HU Credits:
2nd degree (Master)
Responsible Department:
1st Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Dr Barak Ariel + Adi Ben Nun
Coordinator Office Hours:
Tue. 9AM-10AM
Teaching Staff:
Dr. Barak Ariel Mr. Adi Ben-Nun
Course/Module description:
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have recently become a basic tool for managing and analyzing spatial data, used by most police or other agencies engaged in the measurement and control of crime and deviant behavior. How should we measure crime spatially? What are the environmental opportunities in space and time and how can society control these behaviors? What is a hotspot and how does it differ from macro-level analysis of crime? Where should we position officers in hotspots? Which tools allow for the monitoring of police forces? In very recent years there is also a heightened awareness of the benefits of combining layers of information in the context of analyzing spatial data, including: networks, location and activities of cell phones, socio-and economic data, and information found on social networks and peer-to-peer information. Under the headings of "Crime and place", "Big Data", and advanced research methods, the seminar will address the practical application of various techniques in the field.
The seminar takes place in a computer lab, when the structure is usually follows a lecture and practical application, using Gephi, ArcGIS, SPSS and online software. Students will be exposed to official data of crime, deviance, policing, and will practice to working with large.
Course/Module aims:
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Extensive use of spatial crime analysis software, networks and layers of big data
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Course/Module Content:
1. Administration + Introduction to crime and Place + Possible topics for seminar papers
2. Units of analysis in "Big Data" world: Police files, socio-demographic data.
3. Crime and location - GPS-based crime location analysis (ArcGIS)
4. Crime and location - GPS-based police location analysis (ArcGIS)
5. Analysis of criminal networks, recruit and terrorist cells - Introduction
6. Analysis of criminal networks, recruit and terrorist cells - Gephi
7. RCTs - policing, crime and place 1
8. RCTs - policing, crime and place 2
9. Practical applications 1
10. Practical applications 2
11. Seminar Presentations
12. Seminar Presentations
Required Reading:
Additional Reading Material:
Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 60 %
Assignments 20 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 20 %
5% תמצית העבודה בכתב;15% הצגת העבודה
Additional information: