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Found 8 results
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88805   |   Biology of non-coding RNAs הביולוגיה של רנ"א לא- מקודד
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Ruth Sperling
Prof. Yehuda Tzfati
Dr. Daphna Nachmani
Prof. Yehu Moran
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Monday 14:00-15:45 Silverman 508 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Limited to 25 students. Available to third-year undergraduate students with instructor approval. If a non-Hebrew speaking student is enrolled, the course will be taught in English. lecture 1 To chug 572 ,573 ,575 ,576 ,577 ,579 .
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88819   |   Stem Cells and Cloning תאי גזע ושיבוט
1.5 h 3 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Nissim Benvenisty
Mr. Guy Haim
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Monday 23/02/25-28/02/25 5 מפגשים 08:00-15:45 Silverman Rashel (Campus E.J.Safra)
Prof. Nissim Benvenisty
Mr. Guy Haim
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 23/02/25-28/02/25 5 מפגשים 08:00-15:45 Silverman Rashel (Campus E.J.Safra)
Prof. Nissim Benvenisty
Mr. Guy Haim
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Tuesday 23/02/25-28/02/25 5 מפגשים 08:00-15:45 Silverman Rashel (Campus E.J.Safra)
Prof. Nissim Benvenisty
Mr. Guy Haim
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 23/02/25-28/02/25 5 מפגשים 08:00-15:45 Silverman Rashel (Campus E.J.Safra)
Prof. Nissim Benvenisty
Mr. Guy Haim
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Friday 23/02/25-28/02/25 5 מפגשים 08:00-11:45 Silverman Rashel (Campus E.J.Safra)
Prof. Nissim Benvenisty
Mr. Guy Haim
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Wednesday 23/02/25-28/02/25 5 מפגשים 08:00-15:45 Silverman Rashel (Campus E.J.Safra)
Intensive course offered on23-28/05/2025, 8:00am-4:00pm. A summing up session will be held on a Friday about a month before the end of the course, in coordination with the students. Limited to 12 graduate and postgraduate students; admission with instructor approval. If a non-Hebrew speaking student is enrolled, the course will be taught in English.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88856   |   At the interface of computational and experimental RNA biology מפגשים בממשק בין ביולוגיה ניסויית לחישובית
2 h 4 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Michal Rabani
Dr. Daphna Nachmani
Lecture (a) Yearly Sunday 10:00-11:45 Shprinzak 213 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88858   |   Selected Topics in Genetics נושאים נבחרים בגנטיקה
1 h 2 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yonatan Tzur
Dr. Miri Adler
Lecture (a) Yearly Wednesday 12:00-12:45 MOADON SEGEL (Campus E.J.Safra)
The course may be in English. Attendance is mandatory. Available to graduate and postgraduate students.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88899   |   GRADUATE SEMINAR IN GENETICS B סמנריון מוסמך בגנטיקה שנה ב'
0.5 h 1 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Itamar Harel
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 12:00-12:45 Silverman 504 (Campus E.J.Safra)
The course may be in English.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88854   |   Stem Cells and Organoids in Advanced Research תאי גזע ואורגנואידים במחקר מתקדם
1 h 4 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Eran Meshorer
Prof. Yaakov Nahmias
Lecture (a) 1st Semester Tuesday 16:00-17:45 Silverman 504 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Ms. Yuval Daskal
Exercise (a) 1st Semester Wednesday 16:00-17:45 Silverman 504 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Mandatory attendance,Limited places,Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88895   |   Practical statistics using R סטטיסטיקה מעשית באמצעות R
2 h 4 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Sagiv Shifman
Lecture (a) 2nd Semester Sunday 12:00-13:45 Computer farm Room 1 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Mr. Elad Dvir
Exercise (a) 2nd Semester Monday 09:00-10:45 Computer farm Room 1 (Campus E.J.Safra)
Also available to third-year undergraduate students. Limited to 25 participants.Prerequisites: introductory course in probability and statistics. Basic knowledge in programming is recommended.
Faculty of Natural Sciences | Genetics
88890   |   GRADUATE SEMINAR IN GENETICS- A סמינריון בגנטיקה לתלמידי מוסמך- שנה א'
1.5 h 3 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Itamar Harel
Seminar (a) 2nd Semester Thursday 12:00-14:45 Silverman 504 (Campus E.J.Safra)
If a non-Hebrew speaking student is enrolled, the course will be taught in English.