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List of courses taught in English

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Found 5 results
Faculty of Law | Philosophy
15044   |   Philosophy of Perception פילוסופיה של התפיסה
Test time 1.50 h 1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Preston Werner
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Tuesday 14:30-16:15 47220רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Law | Philosophy
15302   |   Introduction to Epistemology מבוא לתורת ההכרה
2 h 4 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Preston Werner
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 13:00-14:45 41204רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Dr. Preston Werner
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 10:30-12:15 41204רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Law | Philosophy
15314   |   Introduction to Philosophy of Religion מבוא לפילוסופיה של הדת
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Aaron Segal
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 10:30-12:15 47218רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Law | Philosophy
15984   |   The Metaphysics of Normativity המטאפיזיקה של הנורמטיביות
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Preston Werner
Seminar (a) 1st Semester Monday 13:00-14:45 43232רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Law | Philosophy
15059   |   Metaethics מטא-אתיקה
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Preston Werner
Lect&Sem (a) 2nd Semester Monday 15:00-16:45 42207רוח (Mt. Scopus)