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Found 17 results
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
42915 | Sumerian and Akkadian Incantations
תפילות ולחשים באכדית
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Harry Abush Lecture
2nd Semester
ספרית א (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43112 | Introduction to Archaeology of Islamic Countries
מבוא לארכאולוגיה של ארצות האסלאם
Test time 2.50 h
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Katia Cytryn Lecture
2nd Semester
ארכ' 300 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43578 | Introduction to Bioantropology and Burial Archaeology
מבוא לביואנתרופולוגיה וארכאולוגיה של קבורה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Mr. Camille Debecdelievre Lecture
2nd Semester
ארכ' 301 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43702 | Sancrity turned to stone: The sacred architecture of the Byzantine Period in the Holy Land
קדושה מגולמת באבן: האדריכלות המקודשת של התקופה הביזנטית בא"י
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Ms. Katharin Palmberger Lecture
2nd Semester
ארכ' 301 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43705 | A Tale of One Tell: Lachish
תל לכיש: סיפורו של אתר
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Yosef Garfinkel Lecture
2nd Semester
ארכ' 301 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43763 | Geographic information system (GIS) for archaeological research
יישומי ממ"ג מתקדמים למחקר הארכאולוגי
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Ido Wachtel Lecture
1st Semester
Class 3-Humanities Farm (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Mandatory attendance,Course will be given in English. Prerequisite: Geoinformatics course B. 40942, given as part of the Department of Geography.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43851 | Archaeological Theory
תאוריה ארכאולוגית
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Buller Ariel Lecture
1st Semester
ארכ' 300 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English. Course will be given in English. An MA course also open to third-year BA students with the approval of the lecturer
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43950 | The incense roads
דרכי הבשמים
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Uri Davidovich Lecture
2nd Semester
ארכ' 300 (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
כתיבה מדעית בארכאולוגיה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Yossi Zaidner Exercise
2nd Semester
ארכ' 301 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
42501 | Sumerian For Beginners
שומרית למתחילים
Test time 3.00 h
2 h
4 credit/s
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Uri Gabbay Lect&Ex
44204רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43617 | Computerized Archaeology In 3-D
המימד הנוסף - ארכאולוגיה ממוחשבת ותלת-מימדית
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Leore Grosman Lect&Ex
2nd Semester
ארכ' 300 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
22727 | Ancient Egyptian Script - Hieroglyphics
מערכת הכתב המצרית - הירוגליפים
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Arlette David Seminar
2nd Semester
43204רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
22735 | Essence and Functions of Ancient Images (Egypt)
המהות והפונקציות של תמונות עתיקות ממצרים
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Arlette David Seminar
2nd Semester
45207רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
22816 | Akhenaten's Legacy: Reading Egyptian Texts from Amarna
מורשת אחנאתון: קריאת טקסטים מצריים מעמארנה
1 h
2 credit/s
2nd Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Arlette David Seminar
2nd Semester
42201רוח (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
42822 | The Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet 1 (The beginning)
עלילות גלגמש - לוח א': ההתחלה
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Nathan Wasserman Seminar
1st Semester
ספרית א (Mt. Scopus)
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43999 | Biblical Archaeology Seminar: Hoards and Hoarding
סמינר המדור המקראי: מטמונים והטמנה
1 h
2 credit/s
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof. Naama Yahalom-Mack Seminar
ארכ' 300 (Mt. Scopus)
Comments: Course will be given in English.
Faculty of Humanities | Archaeology & Ancient Near East
43777 | Practical training for the MA studies
השתלמות מעשית למוסמך
1 h
2 credit/s
1st Semester
Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson Type Group Semester Week Day Special Dates Hour Room/Campus
Field Work
1st Semester
Comments: Course will be given in English.