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Syllabus Sociology of Deviation - 53119
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Last update 28-08-2024
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Sociology & Anthropology

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Nachman Ben-Yehuda

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Tuesday 13:00-14:00

Teaching Staff:
Prof. Nachman Ben-Yehuda

Course/Module description:
The course will focus on the theoretical developments in the sociology of deviance.

Course/Module aims:
Course will focus on the key concepts in the field.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Formulate relevant research questions

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: ZOOM

Course/Module Content:
What id deviance?
Classic and neo-classic approaches
Social Pathology
Disorganization and the Chicago School
Conflict approaches
Deviant Behavior
Social control and Controlology
Phenomenology and Existentialism

Required Reading:
Erich Goode. 2016. DEVIANT BEHAVIOR, 11th edition, New York & London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group)

Tammy L. Anderson (ed.) 2014. UNDERSTANDING DEVIANCE. Routledge.

Goode, Erich. 2004. "Is the Sociology of Deviance still Relevant?" The American Sociologist, winter, 46-57. ereserve 505470

Ben-Yehuda, N. 2006. "Contextualizing Deviance Within Social Change and Stability, Morality

Additional Reading Material:
Clifton D. Bryant. (ed.) 2011. Routledge Handbook of Deviant Behavior, Chapman & Hall. System number 152884 Call number HM 811 R68

Erich Goode. (ed.). 2015. The Handbook of Deviance, Wiley- Blackwell.

Rubington, Earl and Martin S. Weinberg. (eds.) 2011. The Study of Social Problems: seven perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press. System number: 001526555

Downes, David and Paul Rock. 2011. Understanding Deviance. 6th Ed. Oxford University Press. 1360628

Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan And Robert Reiner (eds.) The Oxford Handbook Of Criminology. 5th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Read the chapter written by Paul Rockץ

להלן רשימת הפניות ספציפית לגישות התיאורטיות בהן נדון בקורס:

The Classical and neo-classical approaches:
Ian Taylor, Paul Walton and Jock Young. 1973. The New Criminology. For a Social Theory of Deviance. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Pp. 1-10.

The positivist Approach:
Ian Taylor, Paul Walton and Jock Young. 1973. The New Criminology. For a Social Theory of Deviance. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Pp. 10-58, 65-66.

הצגת הגישה הקלאסית, ודוגמאות לגישות פוזיטיביסטיות ספציפיות ניתנת בכמעט כל ספר ברמת מבוא ללימוד סטיה חברתית. גם תרגום ספרו של אריק גוד – על הסטיה - נוגע בעניינים אלו אם כי בצורה מבוזרת יותר. דוגמא טובה אחת היא הפרק האינטגרטיבי הראשון (עמודים 1-45) במהדורה השנייה של הספר של McCaghy:

Charles H. McCAGHY. 1985. Deviant Behavior. New York: Macmillan. Pp. 1-45

פירוט חדשני של הגישות השונות ניתן גם למצוא במהדורה ה-12 של ספרו של גוד, פרקים 2 ו-3 (עמודים 28-81):

Goode, Erich. 2019. Deviant Behavior. New York: Routledge.

Social Pathology:
Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. 2011. The Study of Social Problems. Seven Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 7th Edition. Pp. 17-22, 43-46.

Social Disorganization:
Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. 2011. The Study of Social Problems. Seven Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 7th Edition. Pp. 50-56, 90-91.

Value Conflict:
Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. 2011. The Study of Social Problems. Seven Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 7th Edition. Pp. 95-99, 128-133.

Deviant Behavior:
Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. 2011. The Study of Social Problems. Seven Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 7th Edition. Pp. 137-144, 178-185.

Conflict/critical approach:
Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. 2011. The Study of Social Problems. Seven Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 7th Edition. Pp. 240-246, 284-287.

Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. 2011. The Study of Social Problems. Seven Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 7th Edition. Pp. 192-198, 233-236.

Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. 2011. The Study of Social Problems. Seven Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 7th Edition. Pp. 292-298, 335-348.

Grading Scheme :
Essay / Project / Final Assignment / Home Exam / Referat 100 %

Additional information:
a 4-6 pages long Paper at the end of the course focusing on a theoretical issue.
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.