/02/25 09:30-16:15 Classroom 224 (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03544   |   Social work with parents עבודה סוציאלית עם הורים
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. avigail gewirtz
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 12:30-14:15 Classroom 603 (Mt. Scopus)

School of Social Work | Social Work
03592   |   ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE שינוי ארגוני
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Sydney Engelberg
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 08:30-10:15 Classroom 359 (Mt. Scopus)
Course will be given in English. Compulsory for students of the community social work concentration.