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Syllabus Statistics for Economists A - 57340
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Last update 11-09-2022
HU Credits: 4

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Economics

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Sarit agami

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Sunday at 18:15. Officae: 4208

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Sarit Agami,
Mr. yosef dinin,
Ms. ruth zussman

Course/Module description:
1. Statistical tools for describing and analyzing data, and in particular relationships between variables
2. The basics of probability
3. Sampling and estimation of parameters in the population.

Course/Module aims:
Providing basic knowledge in statistics and tools for statistical inference.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
1. To describe and analyze a data file
2. To calculate probabilities
3. To estimate parameters in the population using a sample

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Frontal teaching in the classroom and solving exercises.

Course/Module Content:
* Descriptive statistics: graphical displays, measures for location and dispersion, measure for relative location, covariance, correlation.
* Probability
- basic concepts, probability calculations, conditional probability, independence, complete probability, Bayes formula.
- One-dimensional random variable: general, binomial, Poisson, exponential, normal
- Two-dimensional random variable: joint distribution, conditional distribution, covariance, Pearson.
* Sampling: definition, Markov inequality, Chebyshev inequality, the weak law of large numbers, the central limit theorem,
* Estimation of population parameters

Required Reading:

Additional Reading Material:
* Introduction to Statistics and Probability, Shmuel Zamir and Ruth Bate Marom, Open University Press (In Hebrew).
* Introduction to Statistics without Statisticians, Ronit Eisenbach (In Hebrew).
* Probability: Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Thelma Leviathan, Alona Raviv (In Hebrew).

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 70 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 0 %
Assignments 5 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 25 %
Other 0 %

Additional information:
Each week an exercise will be given. At least 10 exercises must be submitted during the semester, the weight of the grade on the exercises will be 5% of the final grade, as a protective grade.
During the course there will be two exams. The weight of each exam will be 12.5% of the final grade, as a protective grade.
* The lessons will be recorded, and the lesson recordings will be available to all students at any time.

Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.