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Last update 12-11-2013
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Social Work and Social Welfare

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr. Edith Blit-Cohen

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Wednesday 11-12

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Edith Blit-Cohen

Course/Module description:
The course deals with theories of multi-culturalism, control and oppression regarding social phenomenons in the Israeli society.
We'll learn about social ruptures, with emphasis in the cultural gaps between the Social Workers and their clients.

Course/Module aims:
Students will know theories about multi-culturalism, control and oppression regardind social phenomenons.
To increase students' awareness toward ethnic and cultural differences between people.
To develop the students' understanding of social processes which take place in the Israeli society, while examining the role of Social Work in coping with them.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Identify gaps in the Israeli society and define the source of these gaps.
Implement professional skills which help the students to cope with the conflicts that should arise because of ethnic and cultural gaps between them and the people they work with.

Attendance requirements(%):
Full and active attendance during all the classes.

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: The course requires active learning. Students will read an article for each class, and debate the issues at class.

Course/Module Content:
Identity and tolerance,
Pluralism, Multi-culturalism and cultural sensivity,
control and oppression,
globalization and its social consequences,
groups and conflicts in the Israeli society.

Required Reading:
Identity and tolerance:
Lawler, S.(2008). Identity: Sociological perspectives. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Pyles, L. (2009). Progressive community organizing.N.Y.:Routledge. Chapter 10: Towards solidarity: Understanding oppression and working with Identity politics. Pp. 141-152.

Control and Oppression:

Dominelli, L.(2002). Anti- oppressive social work- Theory and practice. Chapters: 1: Introducing anti- oppressive theories for practice, 2: Oppression, social divisions and identity, 3: Anti-oppressive practice as a legitimate concern of social work. . N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gil, D. G. (1998). Confronting injustice and oppression. Columbia University Press. Chapter: I: Injustice and oppression: Meaning, links, and alternatives, Pp. 9-16; Chapter 6: Social change oriented "radical" practice, Pp. 101-113; Chapter 3: Social- change strategies to overcome injustice and oppression, Pp. 33-63.

Additional Reading Material:
Identity and Toleration:
Ben-Rafael, E. (2010).Collective identities and transnationalism. In: Yair, G. and O. Gazit (Ed.). Collective identities, states and globalization. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press. Pp.: 117-139.

Creppell, I. (2003). Toleration and Identity: Foundations in early modern thoughts. Chapter 1: Introduction: Basic reconceptions, pp. 1-18. London: Routledge.

Malesevic, S. (2002). Identity: Conceptual, operational and historical critique. In: Malesevic, S. and Haugaard, M. (ed.) Making sense of collectivity: Ethnicity, nationalism and globalization. Pp. 195-216. Sterling, USA: Pluto Press.


Calley, N. G. (2011). Program development in the 21st. century. California: Sage Publications. Chapter 4: Address cultural identity issues in program design. Pp.: 97-126.

Payne, M. and A.Gurid. (2008).Globalization and international social work. England: Ashgate. Chapter 4: Racism, social exclusion and cultural translation. Pp. 47- 62.

Inglehart, R. (2003).Changing values in post- industrial societies. In: Goodwin, J. and Jasper, J. (ed.). The social movement reader: Cases and concepts. Blackwell Publishers Ltd., Pp. 64-71.

Globalization and its social consequences:
Rowe, W., Hanley, J., Moreno, E.R. and Mould, J. (2000). Voices of social work practice: International reflections on the effects of globalization. Canadian Social Work Review, 17, 65-87.

Healy, L. M. (2007). Retheorising international social work for the global professional community. In: Dominelli, L. (ed.). Revitalising communities in a globalising world. University of Durham, UK:Ashgate. Chapter 24 Pp.: 347-374.

Payne, M. and A. A. Gurid. (2008). Globalization and international social work. England: Ashgate. Chapter 2: Globalization, Postcolonialism and postmodernism: Conflicts and connections. Pp. 9- 30.

Groups and gaps in Israeli Society:

Bar-Yosef, R. (1998).
Exclusion, Closure and Marginalization: Immigrants in Israel. In: Korayem, K. and Petmesidou, M. (ed.). Poverty and social exclusion in the Mediterranean area. Crop Publication.

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 70 %
Presentation 30 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 0 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %

Additional information:
The presentation is optional and it's about presenting issue related to multiculturalism in class. For those students who will not chose to make the presentation, the final grade will be the grade of the examination.
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.