לוגו של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים


בחירות: התנהגות בוחרים/ות, ייצוגיות, ומערכות מפלגות בהיבט השוואתי - 56354
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תאריך עדכון אחרון 07-10-2021
נקודות זכות באוניברסיטה העברית: 2

תואר: בוגר

היחידה האקדמית שאחראית על הקורס: מדע המדינה

סמסטר: סמסטר א'

שפת ההוראה: אנגלית

קמפוס: הר הצופים

מורה אחראי על הקורס (רכז): אורית קדר

דוא"ל של המורה האחראי על הקורס: orit.kedar@mail.huji.ac.il

שעות קבלה של רכז הקורס: יום שלישי 12-13, או בתיאום מראש

מורי הקורס:
פרופ אורית קדר

תאור כללי של הקורס:
הקורס דן בנושאים קלאסיים וסוגיות עכשוויות בפוליטיקה אלקטוראלית כגון: מערכות מפלגות, ייצוגיות, ומעמד והצבעה.

מטרות הקורס:
היכרות עם נושאים מרכזיית וספרות מרכזית בתחום.

תוצרי למידה :
בסיומו של קורס זה, סטודנטים יהיו מסוגלים:

קריאה ביקורתית של מחקרים בנושאי פוליטיקה אלקטוראלית

דרישות נוכחות (%):

שיטת ההוראה בקורס: הוראה פרונטלית ודיון בכיתה

רשימת נושאים / תכנית הלימודים בקורס:
1. October 29 Introduction

2. November 5 Gender and voting

Why do women vote for the left more than men do? Why was the opposite the case forty years ago?

Giger, Natalie. 2009. “Towards a Modern Gender Gap in Europe? A Comparative Analysis of Voting Behavior in 12 Countries.” The Social Science Journal, Vol. 46: 474-492.


Inglehart, Ronald, and Pippa Norris. 2000. “The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women’s and Men’s Voting Behavior in Global Perspective.” International Political Science Review, Vol. 21(4): 441-463.

Norrander, Barbara. 1999. “The Evolution of the Gender Gap.” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 63: 566-576.

3. November 12 Class and voting

Why do the poor vote for right-leaning parties, often against their class interests? Should they vote left instead?

De La O., Ana L., and Jonathan Rodden. 2008. "Does Religion Distract the Poor? Income and Issue Voting Around the World." Comparative Political Studies 41:437-476.


Huber, John, and Piero Stanig. 2009. Individual Income and Voting for Redistribution across Democracies.

Elff, Martin. 2007. “Social Structure and Electoral Behavior in Comparative Perspective: The Decline of Social Cleavages in Western Europe Revisited.” Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 5(2): 277-294.

Frank, Thomas. 2004. What's the Matter with Kansas? Owl Books.

Shayo, Moses. 2009. A Model of Social Identity with an Application to Political Economy: Nation, Class, and Redistribution, American Political Science Review 103(2): 147-174.

Bartels, Larry M. 2006. "What's the Matter with What's the Matter with Kansas?" Quarterly Journal of Political Science. Vol. 1: 201-226.

4. November 19 Electoral systems

What are some of the key principles (and) values behind different electoral systems? What are the tradeoffs between them?

Lijphart, Arend. 1999. Patterns of Democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chapter 8 (Pp. 142-170).

5. November 26 Votes, seats, and representation

How do votes translate into seats and, in turn, policy under different institutional regimes? Do some regimes represent voters’ preferences better than others?

Powell, G. Bingham Jr., and Georg S. Vanberg. 2000. “Election Laws, Disproportionality and Median Correspondence: Implications for Two Visions of Democracy.” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 30: 383-411.


Downs, Anthony. 1957. An Economic theory of Democracy. Harper Collins Publishers. Ch. 7, 8 (pp. 96-141).

Achen, Christopher H. 1978. “Measuring Representation.” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 22 (3): 475-510.

Samuels, David and Richard Snyder. 2001. “The Value of a Vote: Malapportionment in Comparative Perspective.” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 31: 651-671.

6. December 3 Parties in contemporary democracies

What is the role of parties in contemporary democracies? Can we have a functioning democracy without them? Do parties help or hurt democratic processes?

Kirchheimer, Otto. “The Catch-All Party.” In The West European Party System. Peter Mair, Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990. Pp. 50-60.

Druckman, James N. 2001. “Using Credible Advice to Overcome Framing Effects.” Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations, Vol. 17(1): 62-82.*
*you may skip the second experiment described in the article.


Lijphart, Arend. 1999. Patterns of Democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chapter 5 (Pp. 62-89).

Niemi, Richard G., and M. Kent Jennings. 1991. “Issues and Inheritance in the Formation of Party Identification.” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 35 (4): 970-988.

7. December 10 Voters and the economy

Powell, G. Bingham, and Guy D. Whitten. "A cross-national analysis of economic voting: taking account of the political context." American Journal of Political Science 37.2 (1993): 391-414.


Whitten, Guy D., and Harvey D. Palmer. "Cross-national analyses of economic voting." Electoral Studies 18.1 (1999): 49-67.

Duch, Raymond M., and Randolph T. Stevenson. The economic vote: How political and economic institutions condition election results. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Ch. 1.

8. December 17 Strategic voting in parliamentary democracies

Do voters take into consideration the potential impact of their vote on policy? Do they weigh the chances of their preferred party to get a seat or be in cabinet?

Abramson, Paul R. et al. 2010. “Comparing Strategic Voting under FPTP and PR.” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 43(1): 61-90.


Cox, W. Gary. 1997. Making Votes Count. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 4, Ch. 5: 99-108.

Blais et al. 2001. “Measuring Strategic Voting in Multiparty Plurality Elections.” Electoral Studies Vol. 20(3): 343-352.

Bargsted, Matias A., and Orit Kedar. 2009. “Coalition-Targeted Duvergerian Voting: How Expectations Affect Voter Choice under Proportional Representation.” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 53(2): 307-323.

Kedar, Orit. 2005. “When Moderate Voters Prefer Extreme Parties: Policy Balancing in Parliamentary Elections.” American Political Science Review Vol. 99(2): 185-199.

9. December 24 Voting in presidential democracies

What do voters think about when they vote “off season”? Are midterm elections like general elections? Does it matter that only some positions are up for election?

Fiorina, Morris. 1992. Divided Government. Allyn and Bacon. Chapter 5.


Shugart, Matthew S. 1995. “The Electoral Cycle and Institutional Sources of Divided Presidential Government.” The American Political Science Review, Vol. 89(2): 327-343.

10. December 31 Electoral politics in ethnically divided societies

How can we design an electoral system that works well in an ethnically divided society? Should we try to cut across ethnic lines and thus blur divisions or channel them into politics?

Reilly, Benjamin. 2002. “Electoral Systems for Divided Societies.” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13(2): 156-170.

Lijphart, Arend. 2004. “Constitutional Design for Divided Societies.” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 15(2): 96-109.


Fraenkel, Jon, and Bernard Grofman. 2006. “Does The Alternative Vote Foster Moderation in Ethnically Divided Societies?” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39(5): 623-651.

Horowitz, Donald L. 2006. “Strategy Takes a Holiday.” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39(5): 652-662.

Fraenkel, Jon, and Bernard Grofman. 2006. “The Failure of The Alternative Vote As A Tool for Ethnic Moderation in Fiji” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39(5): 663-666.

11. January 7

Who votes (and who cares)?
Why citizens participate in politics in general and in elections in particular? Who participates? Why do Americans participate in lower rates compared with citizens of other western democracies?

Blais, Andre, and R. K. Carty. 1990. “Does Proportional Representation Foster Voter Turnout?” European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 18(2): 167-181.


Kasara, Kimuli, and Pavithra Suryanarayan. "When do the rich vote less than the poor and why? Explaining turnout inequality across the world." American Journal of Political Science 59.3 (2015): 613-627.

Powell, Bingham, Jr. 1986. “American Voter Turnout in Comparative Perspective.” American Political Science Review Vol. 80 (1): 17-43.

Leighley, Jan E., and Jonathan Nagler. 2013. Who Votes Now? Demographics, Issues, Inequality, and Turnout in the United States. NJ: Princeton University Press.

Wolfinger, Raymond E. and Steven J. Rosenstone. 1980. Who Votes? New Haven: Yale University Press.

Colomer, Joseph M., 2001. Political Institutions. Oxford University Press. Chapter 2.

12. January 14 Elections under authoritarian regimes (+review)

What is the role of elections under authoritarian regimes? How do elites manage them? How do voters think about them?

Lust-Okar, Ellen. 2006. “Elections under Authoritarianism: Preliminary Lessons from Jordan.” Democratization, Vol. 13(3): 456-471.


Diamond, Larry. “Thinking about Hybrid Regimes.” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13(2): 21-35.

Blaydes, Lisa. 2006. “Who Votes in Authoritarian Elections and Why? Determinants of Voter Turnout in Contemporary Egypt.”

13. January 21 Xenophobia and the extreme right

How is immigration in Europe leveraged into electoral support? Who supports extreme right parties? How do extreme right parties mobilize voters?

Schain, Martin S. 2000. “The National Front and the Legislative Elections of 1997.” In How France Votes, Michael S. Lewis-Beck, ed. Pp. 70-86. New York: Chatham House Publishers, Seven Bridges Press.


Golder, Matt. 2003. “Explaining Variation in the Success of Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe.” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 36: 432-466.

Joel S. Fetzer. 2000. Public Attitudes toward Immigration in the United States, France, and Germany. Chapters 8-9, pp. 123-154. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

14. January 28 Populism


חומר חובה לקריאה:
1. October 29 Introduction

2. November 5 Gender and voting

Why do women vote for the left more than men do? Why was the opposite the case forty years ago?

Giger, Natalie. 2009. “Towards a Modern Gender Gap in Europe? A Comparative Analysis of Voting Behavior in 12 Countries.” The Social Science Journal, Vol. 46: 474-492.


Inglehart, Ronald, and Pippa Norris. 2000. “The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women’s and Men’s Voting Behavior in Global Perspective.” International Political Science Review, Vol. 21(4): 441-463.

Norrander, Barbara. 1999. “The Evolution of the Gender Gap.” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 63: 566-576.

3. November 12 Class and voting

Why do the poor vote for right-leaning parties, often against their class interests? Should they vote left instead?

De La O., Ana L., and Jonathan Rodden. 2008. "Does Religion Distract the Poor? Income and Issue Voting Around the World." Comparative Political Studies 41:437-476.


Huber, John, and Piero Stanig. 2009. Individual Income and Voting for Redistribution across Democracies.

Elff, Martin. 2007. “Social Structure and Electoral Behavior in Comparative Perspective: The Decline of Social Cleavages in Western Europe Revisited.” Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 5(2): 277-294.

Frank, Thomas. 2004. What's the Matter with Kansas? Owl Books.

Shayo, Moses. 2009. A Model of Social Identity with an Application to Political Economy: Nation, Class, and Redistribution, American Political Science Review 103(2): 147-174.

Bartels, Larry M. 2006. "What's the Matter with What's the Matter with Kansas?" Quarterly Journal of Political Science. Vol. 1: 201-226.

4. November 19 Electoral systems

What are some of the key principles (and) values behind different electoral systems? What are the tradeoffs between them?

Lijphart, Arend. 1999. Patterns of Democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chapter 8 (Pp. 142-170).

5. November 26 Votes, seats, and representation

How do votes translate into seats and, in turn, policy under different institutional regimes? Do some regimes represent voters’ preferences better than others?

Powell, G. Bingham Jr., and Georg S. Vanberg. 2000. “Election Laws, Disproportionality and Median Correspondence: Implications for Two Visions of Democracy.” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 30: 383-411.


Downs, Anthony. 1957. An Economic theory of Democracy. Harper Collins Publishers. Ch. 7, 8 (pp. 96-141).

Achen, Christopher H. 1978. “Measuring Representation.” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 22 (3): 475-510.

Samuels, David and Richard Snyder. 2001. “The Value of a Vote: Malapportionment in Comparative Perspective.” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 31: 651-671.

6. December 3 Parties in contemporary democracies

What is the role of parties in contemporary democracies? Can we have a functioning democracy without them? Do parties help or hurt democratic processes?

Kirchheimer, Otto. “The Catch-All Party.” In The West European Party System. Peter Mair, Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990. Pp. 50-60.

Druckman, James N. 2001. “Using Credible Advice to Overcome Framing Effects.” Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations, Vol. 17(1): 62-82.*
*you may skip the second experiment described in the article.


Lijphart, Arend. 1999. Patterns of Democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chapter 5 (Pp. 62-89).

Niemi, Richard G., and M. Kent Jennings. 1991. “Issues and Inheritance in the Formation of Party Identification.” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 35 (4): 970-988.

7. December 10 Voters and the economy

Powell, G. Bingham, and Guy D. Whitten. "A cross-national analysis of economic voting: taking account of the political context." American Journal of Political Science 37.2 (1993): 391-414.


Whitten, Guy D., and Harvey D. Palmer. "Cross-national analyses of economic voting." Electoral Studies 18.1 (1999): 49-67.

Duch, Raymond M., and Randolph T. Stevenson. The economic vote: How political and economic institutions condition election results. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Ch. 1.

8. December 17 Strategic voting in parliamentary democracies

Do voters take into consideration the potential impact of their vote on policy? Do they weigh the chances of their preferred party to get a seat or be in cabinet?

Abramson, Paul R. et al. 2010. “Comparing Strategic Voting under FPTP and PR.” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 43(1): 61-90.


Cox, W. Gary. 1997. Making Votes Count. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 4, Ch. 5: 99-108.

Blais et al. 2001. “Measuring Strategic Voting in Multiparty Plurality Elections.” Electoral Studies Vol. 20(3): 343-352.

Bargsted, Matias A., and Orit Kedar. 2009. “Coalition-Targeted Duvergerian Voting: How Expectations Affect Voter Choice under Proportional Representation.” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 53(2): 307-323.

Kedar, Orit. 2005. “When Moderate Voters Prefer Extreme Parties: Policy Balancing in Parliamentary Elections.” American Political Science Review Vol. 99(2): 185-199.

9. December 24 Voting in presidential democracies

What do voters think about when they vote “off season”? Are midterm elections like general elections? Does it matter that only some positions are up for election?

Fiorina, Morris. 1992. Divided Government. Allyn and Bacon. Chapter 5.


Shugart, Matthew S. 1995. “The Electoral Cycle and Institutional Sources of Divided Presidential Government.” The American Political Science Review, Vol. 89(2): 327-343.

10. December 31 Electoral politics in ethnically divided societies

How can we design an electoral system that works well in an ethnically divided society? Should we try to cut across ethnic lines and thus blur divisions or channel them into politics?

Reilly, Benjamin. 2002. “Electoral Systems for Divided Societies.” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13(2): 156-170.

Lijphart, Arend. 2004. “Constitutional Design for Divided Societies.” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 15(2): 96-109.


Fraenkel, Jon, and Bernard Grofman. 2006. “Does The Alternative Vote Foster Moderation in Ethnically Divided Societies?” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39(5): 623-651.

Horowitz, Donald L. 2006. “Strategy Takes a Holiday.” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39(5): 652-662.

Fraenkel, Jon, and Bernard Grofman. 2006. “The Failure of The Alternative Vote As A Tool for Ethnic Moderation in Fiji” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39(5): 663-666.

11. January 7

Who votes (and who cares)?
Why citizens participate in politics in general and in elections in particular? Who participates? Why do Americans participate in lower rates compared with citizens of other western democracies?

Blais, Andre, and R. K. Carty. 1990. “Does Proportional Representation Foster Voter Turnout?” European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 18(2): 167-181.


Kasara, Kimuli, and Pavithra Suryanarayan. "When do the rich vote less than the poor and why? Explaining turnout inequality across the world." American Journal of Political Science 59.3 (2015): 613-627.

Powell, Bingham, Jr. 1986. “American Voter Turnout in Comparative Perspective.” American Political Science Review Vol. 80 (1): 17-43.

Leighley, Jan E., and Jonathan Nagler. 2013. Who Votes Now? Demographics, Issues, Inequality, and Turnout in the United States. NJ: Princeton University Press.

Wolfinger, Raymond E. and Steven J. Rosenstone. 1980. Who Votes? New Haven: Yale University Press.

Colomer, Joseph M., 2001. Political Institutions. Oxford University Press. Chapter 2.

12. January 14 Elections under authoritarian regimes (+review)

What is the role of elections under authoritarian regimes? How do elites manage them? How do voters think about them?

Lust-Okar, Ellen. 2006. “Elections under Authoritarianism: Preliminary Lessons from Jordan.” Democratization, Vol. 13(3): 456-471.


Diamond, Larry. “Thinking about Hybrid Regimes.” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13(2): 21-35.

Blaydes, Lisa. 2006. “Who Votes in Authoritarian Elections and Why? Determinants of Voter Turnout in Contemporary Egypt.”

13. January 21 Xenophobia and the extreme right

How is immigration in Europe leveraged into electoral support? Who supports extreme right parties? How do extreme right parties mobilize voters?

Schain, Martin S. 2000. “The National Front and the Legislative Elections of 1997.” In How France Votes, Michael S. Lewis-Beck, ed. Pp. 70-86. New York: Chatham House Publishers, Seven Bridges Press.


Golder, Matt. 2003. “Explaining Variation in the Success of Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe.” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 36: 432-466.

Joel S. Fetzer. 2000. Public Attitudes toward Immigration in the United States, France, and Germany. Chapters 8-9, pp. 123-154. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

14. January 28 Populism


חומר לקריאה נוספת:
ראו אתר הקורס (מודל)

הערכת הקורס - הרכב הציון הסופי :
מבחן מסכם בכתב/בחינה בעל פה 90 %
הרצאה0 %
השתתפות 10 %
הגשת עבודה 0 %
הגשת תרגילים 0 %
הגשת דו"חות 0 %
פרויקט מחקר 0 %
בחנים 0 %
אחר 0 %

מידע נוסף / הערות:
אם הינך זקוק/ה להתאמות מיוחדות בשל לקות מתועדת כלשהי עמה את/ה מתמודד/ת, אנא פנה/י ליחידה לאבחון לקויות למידה או ליחידת הנגישות בהקדם האפשרי לקבלת מידע וייעוץ אודות זכאותך להתאמות על סמך תעוד מתאים.
למידע נוסף אנא בקר/י באתר דיקנט הסטודנטים.