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Syllabus The Early Modern Period 1500-1850 - 13043
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Last update 25-09-2019
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: History of Jewish People & Contemporary Jewry

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Prof. Eli Lederhendler

Coordinator Office Hours: Mon., 10:30 Room 424 Contemporary Jewry

Teaching Staff:
Prof Eli Lederhendler

Course/Module description:
A survey of the major trends in Jewish History from the 16th century to the mid-19th century, covering the major communities in Europe, the Middle East, and America.
Topics include: Major Events and Trends; Geographies and Spaces; Religion, including new religious trends in Judaism; Institutions and Leadership; Moslem and Christian countries and changes in the civil status of Jews; emancipation and the French and American revolutions; Napoleonic Wars and their aftermath; the Damascus Crisis, early Western colonialism in North Africa and the Middle East

Course/Module aims:
The course is intended to introduce the basic themes of modernization as they emerged in relation to Jews in various societies: including changes in the Jews' civil status, religious institutions, economic relations, and cultural expression. Key processes such as emancipation and the pluralization of Jewish lifestyles will be addressed. Questions of historical theory and the emergence of a modern Jewish historical literature will also be discussed.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Students will be able to recognize and explain key concepts such as modernity, emancipation, community, colonialism, Orthodoxy, and Reform as these pertain to the field of modern Jewish studies. Students will also be able to point to the contrasts and similarities that occur when examining Jewish communities in various parts of the world. Students will be able to relate macro-processes to specific time-sequences and events and will be able to identify types of historical documentation.
Written assignment at the end of the semester is in two parts: (1) two reading summaries based on items from the course bibliography; (2) an essay question to be answered in a short essay, to be assigned during the final weeks of the term. Assignments are due to be turned in by 10 February 2020.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Lectures

Course/Module Content:
The specified lectures and reading assignments for this course (13043) will be posted on the course site (Moodle).
The following is an outline of topics:
קווי יסוד: מתי מתחילה העת החדשה, ומה כרוך בשאלה זו?

שיעור 2
הפזורה של יוצאי ספרד ופורטוגל—יהודים, מומרים, ואנוסים

שיעור 3
התפרצות רדיקלית משתי קצוות העולם היהודי-ספרדי: השבתאות מול שפינוזה

שיעור 4
יהודי פולין לפני ואחרי גזירות ת"ח ות"ט (1648-1649)

שיעור 5
מושגים במרחב ובסביבה

שיעור 6

שיעור 7
ההשכלה, התודעה ההיסטורית החדשה, ומגמות ל"נירמול" היהודים
שיעור 8
שלהי המאה ה-18 (א): מהפכות באמריקה וצרפת
שיעור 9
המשך דיון על שלהי המאה ה-18 (ב): חלוקות פולין והשלכותיה
שיעור 10
האימפריה הרוסית, עד 1844
שיעור 11
יהודי ארצות האסלאם על סף עידן הקולוניאליזם.

שיעור 12
ראשיתה של תנועת הרפורמה ביהדות
שיעור 13
המשגת ה"אורתודוקסיה": מפעל ההמשכיות והשמרנות

Required Reading:
As listed in the "MOODLE" portal for the course for academic year 2019-2020

Additional Reading Material:
see above

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 10 %
Project work 90 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %

Additional information:
The final assignment for the end of the course will be in accordance with the instructions and guidelines to be posted on the course site (Moodle) and will be explained in detail to course participants.
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.