HU Credits:
2nd degree (Master)
Responsible Department:
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Yehuda Pollak
Coordinator Office Hours:
Tuesday 11-12
Teaching Staff:
Prof Yehuda Pollak
Course/Module description:
This course is designed for students who are interning in clinics where they are learning hands-on how to diagnose children and adults with learning disabilities. It discusses the rationale guiding the methods used in the clinic for diagnosing learning disabilities at the School of Education of the Hebrew University, as well as the rationale of the adult diagnostic system used in the support centre for students with learning disabilities at the Hebrew University. The course will also include guest lectures by clinicians in various fields who treat difficulties common in individuals with learning disabilities. Complex special cases that come up in the clinic will also be discussed.
Course/Module aims:
The course is intended to support the students’ clinical internship by discussing the rationale guiding the diagnostic process. Another aim is to familiarize the students with interfacing fields of therapy.
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
see course aims
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Lectures and active discussion of selected case studies.
Course/Module Content:
Each of the following topic will be discussed in 2-3 lessons:
1. The rationale of the child diagnostic system used in the clinic of the division for learning disabilities at the School of Education of the Hebrew University.
2. The rationale of the adult diagnostic system used in the clinic for diagnosing learning disabilities at the School of Education of the Hebrew University, including the differences in the aims of diagnosis and treatment in children versus adults.
3. Introducing other diagnostic tools common in the field that are not used in the children’s clinic for theoretical reasons.
4. Discussing complex cases encountered in the children’s and adults’ clinics.
5. Introducing other clinical fields which treat problems common to individuals with learning disabilities, such as clinical psychologists treating behavioral and social problems of individuals with learning disabilities, occupational therapists, neurologists, developmental opticians, and communications therapists.
6. Discussing legislation and accepted definitions in formal settings.
Required Reading:
Fletcher, J. M., Stuebing, K. K., Morris, R. D., & Lyon, G. R., (2013). Classification and definition of learning disabilities: a hybrid model. In: Swanson, H. L., Harris, K. R., & Graham, S., (Eds.). Handbook of Learning Disabilities, 2nd ed. New-York: The Guilford Press, 33-50.;iw&lr&eq;&id&eq;f8OWIqEVr3oC&oi&eq;fnd&pg&eq;PP1&dq&eq;+book+%26+learning+disability+fletcher&ots&eq;UsXPP8dOeS&sig&eq;KTEKPLobrYuq_Aig8hXQN4wMGbY&redir_esc&eq;y#v&eq;onepage&q&eq;book%20%26%20learning%20disability%20fletcher&f&eq;false
חוק זכויות סטודנטים ע ל"ל – 2008
1. אתר כל זכות – לקויות למידה:;CL_tvKm_xbACFcRF3wodOloKpw
2. מתוך חוזר מנכ"ל בעניין לקויות למידה
3. חוק זכויות תלמידים עם לקות למידה במוסדות על-תיכוניים, התשס"ח–2008* (ניתן למצוא אותו ברשת תחת השם הזה)
4. גף ליקויי למידה
5. משרד החינוך – התאמות - 2014
המתווה החדש לפרוצדורת האבחון לשם קביעת התאמות _ משרד החינוך _2018
מתן התאמות לבגרות – 2019
6. אתר השירותים והמידע הממשלתי – מדריך זכויות והקלות ללקויי למידה
Additional Reading Material:
Grading Scheme :
Attendance / Participation in Field Excursion 100 %
Additional information:
Attendance is required at all class sessions. Justified absence requires authorization. A pass/fail grade will be given on the basis of attendance at all the sessions.