HU Credits:
1st degree (Bachelor)
Responsible Department:
Communication & Journalism
1st Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Jasmine Kainy
Coordinator Office Hours:
Teaching Staff:
Ms. jasmine kaniy
Course/Module description:
The interview is one of the most fundamental building blocks of most television programs - from news to documentary to entertainment. The interview is used in most television genre which are unscripted there is use of interview techniques to bring the story to the screen. This hands-on workshop will introduce the students to a variety of interview techniques - they will research, produce and interview, working in a studio environment.
Course/Module aims:
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
The students will conduct at least 3 interviews each, at the end of the semester there will be 4-5 interviews filmed and edited by them.
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Hands on workshop
Course/Module Content:
Interview types and sub-genre
It all starts with research
preparing the interview - the opening question
How to make politicians answer
The importance of listening and follow up questions
creating intimacy with cameras around
The ethics of interviews
The use of visual material
Editing an interview - the art of being concise
Required Reading:
Viewing of assigned interviews
Additional Reading Material:
Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 40 %
Project work 0 %
Assignments 60 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %
Additional information: