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Syllabus Israel-European Union Relations - 54684
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Last update 23-10-2024
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: European Studies

Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: guy harpaz

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: by appointment

Teaching Staff:
Prof. Guy Harpaz

Course/Module description:
The course will analyse the economic-trade-political-legal aspects of the relationship between the EU and the State of Israel with special emphasis on the 1995 Association Agreement and some contemporary developments

Course/Module aims:
To provide the students with profound, inter disciplinary understanding of the relationship between the EU and Israel. To enable them to critically examine various aspects of this relationship.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
The students would understand the historical background and contemporary developments of the relationship. They will acquire a critical perspective of the various topics to be taught

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Regular teaching with discussions

Course/Module Content:
1. introduction to the course
2. introduction to EU legal system
3. Historical background
4. Regional aspects
5. Bilateral aspects - the 1995 AA
6. Upgrading the relationship - various options
7. Approximation of laws

8. Normative POwer Europe

9 Legal aspects of the EU position towards the conflict

10. Political aspects of the EU position towards the conflict

11. EU position towards the conflict over Jerusalem

12. EU involvement in Israel's civil society

13. Interdisciplinary analysis of the complexities of the relationship

Required Reading:
2.מפגש 1 : הצגת הקורס ומבוא לדיני האיחוד האירופאי

מפגש2: מבוא לשיטת המשפט של האיחוד האירופאי

אריה רייך, "האיחוד האירופאי", פרק 7 לספרו של רובי סיבל המשפט הבינלאומי – מהדורה שלישית 129

מפגש 3: מערכת היחסים בין ישראל לאיחוד האירופאי – רקע היסטורי וכללי

Gadi Heimann and Lior Herman, Israel’s Path to Europe: The Negotiations for a Preferential Agreement, 1957–1970 (London: Routledge, 2019),

Sharon Pardo, ‘The Year that Israel Considered Joining the European Economic Community’ 51/5 Journal of Common Market Studies (2013), 901

מפגש 4: היבטים אזוריים - תהליך ברצלונה ואיחוד מדינות הים-התיכון

Tovias and Del Sarto, ‘Caught Between Europe and the Orient: Israel and the ENP’, 36/4 The International Spectator (2001), 91.

מפגש 5: מערכת היחסים הבילטראלית -משפטית-הסכם ההתאגדות

העמודים הרלבנטים מ: א' רייך, "מדיפלומטיה למשפט: תהליך היורודיזציה של יחסי הסחר הבינלאומיים במסגרת הסכמי גאט"ט והסכמי הסחר החופשי", עיוני משפט 22 (2) (תשנ"ט), 1999

מפגש 6 : שדרוג מערכת היחסים – חברות מלאה וחלופות אחרות

G. Harpaz (2006), The European Neighbourhood Policy and its Impact on the State of Israel’, 4 Law and Business 431 (in Hebrew);

Arie Reich, ‘The European Neighbourhood Policy and Israel: Achievements and Disappointments’, Journal of World Trade (2015)

מפגש 7: קירוב דינים

Magen, Amichai (2012), 'Israel and the Many Pathways of Diffusion', West European Politics, 35(1) 98-116

מפגש 8 – מעורבות ישראל בסכסוך ו-NORMATIVE POWER EURPOE

G. Harpaz and A. Shamis (2010), 'Normative Europe and the State of Israel: An Illegitimate Eurotopia?', 48/3 Journal of Common Market Studies, 579-616;

Sharon Pardo, Normative Power Europe Meets Israel: Perceptions and Realities, 2016

מפגש 9: עמדת האיחוד ביחס לשטחים – הפן המדיני

Sharon Pardo and Joel Peters, Uneasy Neighborhood: Israel and the European Union, Lnham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010, Ch. 1.

מפגש 10: עמדת האיחוד ביחס לשטחים – ממשק משפטי-מסחרי

G. Harpaz and Eyal Rubinson, 'The Interface between Trade, Law and Politics and the Erosion of Normative Power Europe: Comment on Brita', European Law Review (2010).

G. Harpaz, The EU's New Approach To the Two-State Solution in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Paradigm Shift or PR Exercise 30/3 International Law and Practice
Leiden Journal of International Law (2017), 603.

Guy Harpaz, Mandatory labelling of origin of products from territories occupied by Israel and the weight of public international law: Psagot, 57/5 Common Market Law Review (2020), 1587.

מפגש 11 : האיחוד האירופאי וסוגיית ירושלים

G. Harpaz (2012) 'The Dispute over the Sovereignty of Jerusalem: EU Policies and the Search for Internal Legal Coherence and Consistency with International Law', 17/3 European Foreign Affairs Review (2012)

מפגש 12: מעורבות האיחוד באמצעות החברה האזרחית

G. Harpaz, ‘The EU Funding of Israeli Non-Governmental Human Rights Organisations: When EU External Governance Meets a Domestic Counter-Strategy’ 20 European Foreign Affairs Review (2015), 207.

מפגש 13: ניתוח רב-תחומי של הבעייתיות של מערכת היחסים ומבט צופה פני עתיד

Dror, Yehezkel and Sharon Pardo, ‘Approaches and Principles for an Israeli
Strategy towards the European Union',11/1 European Foreign Affairs Review (2006), 17-44.

Toby Greene & Jonathan Rynhold, Europe and Israel: Between Conflict and Cooperation, 60/4 Survival (2018), 91-112

מאיה צדקיהו-שיאון, העשור האבוד: יחסי ישראל והאיחוד האירופי 2010-2020, אוקטובר 2021

סקר מדיניות החוץ של ישראל, מתווים, 2022

Additional Reading Material:

Grading Scheme :
Written / Oral / Practical Exam 80 %
Essay / Project / Final Assignment / Home Exam / Referat 10 %
Submission assignments during the semester: Exercises / Essays / Audits / Reports / Forum / Simulation / others 5 %
Presentation / Poster Presentation / Lecture 5 %

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.