HU Credits:
1st degree (Bachelor)
Responsible Department:
Asian Studies
2nd Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Prof. Orna Naftali
Coordinator Office Hours:
2nd Semester: Thurs. 2-3 PM
Teaching Staff:
Prof Orna Naftali
Course/Module description:
The course examines Chinese consumption patterns in different areas of life, while focusing on the interrelationship between consumer values and behaviors and the construction of class and social identities in contemporary China. The discussion will draw on studies in sociology and anthropology, consumer and marketing studies, and media and cultural studies
Course/Module aims:
To survey Chinese consumer habits in the areas of food, beauty and body care, child-rearing and education, leisure and travel, and media and popular culture, while considering the role of consumption in shaping of social and class identities in China. The discussion will further look at Chinese government policies in the realm of consumption; the interplay between the 'global' and the 'local' in China's consumer market, the unique marketing challanges of foreign companies in China; the rise of "national consumerism" and "green consumerism", and the relationship between consumption, morality, and corruption in contemporary China.
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
• Provide an overview of Chinese government policies in the realm of consumption and social stratification since 1978
• Describe the main features of China's 'consumer revolution'
• Explain the role of consumption in the shaping of social and class identities in contemporary China
• Describe the consumption patterns of different social groups in China, along the lines of class, gender, and generation
• Discuss the interaction between globalization and localization processes in China's consumer market
• Write a final paper or seminar paper which offers a critical discussion of a key issue related to consumerism in China.
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Lecture and seminar
Course/Module Content:
*Note: The following list is subject to change. Please consult the class website on the Moodle system for most updated information.
-Theoretical and Historical Background
-Conspicuous Consumption
-Consumer Nationalism
-popular culture
-Food consumption: Identity, Safety and Sustainability
-The Beauty Economy
-Parenting and education
Required Reading:
*The following list is subject to change. Please consult the class website on the Moodle system for most updated information.
**List of Readings according to order of discussion:
Gerth, Karl. 2020. "Consumerism in Contemporary China." In Faith, Finance, and Economy, edited by Tanweer Akram and Saleem Rashid, 75-105. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Joy, Annamma, Russell W. Belk, Jeff Jianfeng Wang, and John F. Sherry, J. 2020. "Emotion and Consumption: Toward a New Understanding of Cultural Collisions between Hong Kong and PRC Luxury Consumers". Journal of Consumer Culture 20(4): 578-597
Liao, Sara, and Grace Xia. 2023. "Consumer Nationalism in Digital Space: A Case Study of the 2017 Anti-Lotte Boycott in China". Convergence: The International
Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 29(6): 1535–1554
Chew, Matthew Ming-tak. 2023. "Non-Digital Fan Networking: How Japanese Animation and Comics disseminated in China despite Authoritarian Deterrence". International Journal of Cultural Studies 26(1): 34-51.
Tuxun, Shajidanmu. 2022. "The 'Ethnic' Restaurant: Migration, Ethnicity, and Food Authenticity in Shanghai". China Perspectives 131: 59-68
Klein, Jakob. 2020. "Eating Potatoes Is Patriotic: State, Market, and the Common Good in Contemporary China". Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 48(3): 340-359
Quan, Hong. 2019. "The Representation and/or Repression of Chinese Women: from a Socialist Aesthetics to Commodity Fetish". Neohelicon 46: 717–737
Zhang, Wei. 2020. "Shadow Education in the Service of Tiger Parenting: Strategies Used by Middle-Class Families in China". European Journal of Education 55: 388–404
Zhu, Jinsheng (Jason), David Airey, and Aranya Siriphon. 2021. "Chinese Outbound Tourism: An Alternative Modernity Perspective." Annals of Tourism Research 87: 1-11
Additional Reading Material:
Grading Scheme :
Essay / Project / Final Assignment / Home Exam / Referat 52 %
Active Participation / Team Assignment 8 %
Submission assignments during the semester: Exercises / Essays / Audits / Reports / Forum / Simulation / others 18 %
Presentation / Poster Presentation / Lecture 22 %
Additional information:
*In this class you may submit a Final paper OR Seminar paper (52%)