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Found 10 results
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58222 | Transnational Public Policy
מדיניות ציבורית בין-לאומית
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Jorge Gordin Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty22203 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: The course will be given in English
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58406 | The Rise and Fall of British Diplomacy: From the Napoleonic Wars to the Brexit
עלייתה ונפילתה של הדיפלומטיה הבריטית מהמלחמות הנפוליוניות לברקזיט
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Oded Steinberg Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty24305 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58535 | Negotiating Middle East Peace
מו"מ לשלום במזה"ת
Test time 2.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Arie Kacowicz Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty24305 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58757 | International Negotiations
משא ומתן בינלאומי
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Alla Stremovskaya Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty23209 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58766 | The Arab Gulf states in the 21 century: crises, conflicts and cohabitation
מדינות המפרץ הערביות במאה ה-21: משברים, מאבקים ומרחבי תמרון
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Shereen Hassan Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty23206 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: The course will be given in English
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58916 | Empirical Research in IR
מחקר אמפירי ביחב"ל: הטוב, הרע והדור הבא
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yoram Haftel Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty 23504 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58944 | Professional Development: The Art of Conferencing
התפתחות מקצועית: אומנות הכנס האקדמי
0.5 h
1 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yehonatan Abramson Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty23302 (Mt. Scopus) Dr. Yehonatan Abramson Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty23302 (Mt. Scopus) Dr. Yehonatan Abramson Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty23302 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58596 | Policy Development and Diffusion in Europe and Latin America
פיתוח והפצת מדיניות באירופה ואמריקה הלטינית
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Jorge Gordin Lect&Sem
1st Semester
Soc_Faculty27108 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58844 | Theories and Research in International Relations
תאוריות ומחקר ביחסים הבין-לאומיים
2 h
4 credit/s
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yehonatan Abramson Lect&Sem
Soc_faculty 23504 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English. Prerequisite: The course Introduction to International Relations. Course is taught in English.
Faculty of Social Sciences | International Relations
58929 | Field seminar in international security
תיאוריות של ביטחון בינ"ל - קורס יסוד לתלמידי מחקר
2 h
4 credit/s
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Galia Press-Barnathan Lect&Sem
1st Semester
Soc_faculty 23504 (Mt. Scopus) Prof. Galia Press-Barnathan Lect&Sem
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty 23504 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English. Students who studied course 58828 are not allowed to take this course.