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Found 9 results
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53150 | Economic Sociology
סוציולוגיה של הכלכלה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. adam sadler hayes Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty27107 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53303 | : Anthropology of Migration
אנתרופולוגיה של הגירה
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Carolin Muller Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty233205 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53305 | From Theory to Reality and Back
מתאוריה למציאות ובחזרה
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. adam sadler hayes Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty 25302 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53311 | Sociology of Punishment and Imprisonment
סוציולוגיה של ענישה וכליאה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Joshua Guetzkow Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty23301 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53325 | Science and Technology Studies
מדע וטכנולוגיה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. adam sadler hayes Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty233205 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53366 | Culture and Stratification
תרבות וריבוד
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Joshua Guetzkow Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty27106 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53612 | Analyzing Data in the Social Sciences with R
שימוש בשפת R לניתוח נתונים במדעי החברה
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Barbara Okun Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty22204 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53950 | Advanced Methodology in Sociology
שיטות מחקר כמותניות למוסמך א'
Test time 2.00 h
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. adam sadler hayes Lecture
1st Semester
Class 9 - Social scince Farm (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Social Sciences | Sociology & Anthropology
53804 | Research seminar on the sociology of decision making
סוציולוגיה של קבלת החלטות
2 h
4 credit/s
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. adam sadler hayes Seminar
1st Semester
Soc_faculty22301 (Mt. Scopus) Dr. adam sadler hayes Seminar
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty23209 (Mt. Scopus)