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Syllabus - 54923
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Last update 04-01-2019
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: Cont. German Studies:politics, Soc.&Cult

Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: English

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Tobias Erbrecht-Hartmann

Coordinator Office Hours: Wednesday, 14:00-15:00

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Tobias Ebbrecht Hartmann

Course/Module description:
The course intends to investigate memories of post-war left-wing terrorism in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in its relationship with Israel. Beyond an understanding of a mere reflection of events, we will conceive memory as a driving-force in recent history. Work will concentrate on two basic questions that represent distinct analytical dimensions:
To what extent did memories (as specific references to past events) influ¬ence the self-understanding and political legitimation of the terror¬ists as well as counter-terrorist measures taken by state actors from the late 1960s to the early 1980s?
How have memories of left-wing terrorist attacks shaped the percep¬tions of more recent forms of terrorist violence (right-wing terrorism as well as ‘new’ forms of Jihadist terrorism)?

Course/Module aims:
We propose to study memories of terrorists and terrorism in two particular fields: visual culture and public memory. Beyond texts, students are to utilise films, and investigate memorials, exhibitions, commemoration ceremonies and sites of memory, which in many cases are still in the process of develop¬ing specific patterns of commemoration and mourning. These ways of commemo¬rating, which have increasingly been influenced by the role of the Holocaust are particularly characterized by entangled memories and embedded in a cross-border culture of commemorating traumatic experiences of political violence. As the relationship between the Federal Republic of Ger¬many and Israeli is particularly relevant in this respect, it will receive strong emphasis.
The investigation of memory cultures of terrorist violence is the overarching framework of our course that aims at a reassessment of German post-war left-wing terrorism. Taking on memory as a historical driving-force, students will explore memory frames that have provided reference frames for deciding, defining and legitimizing specific terrorist attacks on the one hand and counter-terrorist policies on the other. In turn, the left-wing terrorist attacks themselves have provided memory frames that have shaped perceptions of different and new forms of terrorism up to the present.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Altogether, the course aims to provide students with knowledge about ter¬rorist violence by reconstructing and explaining memories of left-wing terror¬ism in the Federal Republic of Germany in transnational and inter¬temporal perspective. It will thereby enable participants to critically assess crucial roots and sources of left-wing terrorism as well as its long-term impact.

In particular, students will develop a variety of skills (both in writing and in class):

1. The mastery of arguments and concepts.

2. The ability to interpret and assess diverse sources.

3. The ability to express ideas and opinions.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: In terms of methodology, the course is based on two concepts at the inter¬section of historiography and memory studies. First, the emergence, development and transformation of post-war terrorism in Germany will be investigated as entangled history in the relationship between the FRG and Israel. Second, it will be demonstrated that this entangled history was characterized by memories that have interrelated different times, places and events, and are highly controversial and conflict¬ing.
The course instruction is based on active and independent participation of the students. This includes discussions in class, individual and collaborative research and digital online tasks (including contributions to a joint Wiki and written comments to article readings as well as audiovisual lectures).
It is mandatory to participate in the two day joint workshop in June.

Course/Module Content:
20.3.2019 Introductory session of the Israeli course

3.4.2019 Guest Lecture Right-wing terrorism in journalistic reporting

10.4.2019 Joint Live session: “History of German Postwar Terror¬ism and Counterterrorism in the Context of Political Violence”

1.5.2019 Memory Politics and Cultures of Memory

15.5.2019 Joint Live session: “Memory Frames of Terrorism”

5.6.2019 Joint Live session: Preparing the workshop in Jerusalem

19.-20.6.2019 Joint workshop in Jerusalem

26.6.2019 Conclusion

Required Reading:
Herf, J (2008). „An Age of Murder: Ideology and Terror in Germany“. Telos 144: 8–37

Jander, M. ”German Leftist Terrorism and Israel: Ethno-Nationalist, Religious-Fundamentalist, or Social-Revolutionary?“ Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 38:6 (2015): 456– 477.

Hanshaw, K. “Beyond Friend or Foe? Terrorism, Counterterrorism and a (Transnational) Gesellschaftsgeschichte of the 1970s”, Geschichte und Gesellschaft 42 (2016), 377-303.

Frohman, L. “Datenschutz, the Defense of Law, and the Debate over Precautionary Surveillance: The Reform of Police Law and the Changing Parameters of State Action in West Germany”, German Studies Review 38 (2015), 307-327.

Nolan, M. “Pushing the Defensive all of the State Forward. Terrorism and Civil Liberties in Germany”, New German Critique 39 (2012), No. 3, 109-133.

Snow, David A., und Robert D. Benford. „Ideology, Frame Resonance, and Participant Mobilization“. International Social Movement Research 1 (1988): 197–218.

Bauerkämper, A (2014). The Twisted Road to Democracy as a Quest for Security: Germany in the Twentieth Century. German History 32, 431-455.

Nossek, Hillel. „The Narrative Role of the Holocaust and the State of Israel in the Coverage of Salient Terrorist Events in the Israeli Press“. Journal of Narrative and Life History 4, Nr. 1–2 (1994): 119–34.

Additional Reading Material:
Assmann, J (2008). “Communicative and Cultural Memory.” Cultural Memory Studies: An International and interdisciplinary Handbook. Ed. Astrid Erll, Ansgar Nünning. Berlin/New York, 109- 118.

Erll, A (2011). “Travelling Memory.” Parallax, 17:4, pp. 4-18.

Nora, P (1989). “Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire.“ Representations, 26, pp. 7-24.

Ebbrecht, T (2010). “Migrating Images: Iconic Images of the Holocaust and the Representation of War in Popular Film.” Shofar (28:4): 86-103.

Rothberg, M (2009). Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization. Stanford, 1-29

Leggewie, C (2011). “Seven Circles of European Memory.” Cultural Memories: The Geographical Point of View. Ed. Peter Meusburger, Michael Heffernan, and Edgar Wunder. Heidelberg. 123-143.

Arnd Bauerkämper (2017), "Holocaust Memory and the Experiences of Migrants. Germany and Western Europe after 1945”, Jakob S. Eder / Philipp Gassert / Alan E. Steinweis (eds.), Holocaust Memory in a Globalizing World, Göttingen, 31-44.

Grading Scheme :

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.