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Syllabus Urban Sociology - 53127
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Last update 16-05-2024
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Sociology & Anthropology

Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr. Noga Keidar

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours:

Teaching Staff:
Ms. Noga Keidar

Course/Module description:
Since the birth of the sociological discipline, the city has been a central domain for the study of social dynamics. During the course we will explore the multiple approaches developed in the discipline to examine how place determines life chances, is shaped by political forces, is connected and echoes other places and more. Considering these, we will emphasize how the urban (and non-urban) space, brings new dimensions to social outcomes. The lectures will introduce main theories, concepts and processes around the world. However, the reading materials will focus on the phenomena in Israel. In our class discussions, we will distinguish between the similarities and differences of the global and the local and think together what is important to explore here.

Course/Module aims:

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
By the end of the course, students
-Will be able to identify social determinants that shape places and spatial factors that shape social life.
-Will be familiar with multiple methodologies in urban studies.
-Will be able to locate local spatial processes within broader frameworks of urban theory.
-Will receive practical directions to where students of Sociology and Anthropology could get involved in urban related practices.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Lectures and Discussions

Course/Module Content:
Reading Materials:
Introduction: The City, COVID19 and Students (20.10.20):

Theoretical Approaches:
Urbanism as a Way of Life: The Birth of Urban Sociology (27.10.20)
קטעים נבחרים מתוך "העיר הגדולה וחיי הנפש" של גיאורג זימל (1903) ו"אורבניות כדרך חיים" של לואיס ווירת' (1938)
The Urban Machine: The City as a Center of Political-Economic Interests (3.11.20)
ירושלים של כסף: משילות עירונית, יזמות עסקית וניהול המרחב/ אראלה גנן ונורית אלפסי (2011)

The City as a Complex System (10.11.20)
The Kind of Problem a City Is/ Jane Jacobs

Globalization and Spatial Hierarchies: the City as a Coordinate within the Global System (17.11.20)
שדרוג מעמדה ומיתוגה של תל אביב כעיר עולם: כיצד יישמר מעמדה כעוגן במרחב הגלובאלי וכקודקוד מוליך ב'רשת הערים' הלאומית/ ברוך קיפניס (2016)
Redrawing the Global Map: Theories from the Global South (24.11.20)
עיר המחר 'האפורה'/ ארז צפדיה ואורן יפתחאל (2014)
עבודת המקום בעיר צפת: בין מרכז דתי לפריפריה מדינתית/ נגה שני ומירב אהרון גוטמן (2015)

Current Issues:
Ethnic, Religious, and National based Segregation (1.12.20)
מקומיים, לא תושבים: על הוויה מעורבת של עיר יהודית בגליל/ נעמה בלטמן תומאס (2018)
Economic inequality, Poverty and Exclusion (8.12.20)
"אסתי: פרשנות חתרנית למציאות מגבילה" מתוך ב"קופסאות הבטון"/ פנינה מוצאפי-הלר (2013)
Cities, Culture and Consumption (15-22.12.20)
How and Why Haifa Has Become the “Palestinian Cultural Capital” in Israel/ Nadeem Kharabi (2018)
Cities, Technologies and the Sharing Economy (9.12.20)
קטעים מתוך "העיר בעידן הדיגיטלי: תכנון, טכנולוגיה, פרטיות ואי שוויון" / טלי חתוקה, ערן טוך, מיכאל בירנהק, הדס צור (2018)
Global Urban Challenges: Infrastructure, Citizenship, Climate Crisis (5.1.21)

Cities and Kids (12.1.21) TBD

Concluding Session: What Might be the Role of Sociologists and Anthropologists in Urban Practices in Israel? (19.1.21)
Hosting the Urban Clinic at HUJI and other guests

Required Reading:
See the above

Additional Reading Material:

Grading Scheme :
Essay / Project / Final Assignment / Home Exam / Referat 85 %
Attendance / Participation in Field Excursion 15 %

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.