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Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
81803   |   Cellular, Molecular Immunology: Selected Issues אימונולוגיה תאית ומולקולרית: פרקים נבחרים
Test time 2.00 h 2 h 4 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Ofer Mandelboim
Prof. Jacob Rachmilewitz
Prof. Amnon Peled
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 08:15-10:00 Hall bergman (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Ofer Mandelboim
Prof. Jacob Rachmilewitz
Prof. Amnon Peled
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 10:15-12:00 Hall bergman (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
81809   |   Cellular Structure and Function התא- מבנה ותפקוד
2 h 4 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Ehud Cohen
Prof. Yaniv Elkouby
Prof. Einav Gross
Prof. Oded Behar
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Sunday 08/12/24 11:15-12:00 computer room 306 (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Ehud Cohen
Prof. Yaniv Elkouby
Prof. Einav Gross
Prof. Oded Behar
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 10:15-12:00 Seminar soren (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Ehud Cohen
Prof. Yaniv Elkouby
Prof. Einav Gross
Prof. Oded Behar
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 08/01/25 11:15-12:00 computer farm (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Ehud Cohen
Prof. Yaniv Elkouby
Prof. Einav Gross
Prof. Oded Behar
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Sunday 10:15-12:00 Seminar soren (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Ehud Cohen
Prof. Yaniv Elkouby
Prof. Einav Gross
Prof. Oded Behar
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 20/11/24 11:15-12:00 computer room 306 (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Ehud Cohen
Prof. Yaniv Elkouby
Prof. Einav Gross
Prof. Oded Behar
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Sunday 02/02/25 11:15-12:00 computer room 306 (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance. No more than 20% missing of attendance is allowed ( more than that will not allow to take exam). Coordinator- Prof. Elkouby. Prerequisite- Undergraduate course in cell biology. 4 quizzes during the course -one at the end of each chapter. Each quiz= 25% of final grade. Quiz dates in yearbook
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
81850   |   Molecular Biology ביולוגיה מולקולרית
Test time 2.50 h 2.5 h 5 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Nayef Jarrous
Prof. Itamar Simon
Prof. Sheera Adar
Prof. Haim Rosen
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Tuesday 10:15-12:00 Seminar soren (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Nayef Jarrous
Prof. Itamar Simon
Prof. Sheera Adar
Prof. Haim Rosen
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Sunday 10:15-12:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Nayef Jarrous
Prof. Itamar Simon
Prof. Sheera Adar
Prof. Haim Rosen
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Thursday 10:15-12:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Note prerequisites. undergraduate courses in molecular biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Two parts of the course are in Hebrew therefore foreign students need to register only to the english part of the course (course# 81880) Coordinator: Dr. Adar.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
81880   |   Molecular Biology ביולוגיה מולקולרית- מצומצם
Test time 2.00 h 2 h 4 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Sheera Adar
Prof. Nayef Jarrous
Prof. Itamar Simon
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Tuesday 10:15-12:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Sheera Adar
Prof. Nayef Jarrous
Prof. Itamar Simon
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Thursday 10:15-12:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Sheera Adar
Prof. Nayef Jarrous
Prof. Itamar Simon
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Sunday 10:15-12:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Note prerequisites. Undergraduate course in molecular biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. This course is part of course 81850. The two cannot be taken together. This course is open only to students that 81850 is not mandatory for them. Please see in course website the exact dates of course.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
81891   |   Molec. & Cell Biol. of Growth Factors & Cytokines פקטורי גידול וציטוקינים - ביולוגיה מולקולרית ותאית
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Beni Reubi
Prof. Amnon Peled
Prof. Jacob Rachmilewitz
Dr. Jonathan Axelrod
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 10:15-12:00 hall E (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English. Recommended: background in Molecular Biology and Immunology.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94111   |   Model Systems in Bio-Medical Research מערכות מודל במחקר ביו-רפואי
Test time 1.00 h 0.9 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Adi Inbal
Prof. Abraham Fainsod
Prof. Avihu Klar
Dr. Rokni Dan
Prof. Yifat Prut
Dr. Myriam Grunewald
Dr. Ithai Rabinowitch
Dr. Anat Arzi
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Monday 10:15-12:00 hall F (Ein Kerem)
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94112   |   An Overview of the Research in the Genetics and Genome Track הכרות עם מחקרי דגש גנטיקה וגנומיקה
0.5 h 1 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Sheera Adar
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 15:15-16:00 Seminar soren (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94113   |   An Overview of the Research in the Brain Research Track הכרות עם מחקרי דגש חקר המח
0.5 h 1 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yonatan Kupchik
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 15:15-16:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94114   |   An Overview of the Research in the Cancer and Metabolic Diseases Track הכרות עם מחקרי דגש סרטן ומחלות מטבוליות
0.5 h 1 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yoav Saul
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 15:15-16:00 Pharmacy A (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94300   |   Implementing Molecular Findings to Oncological Patients' Care יישום ממצאים מולקולריים בטיפול בחולי סרטן
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Aviad Zick
Dr. Joshua Moss
Stanislav Baglai
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 13:15-15:00 Hall bergman (Ein Kerem)
Final grade based on: quizzes, paper, oral presentation and participation.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94309   |   Practical Statistics and Data Analysis for Bio Medical Research סטטיסטיקה שימושית וניתוח נתונים במחקר הביו-רפואי
Test time 3.00 h 1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yael Bitterman
Dr. Shay Ben Haim
Ms. Hadasa Kaufman
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Tuesday 15:15-17:00 hall E (Ein Kerem)
If possible , it is recommended to come to the class with a laptop. The quiz is considered as a protective score for the exam
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94318   |   Advanced Neuroscience סוגיות מתקדמות במדעי המח
Test time 2.00 h 1.3 h 4 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. tamir ben hur
Dr. Abed Mansour
Dr. Zeev Melamed
Dr. Rokni Dan
Dr. Ariel Gilad
Prof. Yonatan Kupchik
Dr. Amit Lotan
Prof. Joshua Goldberg
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 08:15-10:00 Hall bergman (Ein Kerem)
Prof. tamir ben hur
Dr. Abed Mansour
Dr. Zeev Melamed
Dr. Rokni Dan
Dr. Ariel Gilad
Prof. Yonatan Kupchik
Dr. Amit Lotan
Prof. Joshua Goldberg
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 10:15-12:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Evaluation based on 60% exam + 40% quizzes
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94505   |   Critical evaluation of scientific works קריאה ביקורתית של עבודות מדעיות: סמינר מוסמך לתלמידי המגמה
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Anat Florentin
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Sunday 13:15-15:00 Hall bergman (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English. Mandatory for Microbiology track
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94509   |   Critical Evaluation of Scientific Works קריאה ביקורתית של עבודות מדעיות: סמינר מוסמך לתלמידי המגמה
0.7 h 2 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Shai Sabbah
Prof. Alexander Binshtok
Dr. Abed Mansour
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Thursday 31/10/24 13:15-15:00 Hall bergman (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Shai Sabbah
Prof. Alexander Binshtok
Dr. Abed Mansour
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Thursday 21/11/24-23/01/25 10 מפגשים2 שעות למפגש 13:15-15:00 Seminar Achlama/Amethyst (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Shai Sabbah
Prof. Alexander Binshtok
Dr. Abed Mansour
Lecture (a) Yearly Thursday 13:15-15:00 Seminar Odem/Ruby (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance. Open only for 1st year Neurobiology track students
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94515   |   Critical Approaches to Modern Biomedicine: Culture, History and Ethics of Biomedical Sciences ביקורת הביו-רפואה: תרבות, היסטוריה ואתיקה של המדעים הביו-רפואיים
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Otniel Dror
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 10:15-12:00 Auditorium robin (Ein Kerem)
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94614   |   An Overview of the Research in Micro-organisms and Immune System Track הכרות עם מחקרי דגש מיקרואורגניזמים ומערכת החיסון
0.5 h 1 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Orna Amster-Choder
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 15:15-16:00 Seminar Bareket/Emerald (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94657   |   Inspiring Scientists and Breakthroughs in Biomedicine- Abisch Frenkel Prog. בעקבות מדענים ומחקרים פורצי דרך בביו-רפואה- לתלמידי תכנית אביש פרנקל
1 h 2 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Ittai Ben-Porath
Prof. Yuval Dor
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Monday 15:15-17:00 ח' אורון (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Ittai Ben-Porath
Prof. Yuval Dor
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 16:15-18:00 Seminar Zahav/Gold (Ein Kerem)
Open only to Abisch Frenkel prog. students
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94687   |   Microbiology in the Era of High-Throughput Techniques המיקרוביולוגיה בעידן של שיטות בתפוקה גבוהה
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Sahar Melamed
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 13:15-15:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Limited places.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94810   |   Ethical Use Of Laboratory Animals In Biomed. Sci שימוש אתי בחיות מעבדה במדעים הביו-רפואיים
Test time 2.00 h 0.5 h 1 credit/s 1st and/or 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Rony Kalman
Lecture (a) 1st Semester    (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Rony Kalman
Lecture (b) 2nd Semester    (Ein Kerem)
The course is a mandatory course for students who conduct experiments on laboratory animals for research purposes. The course is not open to the general public for registration. Registration for the course is only open to students who will work with animals in research in the coming months and is a condition for receiving a permanent permit. The number of places is limited, so registration does not mean acceptance to the course. In order to complete the registration process, you must send a temporary permit application form via this link: You will be sent a return email with confirmation of acceptance (if you have been accepted to the course) + an explanatory letter and instructions for the full registration process. The course includes: Theoretical part: lectures and an exam, and a practical laboratory: depending on the species of animal that the student will be required to work with (a detailed explanation will appear in the course acceptance email). The course grade is pass/fail (minimum passing score 70). For Bio Medical Sciences Master students - the course is not  awarded credit towards the degree.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94856   |   Time Management- Medicine and Research- MDPHD students ניהול זמן בין רפואה למחקר- לתלמידי MD-PHD
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Eithan Galun
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 08:15-10:00 Seminar 102 (Ein Kerem)
For MDPHD students only
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94861   |   The Biology of Cancer ביולוגיה של הסרטן
2 h 4 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Eli Pikarsky
Prof. Ittai Ben-Porath
Prof. Yinon Ben-Neriah
Dr. Yotam Drier
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 13:15-15:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Eli Pikarsky
Prof. Ittai Ben-Porath
Prof. Yinon Ben-Neriah
Dr. Yotam Drier
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 13:15-15:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Available to graduate and postgraduate students. Students will be graded based on oral seminar and written work. Attendance is mandatory. Basic course in biology of cancer is recommended
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94874   |   Introduction to Technologies and Tools in Biomedical Research הכרות עם טכנולוגיות וכלים במחקר הביו-רפואי
Test time 2.00 h 2 h 4 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Shaya Lev
Dr. Ori Shalev
Prof. Yael Stern-Bach
Prof. Michael Berger
Prof. Ayal Ben-Zvi
Dr. Lior Nissim
Dr. Shai Sabbah
Dr. Hanan Schoffman
Mr. Yoel Yeretz Perez
Mr. Or Reuven
Mr. Meir Azagoury
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 08:15-10:00 Auditorium robin (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Shaya Lev
Dr. Ori Shalev
Prof. Yael Stern-Bach
Prof. Michael Berger
Prof. Ayal Ben-Zvi
Dr. Lior Nissim
Dr. Shai Sabbah
Dr. Hanan Schoffman
Mr. Yoel Yeretz Perez
Mr. Or Reuven
Mr. Meir Azagoury
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 08:15-10:00 Auditorium robin (Ein Kerem)
Course will be given in English. The final grade of the course will from an exam and the exercises The course is open to doctoral students or students from other departments with the approval of the coordinator and based on availability.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
98105   |   Mechanisims of pain perception and perpetuation for development of novel treatments למה היה כאבי נצח ומכתי אנושה-מנגנונים של קליטה והנצחת כאב כמודל לפיתוח דרכי טיפול חדשניים
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Alexander Binshtok
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 16:15-18:00 hall C (Ein Kerem)
Available to third-year graduate students of the brain research concentration. Students of other concentrations must obtain approval to enroll from the course coordinator:
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94873   |   Analysis of neuronal data (using MATLAB) the basics מבוא לניתוח מידע עצבי (בעזרת MATLAB)
Test time 2.00 h 3 h 6 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Syllabus Exam Date        
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Rokni Dan
Prof. Yoram Ben-Shaul
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 15:15-17:00 Pharmacy A (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Rokni Dan
Prof. Yoram Ben-Shaul
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 10:15-12:00 Hall bergman (Ein Kerem)
Mr. Sharon Yakim
Exercise (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 10:15-12:00 computer room 306 (Ein Kerem)
Course will be given in English. Python or other comp. programming course.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94878   |   Biomedical Perspectives on Pancreas Biology ביולוגיה של הלבלב: נקודת מבט ביורפואית
1.5 h 3 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yuval Dor
Dr. Dana Tzfati
Lect&Ex (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 15:15-18:00 hall D (Ein Kerem)
Limited places,Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
81839   |   Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Departmental Seminar סמינר המחלקה למיקרוביולוגיה וגנטיקה מולקולרית
0.5 h 1 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Gideon Mamou
Dr. Yiska Weisblum
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Monday 09:15-10:00 Auditorium Levy (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Gideon Mamou
Dr. Yiska Weisblum
Seminar (a) 2nd Semester Monday 09:15-10:00 Auditorium Levy (Ein Kerem)
Seminar starts at 9. The seminar as a course is only for Msc students. Each student will submit a 1 page summary for each of the 3 lectures assigned to him/her by the course coordinator. The summary will include: Research subject and questions, main results, main conclusions and future directions according to the type of the seminar. Only after fulfilling the full requirements (mandatory attendance of 13 lectures and approval of 3 submitted summaries) the student will be given a “pass” grade in the course. Each student is allowed to participate in 4 seminars from a different dept, including the young seminar. The 3 written summaries may only be from the students main seminar and not from a different dept seminar.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94310   |   Medical Neurobiology Departmental Seminar סמינר המחלקה לנוירוביולוגיה רפואית
0.5 h 1 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yael Bitterman
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Thursday 02/01/25 12:15-13:00 hall E (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Yael Bitterman
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 12/02/25 12:15-13:00 hall E (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Yael Bitterman
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 12:15-13:00  (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Yael Bitterman
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 25/12/24 12:15-13:00 hall E (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Yael Bitterman
Seminar (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 12:15-13:00  (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Limited places. The seminar will start at 12:05 . 4th floor seminar room- Neurobiology Dept. The seminar as a course is only for Msc students. Each student will submit a 1 page summary from 3 lectures . The summary will include: Research subject and questions, main results, main conclusions and future directions according to the type of the seminar. Only after fulfilling the full requirements (mandatory attendance of 13 lectures and approval of 3 submitted summaries) the student will be given a “pass” grade in the course. Each student is allowed to participate in 4 seminars from a different dept, including the young seminar. The 3 written summaries may only be from the students main seminar and not from a different dept seminar.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94311   |   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Departmental Seminar סמינר המחלקה לביוכימיה וביולוגיה מולקולרית
0.5 h 1 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tomer Shpilka
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Thursday פעם בשבועיים החל מ 31/10/24 12:15-13:00 Auditorium Levy (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Tomer Shpilka
Seminar (a) 2nd Semester Thursday פעם בשבועיים החל מ 20/03/25 12:15-13:00 Auditorium Levy (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Limited places,The lesson will be offered every other week. The seminar as a course is only for Msc students. Each student will submit a 1 page summary for each of the 3 lectures assigned to him/her by the course coordinator. The summary will include: Research subject and questions, main results, main conclusions and future directions according to the type of the seminar. Only after fulfilling the full requirements (mandatory attendance of 13 lectures and approval of 3 submitted summaries) the student will be given a “pass” grade in the course. Each student is allowed to participate in 4 seminars from a different dept, including the young seminar . The 3 written summaries may only be from the students main seminar and not from a different dept seminar..
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94312   |   Immunology and Cancer Research Departmental Seminar סמינר המחלקה לאימונולוגיה וחקר הסרטן
0.5 h 1 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Inbal Benhar
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Tuesday 12:15-13:00 hall G (Ein Kerem)
Dr. Inbal Benhar
Seminar (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 12:15-13:00 hall G (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Limited places. The seminar as a course is only for Msc students. Each student will submit a 1 page summary for each of the 3 lectures . The summary will include: Research subject and questions, main results, main conclusions and future directions according to the type of the seminar. Only after fulfilling the full requirements (mandatory attendance of 13 lectures and approval of 3 submitted summaries) the student will be given a “pass” grade in the course. Each student is allowed to participate in 4 seminars from a different dept, including the young seminar. The 3 written summaries may only be from the students main seminar and not from a different dept seminar.
Faculty of Medicine | Bio-Medical Sciences
94313   |   Developmental Biology and Cancer Research Departmental Seminar סמינר המחלקה לביולוגיה התפתחותית וחקר הסרטן
0.5 h 1 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Offer Gerlitz
Dr. Erez Dror
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Sunday 12:15-13:00 hall D (Ein Kerem)
Prof. Offer Gerlitz
Dr. Erez Dror
Seminar (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 12:15-13:00 hall D (Ein Kerem)
Mandatory attendance,Limited places,Course evaluation - pass grade. The seminar as a course is only for Msc students. Each student will submit a 1 page summary for each of the 3 lectures assigned to him/her by the course coordinator. The summary will include: Research subject and questions, main results, main conclusions and future directions according to the type of the seminar. Only after fulfilling the full requirements (mandatory attendance of 13 lectures and approval of 3 submitted summaries) the student will be given a “pass” grade in the course. Each student is allowed to participate in 4 seminars from a different dept, including the young seminar. The 3 written summaries may only be from the students main seminar and not from a different dept seminar.

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