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Found 10 results
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40127 | Urban & regional growth: from theory to practice
צמיחה עירונית ואזורית: מתאוריה למעשה
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Daniel Felsenstein Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty23301 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course is taught in English. Prerequisite: course no. 40104 Geography of Economic Activity.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40323 | Geography of light pollution
גאוגרפיה של זיהום אור
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Noam Levin Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty23209 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English,General Education Requirements Course "Avnei Pina"- Social Sciences. Includes an evening field trip instead of one or two classes. Not available to students who completed course no. 40420 Research Skills in Physical-Environmental Geography.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40703 | Seminar in Urban Spatial Science
סמינר במדע המרחב העירוני
0.5 h
1 credit/s
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Amit Birenboim
Dr. avri eitan Lecture
1st Semester
פעם בארבע שבועות
Soc_faculty 26309 (Mt. Scopus) Dr. Amit Birenboim
Dr. avri eitan Lecture
2nd Semester
פעם בארבע שבועות
Soc_faculty 26309 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40765 | Applied Project
פרויקט ישומי
1 h
2 credit/s
1st and/or 2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Amit Birenboim
Dr. Tamar Shroitman Oppenheim Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty233205 (Mt. Scopus) Dr. Amit Birenboim
Dr. Tamar Shroitman Oppenheim Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty23206 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40994 | Data Project: Data for Managing the Smart City
פרויקט: טכנולוגיות לניהול ערים חכמות
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Amit Birenboim Lecture
2nd Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: The course is given in English.
Prerequisite: Course 01502 GIS and Urban Informatics,
Or Geoinformatics Course B. 40942
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40996 | Introduction to Smart Cities and Urban Innovation
מבוא לערים חכמות וחדשנות עירונית
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tamar Shroitman Oppenheim Lecture
1st Semester
Soc_faculty 26309 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: The course is given in English. Students who took the course under its previous name: "Smart Cities - Emerging Realities" are not allowed to take this course.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40997 | Smart cities, urban challenges and innovative solutions: an integrative project
ערים חכמות, אתגרים עירוניים ופתרונות חדשניים: פרויקט אינטגרטיבי
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tamar Shroitman Oppenheim Lecture
2nd Semester
Soc_faculty 26309 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: The course will be given in English. Students who took the course under its previous name: "The Technological Infrastructure of the City" are not allowed to take this course.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40942 | Geoinformatics B
גיאואינפורמטיקה ב'
1 h
2 credit/s
1st and/or 2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Noam Levin Lecture
1st Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus) Dr. Asher Yair Grinberger Lecture
2nd Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus) Mr. eyal fidel Exercise
1st Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus) Mr. eyal fidel Exercise
2nd Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus) Mr. eyal fidel Exercise
2nd Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus) Ms. rachel shane Exercise
1st Semester
Class 3-Humanities Farm (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: The course is given 2 times, you have to register for one class only.
Class A is intended for M.A students only.
Class B is intended for B.A first year students. In each of the exercise groups, the second practice time is permitted.
Prerequisite: command of Windows software.
The course was previously given under the name "Introduction to GIS"
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40968 | A Workshop in Urban Environmental Data Collection and Analysis
סדנה באיסוף וניתוח מידע סביבתי בערים
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Sven Eggimann Lect&Sem
1st Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English,Prerequisites. : Python programming 01508, 40358 or equivalent course + Course 40942 - Geoinformatics B or an equivalent course.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Geography
40995 | Quality Of Life In The Smart City
איכות חיים בעיר החכמה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Amit Birenboim Lect&Sem
2nd Semester
GIS 26316 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.