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Syllabus Economics and economics evaluations of health policy - 98407
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Last update 09-09-2021
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: Public Health

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Ein Karem

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr Shuli Brammli-Greenberg

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: By appointment

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Shuli Brammli-Greenberg

Course/Module description:
A major challenge for healthcare systems is to maximize the public health benefit while making intelligent use of the limited resources available. Due to the limited budget, decision-makers and leaders of the health system have no choice but to integrate economic tools into health policy. A key economic tool in making decisions in the health care system and in particular those required to allocate resources for new technologies is economic assessments.
The course will gain acquaintance with economic aspects in decision-making in health systems in the world in general and in Israel in particular, including methods for economic assessments.

Course/Module aims:
The course is designed to provide students with the economic tools to analyze and implement health policy and decision making in the health care system.
The course is a methodological course that also provides knowledge about health policy in Israel and economic assessments.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1. Familiarize, understand and analyze the health system in Israel and the health policy in Israel of recent years with economic tools.
2 Explain the guiding principles of evaluating health technologies (price versus cost, cost, effectiveness and methods for measuring them)
3. Familiarize with the different methods of economic assessment (cost effectiveness / utility/ benefit)
4. Understand what efficiency is in the health system, what are policy tools for reducing inefficiency, and the ratio of turnover between equality / equity and efficiency
4. Apply the tools learned in the course in analysis of health policy decisions of recent years (in Israel and around the world).

Attendance requirements(%):
For MPH students that specialize in health policy and economics attendance required

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Teaching in the course will be combined with lectures and group practice.

Course/Module Content:
-Financial tools in the health system in Israel; Financing, pricing and accounting
-Economic assessments
- Determining policies and reforms

Required Reading:
1. דוח וועדת נתניהו - דעת הרוב 1990
2. דוח וועדת גרמן - דעת הרוב ודעת המיעוט 2014
3. גבי בן נון, יצחק ברלוביץ, מרדכי שני: מערכת הבריאות בישראל; הוצאה שניה, עם עובד 2020
4. איה בר עוז, גבי בן נון שפרה שוורץ 2019. מערכת הבריאות על שולחן הניתוחים - 25 שנים לחוק ביטוח בריאות ממלכתי
5. עמיר שמואלי, קורס בסיסי בהערכות כלכליות ברפואה, הוצאת מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, ירושלים 2019.
6. Brammli-Greenberg,S., Waitzberg, R., Perman,V.,Gamzu, R. 2016. "Why and how did Israel adopt activity-based hospital payment? The Procedure-Related Group incremental reform". Health Policy
7. Brammli-Greenberg, S., Waitzberg, R., Perman, V., Gamzu, R. 2016. Israeli Case Study of Innovative Payment Systems. In: Srivastava, Mueller and Hewlett (eds.) OECD project on innovative payment schemes
8. Brammli-Greenberg, S., Waitzberg, R., Medina-Artom, M., Adijes-Toren, A. 2014. Low-Budget Policy Tool to Empower Israeli Insureds to Demand their Rights in the Healthcare System. Health policy 118
9. Cutler, D. M. (2005). Your money or your life: Strong medicine for America's health care system. Oxford University Press.
10. Newhouse, J.P., 1996."Reimbursing health plans and health providers: efficiency in production versus selection". Journal of Economic Literature 34(3):1236-1263
11. Zwanziger. J., Brammli-Greenberg, S., 2011. Strong Government Influence Over The Israeli Health Care System Has Led To Low Rates Of Spending Growth. Health Affairs 30(9):

Additional Reading Material:
1. Shmueli, A., Stam, P., Wasem, J., & Trottmann, M. (2015). "Managed care in four managed competition OECD health systems". Health Policy.
2. a supplement to imperfect capitation: a tradeoff between selection and efficiency", in Journal of Health Economics 20: 147–16
3. Van de Ven & Ellis, 2000. “Risk Adjustment in Competitive Health Plan Markets”. Chapter 14 in: Handbook of Health Economics
4. Meltzer, M. I. 2001. Introduction to health economics for physicians. The Lancet, 358(9286), 993-998.
5. אחדות, ל., שמואלי, א. 2015 "הקצאת מקורות למימון סל הבריאות: בחינה מחדש של נוסחת הקפיטציה – הוספתם של משתנים חברתיים-כלכליים כמתאמי סיכון" מחקר מדיניות מספר 19 מכון ון-ליר ירושלים.
6. גלזר,ק. ברמלי-גרינברג, ש. 2007 "באיזו מידה מדידת איכות ברפואה תורמת לשיפור בריאותנו?" סדרת 11מחלוקות בכלכלה מכון ואן-ליר
7. ורדי, א.ד., קיים, ר., קיטאי, א. 2008. רפואה בקהילה: כיצד נתמרץ את הרופאים?. הרפואה, דצמבר 2008, כרך 147. חוברת כנס ים המלח התשיעי (2008) "משאבי אנוש במקצועות הבריאות" המכון הלאומי לחקר שירותי בריאות ומדיניות בריאות
8. לוי,ש.(2010).היעדרם של כלים לתכנון כוח-האדם הרפואי בישראל,הכנסת, מרכז המחקר והמידע קריית בן-גוריון, ירושלים .
9. "תוכנית עדיפות לאומית לפריפריה - הערות והצעות" פרופ' מנואל טרכטנברג 2008.
10. "על הקשר בין אי-שיוויון לכלכלה" פרופ' יוסי זעירא, 2006

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 10 %
Project work 0 %
Assignments 90 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.