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Syllabus Introduction to Poetry - 44155
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Last update 05-10-2022
HU Credits: 4

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: English

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: English

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr Micha Lazarus

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Monday 14:30-15:30

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Micha Lazarus,
Ms. Eden Bart

Course/Module description:
This course introduces students to the history and techniques of poetry in English. Through lectures and tutorials focusing on close reading, students will learn methodologies for the formal analysis of poetic structure, prosody and verse forms as well as theories of poetics.

Course/Module aims:
Over the course of the semester, students will develop methods for analyzing the richness and complexity of poetic language and form, while also strengthening critical thinking, reading, and writing skills.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to better engage a range of poetic expression in English; they will sharpen their practices of close reading and critical thinking and writing on poetry and in general; they will be able to identify evolving structures of poetic expression that continue to shape cultural modes of creative expression.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Lecture and tutorial

Course/Module Content:
Introduction to Poetry Lecture
Dr Micha Lazarus
Semester I, Monday 13:00-14:30

A course booklet will be made available digitally, containing compulsory readings for each lecture. This must be brought to every class.

1. Intro to poetry: Diction

2. Syntax and the Poetic Line

3. Image, Metaphor, and Simile

4. Images and the Sonnet

5. Sonnet Form

6. Meter

7. Sounds and Rhyme

8. Personification

9. Poetic Conventions (Topos/Topoi)

20. Poetic Voice

21. Scale and Sequence

22. More Verse Forms

23. Rhetoric

24. Conclusion

Required Reading:
Poems and other materials will be distributed and will appear on the course site on Moodle.

Additional Reading Material:
Will be circulated in class and made available on the course site.

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 25 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 10 %
Project work 25 %
Assignments 40 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %

Additional information:
To complete the course, a passing grade (at least 60%) in each of the components of the final grade is required. Failure to pass the end-of-term examination on the lecture material, or failure of the term paper, amounts to failing the whole course, even though each of them constitutes only 25% of the grade.

Attendance is mandatory. Lecture recordings will be provided during the semester only to students who have good reasons to justify their absence from class.
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.