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Syllabus Intelligence and Decision- Making in crises situation - 58739
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Last update 07-09-2020
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: International Relations

Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr. amnon sofrun

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours:

Teaching Staff:
Dr. amnon sofrun

Course/Module description:
This course will introduce the students the skills for understanding the decision- making process in at the strategic level in different democratic states, in a position that is perceived by the decision- makers as crisis. In this course we will analyze what kind of situation is perceived by the decision- makers as crisis, what is the role of intelligence while dealing with the crisis, what alternatives are explored, who actually designs the course of action and what shapes the chosen course of action.

Course/Module aims:

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- To understand when a situation is perceived as crisis by the decision- makers and what influence does it have on the decision- making process.
- To understand the intelligence process and the interaction between the intelligence community and the decision makers.
- To understand the interaction between the political strategic level and the defense- security seniors.
- To understand the dynamics of the group's discussions and how these dynamics shape the chosen course of action.
- To understand the constraints imposed on the decision makers when they have to choose the preferred course of action.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Class discussion based on analyzing case studies, the students will be required to prepare and to present shortly the background to each case study.

Course/Module Content:
1. The course's structure, what is a crisis, a sudden crisis and an ongoing crisis, how does a crisis effect the decision-making process.
2.The different models of decision- making, the Two-group decision- making model, the dynamics of the group's discussions.
3. The intelligence process: intelligence "riddle" and intelligence "mystery", the interaction between the intelligence and the decision- makers, the role of intelligence in the decision- making process.
4. Decision- making in Israel- the First Gulf war.
5. Decision- making in Israel- the Second Lebanon war.
6. Decision- making in Israel when fighting terrorism.
7. Decision- making in Israel on a sudden crisis.
8. Decision- making in the United – States- the Vietnam war.
9.Decision -making in the United States- the First Gulf war.
10.Decision- making in the United States- the dilemma regarding Iran's nuclear program.
11.Decision- making in the United Kingdom- the Falkland war.
12.Decision- making in the United Kingdom- the Second Gulf war.
13. Course's main conclusions.

Required Reading:
1. Ben Porat, G., and Mizrahi, S. (2005). Political Culture, Alternative Politics and Foreign
Policy: The Case of Israel. Policy Sciences, 38(2-3), pp. 177-194.
2. Boin, A., and Hart, P.T. (2007). The Crisis Approach. In: Handbook of Disaster Research, pp.
42-54. Springer, New York, NY. U.S.
3. Hermann, C.F. (1972). Time, Threat and Surprise: A Simulation of International Crisis'.
International Crises: Insights from Behavioral Research. Free Press, New York, NY.U.S.
4. Rosenthal, U., Boin, A., Comfort, L.k. (1989). The Changing World of Crises and Crisis
Management. In: Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities. Rosenthal, Boin,
Comfort (eds.). Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Illinois, U.S., pp. 5-27.
5. Waldes, J. (1996). Constructing National Interests. European Journal of International
Relations, 2(75). pp. 275-299
מודלים לקבלת החלטות
6. Maoz, Zeev.1990. "National Choices and International Processes". Cambridge University
Press. Pp. 151-157; 190-214
7. Monroe, K. R. 1991." The Theory of Rational Action: What is it? How useful is it for
political science?"| In W. J. Crotty (Ed.), Political science: Looking to the future. Evanston
IL: Northwestern University Press
8. Hermann, Margaret G. and Hermann, Charles F. 1989. "Who Makes Foreign Decisions and
How: An Empirical Inquiry". International Studies Quarterly ,vol.33.pp.361-387

מודל קבלת ההחלטות הדו-קבוצתי , הדינמיקות בהן מתקיימים דיונים
9. Mintz, Alex and Sofrin, Amnon. 2017."Decision Making Theories in Foreign Policy
10. Mintz,Alex and DeRouen,Karl. 2010."Understanding Foreign Policy Decision Making".
Cambridge University Press. pp. 19-20;44-53;57;68-69
11. Mintz, Alex and Wayne, Carly.2016. "The Polythink Syndrome and Elite Group Decision
Making". Advances in Political Psychology, vol.37. pp.3-21

מלחמת המפרץ הראשונה בישראל
12.ארנס, משה.1995. "מלחמה ושלום במזרח התיכון, 1982-1988". הוצאת ידיעות אחרונות
עמ' 159-230
13.דרורי, זאב.2016."דן שומרון: מנהיגות שקטה". למשכל, הוצאה לאור. עמ' 396-410

מלחמת לבנון השנייה
14.אולמרט, אהוד.2018. "בגוף ראשון". ידיעות אחרונות, ספרי חמד.
15.חלוץ, דן. 2010."בגובה העיניים". למשכל, הוצאה לאור. עמ' 362-465
לחימה בטרור
.16 Ganor, Boaz. 2017. Israel's Policy in Extortionist Terror Attacks (Abduction and Hostages
Barricade Situations). Perspectives on Terrorism, vol.11, no.4.
17. פרס, שמעון.2017."אין מקום לחלומות קטנים". למשכל, ידיעות אחרונות . עמ' 113-141

ארצות הברית במלחמת וייטנאם
18.Herring, George C. 1993."LBJ and Vietnam: a Different Kind of War". University of Texas
Press. pp.4-22
19. Johnson, Lindon B. 1971. "The Vantage Point". Holt, Reinhart and Winston.

ארצות הברית במלחמת המפרץ הראשונה
20.Powel, Colin.1995. "My American Journey". Random House Publishing Group.pp.461-506
21. Yetiv, Steve A.2004."Explaining Foreign Policy: U.S Decision Making and the Persian Gulf
War". The John Hopkins University Press.pp.43-61;101-119;

הדילמה בארצות הברית באשר למדיניות מול איראן
22.Bush, George W.2010."Decision Points". Crown Publishers.pp.414-420
23. Rice, Condoleeza.2011."No Higher Honor: A Memoir of my Years in Washington". Crown

קבלת החלטות בבריטניה במשבר בפוקלנד
24. Hastings, M. and Jenkins, S. (1987). The Battle for the Falklands. Northon & Company Ltd., London: U.K.
25. Freedman, L. and Gamba-Stonehouse, V. (1991). Signals of War: The Falklands Conflict of 1982. Princeton University Press. U.S.
26. Thatcher, M. (1993). The Downing Street Years. Harry Collins Publishers, New York, U.S

קבלת החלטות בבריטניה במלחמת המפרץ השנייה
27. Blair, T. (2010). A Journey: My Political Life. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, U.S
28. Cook, R. (2004). The Point of Departure: Why One of Britain's Leading Politicians Resigned Over Tony Blair's Decision to Go to War in Iraq. Simon and Schuster, London: U.K.

Additional Reading Material:

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 10 %
Participation in Tutorials 10 %
Project work 80 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.