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תאריך עדכון אחרון 29-08-2024 |
נקודות זכות באוניברסיטה העברית:
היחידה האקדמית שאחראית על הקורס:
סמסטר ב'
שפת ההוראה:
הר הצופים
מורה אחראי על הקורס (רכז):
ד"ר סלים מונייר
שעות קבלה של רכז הקורס:
מורי הקורס:
ד"ר סלים מונייר
תאור כללי של הקורס:
The course will provide students understanding of religious education and the different approaches to religious education in general. The students will evaluate the religious education in Israel and the different approaches held in diverse school systems. Exposing how the religion of the “other” is presented in the various educational systems and how it impacts the view of the “other”. This will give insight to the connection between religious education and multidimensional conflicts (political, social, religious, etc.). Moreover, illuminate the link between religious education and peace building. Equipping students with an intersectional and critical lens to religious education in Israel and beyond.
מטרות הקורס:
תוצרי למידה : בסיומו של קורס זה, סטודנטים יהיו מסוגלים:
The course will provide students understanding of religious education and the different approaches to religious education in general. The students will evaluate the religious education in Israel and the different approaches held in diverse school systems. Exposing how the religion of the “other” is presented in the various educational systems and how it impacts the view of the “other”. This will give insight to the connection between religious education and multidimensional conflicts (political, social, religious, etc.). Moreover, illuminate the link between religious education and peace building. Equipping students with an intersectional and critical lens to religious education in Israel and beyond.
דרישות נוכחות (%):
שיטת ההוראה בקורס:
רשימת נושאים / תכנית הלימודים בקורס:
- Religious education in general - Religious education in Israel in various school systems. - Teaching about the religious "other". - The connection between religious education and multidimensional conflicts (political, social, religious, etc.). - Religious education and peace making.
חומר חובה לקריאה:
Byrne, Cathy. (2011). "Freirean critical pedagogy's challenge to interfaith education: what is interfaith? What is education?". 33(1): 47-60, British Journal of Religious Education, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233005530_Freirean_Critical_Pedagogy's_Challenge_to_Interfaith_Education_What_is_Interfaith_What_is_Education. Durham, Cole W. (2012). “Introduction”, The Routledge International Handbook of Religious Education. Edited by Derek Davis & Elena Miroshnikova, Published by The Routledge Handbooks of Education. Gearon, Liam. (2014). The Paradigms of Contemporary Religious Education, pp. 52-81), 27(1), Published by Association for the Study of Religion in Southern Africa. Gordon, Sheila C. (2017). “Interfaith education: A new model for today’s interfaith families”, pp. (169-195), 63(2), UNESCO INSTITUTE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING, International Review of Education, Published by Springer. Merriam-Webster: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/religious%20education. Religious Education in Israel Asher, Moaz. (2012). “Introduction”, The Routledge International Handbook of Religious Education. Collected by Derek Davis & Elena Miroshnikova, Published by The Routledge Handbooks of Education. Gindi, Shahar. (2017). “Autonomy and religious education: lessons from a six-year evaluation of an educational reform in an Israeli school network”, pp. (149-171), 39(2), British Journal of Religious Education. Gross, Zehavit. (2003). “State-religious Education in Israel: Between Tradition and Modernity”, pp. 149-164, 33, Prospects. Katz, Yaacov. (1999). “The Development of State Religious Education in Israel”. (2010)."The State Approach to Jewish and non-Jewish Education in Israel". (2018). “Religious and Heritage Education in Israel in an Era of Secularism“. Masua, Sagiv. (2011). “Controlling the Education of Children in a Liberal Multicultural State - Religious Education in Israel: A Case Study”, Children’s Legal Rights Journal. Nohad, Ali. (2017). “Religious Education Among Minority Muslim Schools in Israel: The Condition and Overview", 3(2), Jurnal Pendidikan Islam/Islamic Educational Institution Concerning Islamic Education. Schneider, Suzanne. (2008). Mandatory Separation: Religion, Education, and Mass Politics in Palestine, Stanford University Press. Shamai, Shmuel. (2010). “'Cultural Shift': The case of Jewish religious education in Israel”, pp. (401-417), 21(3), Taylor & Francis. Suwaed Muhammad and Ali Nohad. (2016). "Education, identity, and ideology: the Islamic movement and Moslem religious education in Israel", pp. (426-449), 22(4), Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. במבט רחב: מספרים על חינוך (2022): http://ic.education.gov.il/QvAJAXZfc/opendoc_pc.htm?document&eq;Mabat_rachav.qvw&host&eq;qvsprodlb&sheet&eq;SH11&lang&eq;en-US מבנה מערכת החינוך, חקיקה מרכזית ונתונים כלליים, (2019). מערכת החינוך בישראל - סוגיות נבחרות בתחום עיסוקה של ועדת החינוך, התרבות והספורט של הכנסת, (2015). Methods of Teaching Other Religions Gilheany, Terrence. (2013). "Israeli and Palestinian Teachers' Self-Reported Motivations for Teaching Religion: An Exploratory Case Study”, pp. (499-514), 108(5), The Official Journal of the Religious Education Association. Gindi, Shahar. (2017). “Autonomy and religious education: lessons from a six-year evaluation of an educational reform in an Israeli school network", pp. (149-171), 39(2), British Journal of Religious Education. Hakak, Yohai and Tamar Rapoport. (2012). “Excellence or Equality in the Name of God? The Case of Ultra-Orthodox Enclave Education in Israel”, 92(2), The Journal of Religion, found in The University of Chicago Press Journals, https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/663722?casa_token&eq;foUFilYD0tgAAAAA:OnEDcLiMzW-TD3CK4qRw3rzXRA5LkeajKbQsKyLF4lLt0AK06UMlMef5C9fkXN9dOpcGpaVI2Qw . Halperin, Liora R. (2014). "The Battle over Jewish Students in the Christian Missionary Schools of Mandate Palestine”, pp. 737-754, 50(5), Middle Eastern Studies. Kelly, James. (2012). Abraham’s children: Liberty and Tolerance in an age of Religious Conflict. Yale University Press. Nahas, Eman. (2020). "Multiculturalism and Inter-Faith Understanding at Teaching Colleges in Israel" Minority vs. Majority Perspectives", pp. (436-451), 115(4), The Official Journal of the Religious Education Association. Ramon, Orit, et. Al. (2020). Jesus Was a Jew: Presenting Christians and Christianity in Israeli State Education. Lexington Books. Religious Education in Context of Conflict and Peacemaking Agbaria, Atman K. (2016). "The 'right' education in Israel: segregation, religious ethnonationailsm, and depoliticized professionalism". (2020). "‘From the wells’: teaching openness in Judaism and Islam towards a shared society in Israel?”. Bagir, Zainal Abidin. (2008). “Interfaith Dialogue and Religious Education”. Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies, Gajah Mada University in Indonesia. Bekerman, Zvi. (2010). "Palestinian-Jewish Bilingual Education in Israel: Its Influence on Cultural Identities and its Impact on Intergroup Conflict", pp. (473-484), 24(6), Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Giudita, Fontana. (2016). "Religious education after conflicts: promoting social cohesion or entrenching existing cleavages?", pp. (811-831),46(5), Compare: A Journal of Comparative and international Education. Hager, Tamar et al. (2011). “Jewish Arab activism through dialogical encounters: changing an Israeli campus”, pp. 193-211, 8(2), Journal of Peace Education. McKinney, Stephen and Frederico Zannoni. (2015). “Religion, Conflict and Education”. 10(1), Journal of Theories and Research in Education. Zembilas, Michalinos. (2014). "Human rights and religious education in the contentious context of conflict-troubled societies: perspectives from human rights education". (2018). "The Political Function of Religious Education in an Ethnically Divided Society: Greek-Cypriot Teachers’ Perspectives on Conflict, Peace, and Religious Teaching".
חומר לקריאה נוספת:
מרכיבי הציון הסופי :
הגשת עבודה מסכמת / פרויקט גמר / מטלת סיכום / מבחן בית / רפרט % 60
מטלות הגשה במהלך הסמסטר: תרגילים / עבודות / מבדקים / דוחות / פורום / סימולציה ואחרות % 30
נוכחות / השתתפות בסיור % 10
מידע נוסף / הערות:
אם הינך זקוק/ה להתאמות מיוחדות בשל לקות מתועדת כלשהי עמה את/ה מתמודד/ת, אנא פנה/י ליחידה לאבחון לקויות למידה או ליחידת הנגישות בהקדם האפשרי לקבלת מידע וייעוץ אודות זכאותך להתאמות על סמך תעוד מתאים.
למידע נוסף אנא בקר/י באתר דיקנט הסטודנטים.
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