לוגו של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים


סוגיות נבחרות במגדר ופוליטיקה - 56069
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תאריך עדכון אחרון 30-10-2017
נקודות זכות באוניברסיטה העברית: 4

תואר: בוגר

היחידה האקדמית שאחראית על הקורס: מדע המדינה

סמסטר: שנתי

שפת ההוראה: עברית

קמפוס: הר הצופים

מורה אחראי על הקורס (רכז): אורית קדר

דוא"ל של המורה האחראי על הקורס: orit.kedar@mail.huji.ac.il

שעות קבלה של רכז הקורס: יום שלישי 12:00-13:00

מורי הקורס:
פרופ אורית קדר

תאור כללי של הקורס:
הסמינר יעסוק בסוגיות קלאסיות ובנושאים על סדר היום בפוליטיקה אלקטוראלית. הסמינר מאורגן סביב נושאים, אך הם יידונו בהקשר של מדינות ומוקדי עניין גאוגרפים ספציפיים בתקופות מסוימות.
הנושאים שיידונו כוללים: ייצוגיות, מעמד והצבעה, מגדר והצבעה, שיטות בחירה, מערכות מפלגות, בחירות בחברות משוסעות מבחינה אתנית, מפלגות ימין קיצוני ושנאת זרים, מצב הכלכלה והצבעה, ועוד.

הסמינר יהיה מבוסס על דיון בכיתה. נבנה בו בהדרגה את עבודות המחקר של הסטודנטיות והסטודנטים. לקראת סוף סמסטר א' ובמהלך סמסטר ב' אערוך מפגשים עם הסטודנטים בקורס בהם נדון בהצעות המחקר, ובהמשך נתמודד עם אתגרים ספציפיים למחקרים השונים ונפתח את עבודות הסמינר.

אנא פנו אליי עם כל בעיה או שאלה שמתעוררת.

הערה: תכנית הקורס עשויה להשתנות על פי שיקול המרצה.

מטרות הקורס:
היכרות עם הנושאים המרכזיים המופיעים בספרות המחקר בנושא.

תוצרי למידה :
בסיומו של קורס זה, סטודנטים יהיו מסוגלים:

היכולת לקרוא קריאה ביקורתית של הספרות המחקרית בתחום המגדר והפוליטיקה

דרישות נוכחות (%):

שיטת ההוראה בקורס: הוראה פרונטלית ודיון בכיתה

רשימת נושאים / תכנית הלימודים בקורס:
2. November 1 Gender, political knowledge and participation in politics

Verba, Sidney, Nancy Burns, and Kay Lehman Schlozman. "Knowing and caring about politics: Gender and political engagement." The Journal of Politics 59.4 (1997): 1051-1072.


Atkeson, Lonna Rae. "Not all cues are created equal: The conditional impact of female candidates on political engagement." Journal of Politics 65.4 (2003): 1040-1061.

Carpini, Michael X. Delli, and Scott Keeter. "Measuring political knowledge: Putting first things first." American Journal of Political Science (1993): 1179-1206.

Carpini, Michael X. Delli, and Scott Keeter. "Gender and political knowledge." Gender and American politics: Women, men, and the political process (2005): 21-43.

Schlozman, Kay Lehman, Nancy Burns, and Sidney Verba. "Gender and the pathways to participation: The role of resources." the Journal of Politics 56.4 (1994): 963-990.

Schlozman, Kay Lehman, Nancy Burns, and Sidney Verba. "What Happened at Work Today? A Multistage Model of Gender, Employment, and Political Participation." The Journal of Politics 61.1 (1999): 29-53.

Schlozman, Kay Lehman, et al. "Gender and citizen participation: Is there a different voice?" American Journal of Political Science (1995): 267-293.

3. November 8 Women and protest movements

Sasson-Levy, Orna, and Tamar Rapoport. "Body, Gender, and Knowledge in Protest Movements The Israeli Case." Gender & Society 17.3 (2003): 379-403.
או בעברית:

גוף, אידיאולוגיה ומגדר בתנועות חברתיות. אורנה ששון-לוי, תמר רפופורט. מגמות, אייר תשס"ב / מאי ,2002, עמ' 489-513
קנטור, ש. 1998. ארבע אמהות: אזובי הקיר נלחמים בלהבות, נגה: כתב עת פמיניסטי 33.
מכתב הקצינים, 1978


Kitschelt, Herbert P. "Political opportunity structures and political protest: Anti-nuclear movements in four democracies." British journal of political science 16.01 (1986): 57-85.

Helman, Sara. "From soldiering and motherhood to citizenship: A study of four Israeli peace protest movements." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 6.3 (1999): 292-313.

4. November 15 Expanding the right to vote

Przeworski, Adam. "Conquered or granted? A history of suffrage extensions." British Journal of Political Science 39.02 (2009): 291-321.

שילה, מרגלית, and Margalit Shilo. “‘I Have Only Paradoxes to Offer’—The Case of Suffrage in the Jewish Community of Mandatory Palestine (1917—1926) / פרדוקסים של מגדר: המאבק למען זכות הבחירה של האישה ביישוב (1917–1926).” Jewish Studies / מדעי היהדות, vol. 49, 2013, pp. 193–219


Caraway, Teri L. "Inclusion and democratization: class, gender, race, and the extension of suffrage." Comparative Politics (2004): 443-460.

5. November 22 The pill

Bailey, Martha J. "More power to the pill: the impact of contraceptive freedom on women's life cycle labor supply." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 121.1 (2006): 289-320.

Goldin, Claudia, and Lawrence F. Katz. "Career and Marriage in the Age of the Pill." The American Economic Review 90.2 (2000): 461-465.


Goldin, Claudia. The quiet revolution that transformed women's employment, education, and family. No. w11953. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006.

Goldin, Claudia, Lawrence F. Katz, and Ilyana Kuziemko. "The homecoming of American college women: The reversal of the college gender gap." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 20.4 (2006): 133-133.

Goldin, Claudia, and Lawrence F. Katz. "The power of the pill: Oral contraceptives and women’s career and marriage decisions." Journal of political Economy 110.4 (2002): 730-770.

6. November 29 The structure of the economy

Ross, Michael L. "Oil, Islam, and women." American political science review 102.01 (2008): 107-123.

Iversen, Torben, and Frances Rosenbluth. "The Political Economy of Gender: Explaining Cross‐National Variation in the Gender Division of Labor and the Gender Voting Gap." American Journal of Political Science 50.1 (2006): 1-19.


Iversen, Torben, and Frances Rosenbluth. "Work and power: The connection between female labor force participation and female political representation." Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 11 (2008): 479-495.

Simmons, Joel W. "Resource Wealth and Women’s Economic and Political Power in the US States." Comparative Political Studies 49.1 (2016): 115-152.

7. December 6 Gender gap in voting

Giger, Natalie. 2009. “Towards a Modern Gender Gap in Europe? A Comparative Analysis of Voting Behavior in 12 Countries.” The Social Science Journal, Vol. 46: 474-492.

Kaufmann, Karen M., and John R. Petrocik. "The changing politics of American men: Understanding the sources of the gender gap." American Journal of Political Science (1999): 864-887.


Inglehart, Ronald, and Pippa Norris. 2000. “The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women’s and Men’s Voting Behavior in Global Perspective.” International Political Science Review, Vol. 21(4): 441-463.

Norrander, Barbara. 1999. “The Evolution of the Gender Gap.” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 63: 566-576.

Edlund, Lena, and Rohini Pande. "Why have women become left-wing? The political gender gap and the decline in marriage." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 117.3 (2002): 917-961.

8. December 13 Gender and political positions under Islam

Blaydes, Lisa, and Drew A. Linzer. "The political economy of women's support for fundamentalist Islam." World Politics 60.04 (2008): 576-609.


Jamal, Amaney. "Mosques, collective identity, and gender differences among Arab American Muslims." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1.1 (2005): 53-78.

Meyersson, Erik. "Islamic rule and the empowerment of the poor and pious." Econometrica 82.1 (2014): 229-269.

9. December 20 Gender and representativity

Htun, Mala. "Is gender like ethnicity? The political representation of identity groups." Perspectives on Politics 2.03 (2004): 439-458.


Celis, Karen, and Sarah Childs. "The substantive representation of women: What to do with conservative claims?." Political Studies 60.1 (2012): 213-225.

Mansbridge, Jane. "Rethinking representation." American political science review 97.04 (2003): 515-528.

Mansbridge, Jane. "Should blacks represent blacks and women represent women? A contingent" yes"." The Journal of politics 61.3 (1999): 628-657.

Celis, Karen, et al. "Rethinking women's substantive representation." Representation 44.2 (2008): 99-110.

Rehfeld, Andrew. "Representation rethought: on trustees, delegates, and gyroscopes in the study of political representation and democracy." American Political Science Review 103.02 (2009): 214-230.

Mansbridge, Jane. "Clarifying the concept of representation." American political science review 105.03 (2011): 621-630.

10. December 27 Parliamentaryism and institutional politics

Schwindt‐Bayer, Leslie A. "Still supermadres? Gender and the policy priorities of Latin American legislators." American Journal of Political Science 50.3 (2006): 570-585.


Schwindt‐Bayer, Leslie A., and William Mishler. "An integrated model of women's representation." Journal of Politics 67.2 (2005): 407-428.

Schwindt‐Bayer, Leslie A. "Making quotas work: The effect of gender quota laws on the election of women." Legislative studies quarterly 34.1 (2009): 5-28.

Hughes, Melanie M. "Intersectionality, quotas, and minority women's political representation worldwide." American Political Science Review (2011): 604-620.

11. January 3 Women as candidates

Karp, Jeffrey A., and Susan A. Banducci. "When politics is not just a man's game: Women's representation and political engagement." Electoral studies 27.1 (2008): 105-115.

Sanbonmatsu, Kira. "Gender stereotypes and vote choice." American Journal of Political Science (2002): 20-34.


Sanbonmatsu, Kira. "Political parties and the recruitment of women to state legislatures." Journal of Politics 64.3 (2002): 791-809.

Huddy, Leonie, and Nayda Terkildsen. "Gender stereotypes and the perception of male and female candidates." American Journal of Political Science (1993): 119-147.

חומר חובה לקריאה:
2. November 1 Gender, political knowledge and participation in politics

Verba, Sidney, Nancy Burns, and Kay Lehman Schlozman. "Knowing and caring about politics: Gender and political engagement." The Journal of Politics 59.4 (1997): 1051-1072.


Atkeson, Lonna Rae. "Not all cues are created equal: The conditional impact of female candidates on political engagement." Journal of Politics 65.4 (2003): 1040-1061.

Carpini, Michael X. Delli, and Scott Keeter. "Measuring political knowledge: Putting first things first." American Journal of Political Science (1993): 1179-1206.

Carpini, Michael X. Delli, and Scott Keeter. "Gender and political knowledge." Gender and American politics: Women, men, and the political process (2005): 21-43.

Schlozman, Kay Lehman, Nancy Burns, and Sidney Verba. "Gender and the pathways to participation: The role of resources." the Journal of Politics 56.4 (1994): 963-990.

Schlozman, Kay Lehman, Nancy Burns, and Sidney Verba. "What Happened at Work Today? A Multistage Model of Gender, Employment, and Political Participation." The Journal of Politics 61.1 (1999): 29-53.

Schlozman, Kay Lehman, et al. "Gender and citizen participation: Is there a different voice?" American Journal of Political Science (1995): 267-293.

3. November 8 Women and protest movements

Sasson-Levy, Orna, and Tamar Rapoport. "Body, Gender, and Knowledge in Protest Movements The Israeli Case." Gender & Society 17.3 (2003): 379-403.
או בעברית:

גוף, אידיאולוגיה ומגדר בתנועות חברתיות. אורנה ששון-לוי, תמר רפופורט. מגמות, אייר תשס"ב / מאי ,2002, עמ' 489-513
קנטור, ש. 1998. ארבע אמהות: אזובי הקיר נלחמים בלהבות, נגה: כתב עת פמיניסטי 33.
מכתב הקצינים, 1978


Kitschelt, Herbert P. "Political opportunity structures and political protest: Anti-nuclear movements in four democracies." British journal of political science 16.01 (1986): 57-85.

Helman, Sara. "From soldiering and motherhood to citizenship: A study of four Israeli peace protest movements." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 6.3 (1999): 292-313.

4. November 15 Expanding the right to vote

Przeworski, Adam. "Conquered or granted? A history of suffrage extensions." British Journal of Political Science 39.02 (2009): 291-321.

שילה, מרגלית, and Margalit Shilo. “‘I Have Only Paradoxes to Offer’—The Case of Suffrage in the Jewish Community of Mandatory Palestine (1917—1926) / פרדוקסים של מגדר: המאבק למען זכות הבחירה של האישה ביישוב (1917–1926).” Jewish Studies / מדעי היהדות, vol. 49, 2013, pp. 193–219


Caraway, Teri L. "Inclusion and democratization: class, gender, race, and the extension of suffrage." Comparative Politics (2004): 443-460.

5. November 22 The pill

Bailey, Martha J. "More power to the pill: the impact of contraceptive freedom on women's life cycle labor supply." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 121.1 (2006): 289-320.

Goldin, Claudia, and Lawrence F. Katz. "Career and Marriage in the Age of the Pill." The American Economic Review 90.2 (2000): 461-465.


Goldin, Claudia. The quiet revolution that transformed women's employment, education, and family. No. w11953. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006.

Goldin, Claudia, Lawrence F. Katz, and Ilyana Kuziemko. "The homecoming of American college women: The reversal of the college gender gap." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 20.4 (2006): 133-133.

Goldin, Claudia, and Lawrence F. Katz. "The power of the pill: Oral contraceptives and women’s career and marriage decisions." Journal of political Economy 110.4 (2002): 730-770.

6. November 29 The structure of the economy

Ross, Michael L. "Oil, Islam, and women." American political science review 102.01 (2008): 107-123.

Iversen, Torben, and Frances Rosenbluth. "The Political Economy of Gender: Explaining Cross‐National Variation in the Gender Division of Labor and the Gender Voting Gap." American Journal of Political Science 50.1 (2006): 1-19.


Iversen, Torben, and Frances Rosenbluth. "Work and power: The connection between female labor force participation and female political representation." Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 11 (2008): 479-495.

Simmons, Joel W. "Resource Wealth and Women’s Economic and Political Power in the US States." Comparative Political Studies 49.1 (2016): 115-152.

7. December 6 Gender gap in voting

Giger, Natalie. 2009. “Towards a Modern Gender Gap in Europe? A Comparative Analysis of Voting Behavior in 12 Countries.” The Social Science Journal, Vol. 46: 474-492.

Kaufmann, Karen M., and John R. Petrocik. "The changing politics of American men: Understanding the sources of the gender gap." American Journal of Political Science (1999): 864-887.


Inglehart, Ronald, and Pippa Norris. 2000. “The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women’s and Men’s Voting Behavior in Global Perspective.” International Political Science Review, Vol. 21(4): 441-463.

Norrander, Barbara. 1999. “The Evolution of the Gender Gap.” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 63: 566-576.

Edlund, Lena, and Rohini Pande. "Why have women become left-wing? The political gender gap and the decline in marriage." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 117.3 (2002): 917-961.

8. December 13 Gender and political positions under Islam

Blaydes, Lisa, and Drew A. Linzer. "The political economy of women's support for fundamentalist Islam." World Politics 60.04 (2008): 576-609.


Jamal, Amaney. "Mosques, collective identity, and gender differences among Arab American Muslims." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1.1 (2005): 53-78.

Meyersson, Erik. "Islamic rule and the empowerment of the poor and pious." Econometrica 82.1 (2014): 229-269.

9. December 20 Gender and representativity

Htun, Mala. "Is gender like ethnicity? The political representation of identity groups." Perspectives on Politics 2.03 (2004): 439-458.


Celis, Karen, and Sarah Childs. "The substantive representation of women: What to do with conservative claims?." Political Studies 60.1 (2012): 213-225.

Mansbridge, Jane. "Rethinking representation." American political science review 97.04 (2003): 515-528.

Mansbridge, Jane. "Should blacks represent blacks and women represent women? A contingent" yes"." The Journal of politics 61.3 (1999): 628-657.

Celis, Karen, et al. "Rethinking women's substantive representation." Representation 44.2 (2008): 99-110.

Rehfeld, Andrew. "Representation rethought: on trustees, delegates, and gyroscopes in the study of political representation and democracy." American Political Science Review 103.02 (2009): 214-230.

Mansbridge, Jane. "Clarifying the concept of representation." American political science review 105.03 (2011): 621-630.

10. December 27 Parliamentaryism and institutional politics

Schwindt‐Bayer, Leslie A. "Still supermadres? Gender and the policy priorities of Latin American legislators." American Journal of Political Science 50.3 (2006): 570-585.


Schwindt‐Bayer, Leslie A., and William Mishler. "An integrated model of women's representation." Journal of Politics 67.2 (2005): 407-428.

Schwindt‐Bayer, Leslie A. "Making quotas work: The effect of gender quota laws on the election of women." Legislative studies quarterly 34.1 (2009): 5-28.

Hughes, Melanie M. "Intersectionality, quotas, and minority women's political representation worldwide." American Political Science Review (2011): 604-620.

11. January 3 Women as candidates

Karp, Jeffrey A., and Susan A. Banducci. "When politics is not just a man's game: Women's representation and political engagement." Electoral studies 27.1 (2008): 105-115.

Sanbonmatsu, Kira. "Gender stereotypes and vote choice." American Journal of Political Science (2002): 20-34.


Sanbonmatsu, Kira. "Political parties and the recruitment of women to state legislatures." Journal of Politics 64.3 (2002): 791-809.

Huddy, Leonie, and Nayda Terkildsen. "Gender stereotypes and the perception of male and female candidates." American Journal of Political Science (1993): 119-147.

חומר לקריאה נוספת:
ראו אתר הקורס במודל

הערכת הקורס - הרכב הציון הסופי :
מבחן מסכם בכתב/בחינה בעל פה 0 %
הרצאה0 %
השתתפות 10 %
הגשת עבודה 0 %
הגשת תרגילים 0 %
הגשת דו"חות 0 %
פרויקט מחקר 40 %
בחנים 0 %
אחר 50 %
ניירות תגובה

מידע נוסף / הערות:
אם הינך זקוק/ה להתאמות מיוחדות בשל לקות מתועדת כלשהי עמה את/ה מתמודד/ת, אנא פנה/י ליחידה לאבחון לקויות למידה או ליחידת הנגישות בהקדם האפשרי לקבלת מידע וייעוץ אודות זכאותך להתאמות על סמך תעוד מתאים.
למידע נוסף אנא בקר/י באתר דיקנט הסטודנטים.