HU Credits:
2nd degree (Master)
Responsible Department:
Communication & Journalism
1st Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Yuri Gankin
Coordinator Office Hours:
Monday - 17:00-18:00
Teaching Staff:
Mr. Yuri Gankin
Course/Module description:
The social-media era has completely transformed the ways we think and behave: Whether it's our own life or that of our elected officials' or even the behaviour of the commercial brands that surround us, the conclusion is quite clear: If you don't have a social media profile - you simply don't exist. The thing is that even if you have an online presence, it should be handled with extreme care because every mistake can instantly become a crisis.
Our workshop will be based on 3 parts: The first one will be dedicated to providing you with the knowledge needed in order to devise an effective commercial or political social media campaign.
The second part will deal with handling various online crises and the final part will focus on several additional key issues such as Personal Branding, Nation Branding etc.
During each and every lesson we will examine and analyze many local and international case studies that will help you to get as a comprehensive picture as possible.
Course/Module aims:
The workshop will
introduce the students to a wide variety of strategies and tools used in online commercial and political branding - as well as in social media crisis management. The workshop will also allow them to gain the practical skills required in order to actually find a job during their studies and upon graduation.
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
In the end of the workshop the students will ba able to create commercial and political campaigns using social media platforms, with the end-goal being that the assignments prepared in class or at home will serve as the basis for your future portfolio
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Course/Module Content:
Week 1: Introduction to the Digital Age and the era of Social Media
- The difference between traditional and digital advertising
- The difference between Branding and Crisis Management
- Introduction to Case Study Analysis
Weeks 2 and 3: Commercial Branding using Social Media + Practical Assignment
-The outline of a strategic branding plan
- Pinpointing your brand's competitive advantage
-Locating and analyzing your target audience
- Commercial Branding Do's and Dont's
Week 4:
Presentation of your commercial branding assignment in class
Weeks 5 and 6: Political Branding using Social Media + Practical Assignment
- The Ten Commandments of online political branding
- Social Media campaigns in the 2015 Israeli elections
- Promoting social agendas using social media
Week 7:
Presentation of your political branding assignment in class
Week 8: Commercial Crises Management using Social Media
- Types of potential crises
- Why not every criticism is a crisis?
- The crisis management process
Week 9: Political Crises Management using Social Media
- Turning your disadvantage into an advantage
- 2013 and 2015 Israeli elections as crisis management case studies
-Recovering from a crisis and regaining trust
Week 10: Real-Time crises management session
- Handling real and made-up crisis management scenarios
Week 11: Nation Branding using Social Media
- Branding countries and cities using social media
- Public diplomacy using social media
- Public Advocacy using social media
Week 12: Personal Branding using Social Media
-Pinpointing our own competitive advantages
- "ME" as a brand
- The Elevator Speech
Week 13: Locating, Using and Rewarding Brand Ambassadors + Workshop conclusion
- How do we track Brand Ambassadors?
- How do we approach and handle Brand Ambassadors?
- What's next in Social Media?
Required Reading:
1. Seth Godin's Blog -
2. Kissmetrics Blog -
3. Hubspot's Blog -
4. Marketing Land Blog -
5. Marketing Week Blog -
Additional Reading Material:
Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 80 %
Assignments 20 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %
Additional information: