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Syllabus The creation of space in Israel - 40971
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Last update 21-02-2022
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: Geography

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Shlomo Hasson

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: To be coordinated with the students

Teaching Staff:
Prof Shlomo Hasson

Course/Module description:
This course explores the issue of spatial planning and development in Israel. It deals with the following issues:
1. The spatial impacts of crises and technological disruptions
2. Social and spatial development and inclusion
3. Spread of the built-up area
4. Demographic growth and pressures on natural resources
5. Cross-border cooperation

Course/Module aims:
1. Studying the mechanisms that produce Israel's space with special emphasis on crises and technological disruptions
2. Exploring the challenges confronting spatial planning and development.
3. Exploring the appropriate responses to these challenges.
4. Examining the ability of the planning institutions to respond to these challenges

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
1. To understand how crises and technological changes affect the production of space.
2. To identify processes and trends relating to the production of space.
3. To develop several scenarios regarding the production of space.
4. To chart new directions in spatial planning

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Lectures, discussions, exercises, presentations

Course/Module Content:
1. Introduction: theoretical aspects of the creation of space with special emphasis on crises and technological changes
2. The mechanisms underlying the creation of space.
3. Challenges confronting the creation of space.
4. The development of space over time.
5. Spatial scenarios

Required Reading:
Shlomo Hasson (Ed.). 2012. The production of space in Israel: The map of settlements and land. Keter.
Shlomo Hasson. 2015. "The production of space in the age of uncertainty.". The Geographic Network. Vo. 8, pp. 15-39.
Shlomo Hasson et als (Eds) 2016. Spatial planning and development. Ministry of Finance and the Shasha Center for Strategic Studies

Additional Reading Material:
Parul Gupta, Sumedha Chauhan & M. P. Jaiswal. "Classification of Smart City Research - a Descriptive Literature Review and Future Research Agenda". Information Systems Frontiers (2019) 21:661–685
Joel Kotkin. 27 March 2020. "The End of New York". Tablet Magazine.
Riham Zawil. 7 August 2020. "How does ICT change urban planning, the city, and architecture?";ICT%2C%20in%20turn%2C%20are%20bound,a%20challenge%20to%20urban%20planners.
John Harrison , Mercedes Delgado , Ben Derudder , Isabelle Anguelovski , Sergio Montero , David Bailey & Lisa De Propris. Pushing regional studies beyond its borders. Regional Studies 2020, VOL. 54, NO. 1, 129–139

Grading Scheme :

Additional information:
41 Mevo Hahoresh
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