HU Credits:
2nd degree (Master)
Responsible Department:
2nd Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Prof. Gillad Rosen
Coordinator Office Hours:
Wednesday 11:30-10:10
Teaching Staff:
Prof. Gillad Rosen
Course/Module description:
The course is concerned with the interplay of social groups and urban environments. It further investigates and critically examines social diversity through the exploration of urban utopias.
Course/Module aims:
The course explores urban environments in different scales and contexts (streets, neighborhoods, communities and cities); study current debates in social geographies and examine urban challenges such as sprawl, urban regeneration, and affordable housing.
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Specialize in key issues of urban philosophy.
Read and criticize academic writings.
Design a research plan and write a seminar paper.
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Home assignments
Independent work
Course/Module Content:
Detailed description will be provided in class
Required Reading:
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Additional reading will be assigned during the first class meeting.
Additional Reading Material:
Further explanations will be provided in class
Grading Scheme :
Essay / Project / Final Assignment / Home Exam / Referat 100 %
Additional information:
Prerequisite for those interested in writing a seminar: course 40415 research approaches in geography or course 40903 research methods for MA.