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Syllabus Drug use/Misuse and Treatment - 3007
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Last update 31-01-2024
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Social Work

Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Ein Karem

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr. Shabtay Levit

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: monday 10:15-11:45

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Shabtay Levit

Course/Module description:
Course: Inbuilt difficulties in treating addicts
The course deals with familiarization with the phenomenon of the use and abuse of drugs. The course combines academia and field work, and is given from a critical and integrated standpoint, combining the considerable clinical experience of the lecturer and research in the field, with a historical perspective. The critical viewpoints will relate to the disagreements between the course lecturer and the system that developed in Israel in the 1990s and is in use to this day. These points of contention are with regard to the following issues: the unnecessary demonization of drugs, and nonetheless, the increasing frequency of their use; the strategy that should be adopted in the field of treatment policy (the full rehabilitation school as against the school or repairing the damage); who should be included in the intervention unit (the addict himself or the group of those suffering from his addiction); the role of the therapist in this field (treatment or social supervision); the length / duration of treatment (a pre-defined period, or as long as it takes).

The course will teach basic knowledge in the field: drug groups, types of use (from recreational drug to addiction), and the two main approaches in the field of treating addictions. Students will also learn about the connection between definition of the phenomenon and the treatment policy and approaches that have developed as a result. We will also deal with central issues in treating the population of addicts, such as: the role of the therapist in this population, women and addictions, inter-generational transfer, and addictions and other medical problems - physical and mental (co-morbidity).

Course/Module aims:
● 4 types of beneficial use of drugs that are known and have accompanied every culture through the ages
● Familiarization with the drug groups, and types of use
● Familiarization with the different approaches to treatment of addictions
● Familiarization with the inbuilt difficulties between therapist and patient in this population
● Familiarization with three intervention methods that have been proved in research: the motivational interview approach (Miller & Rolnick, 2002), prolonged exposure to treatment in post trauma (Prolonged Exposure, Foa, 1997), and the mapping approach (Dansereau & Simpson, 2009).

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
● Students will acquire knowledge of basic and contemporary definitions in the field of addiction.
● Students will acquire knowledge regarding the frequency of the phenomenon of drug abuse in Israel and around the world, with which to carry out independent analysis and interpretation of the new data constantly appearing in the media.
● Students will acquire knowledge of the main schools of treatment in the field, and the different services derived from them. With the help of this knowledge, they will be able to analyze services in the field of treatment of addictions.
● Students will acquire knowledge of the sub-groups requiring special attention within this population: women, dual diagnosis, children of... and will acquire the basic tools for treating these groups.
● Students will acquire knowledge of the special nature of this population, and the impact of the therapist's work.
● Students will acquire an initial familiarity with research-based treatment methods whose effectiveness has been proved in working with this population.

Attendance requirements(%):
There is no attendance requirements

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Internet learning with the help of video clips and presentations showing the intervention methods studied. The students will be encouraged to participate in the internet forum accompanying the course, for asking questions and responding to the study material. Social work students will also be encouraged to bring cases from their professional training.

Course/Module Content:
Beneficial use of drugs: medicines, recreational drugs, rites of passage, and in emergency situations: war
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Continuation: Beneficial use of drugs, and basic concepts: substance groups and possibilities for use / abuse
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Introduction to drug abuse (addiction) and its frequency around the world and in Israel
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Schools of addiction treatment and the principles of good treatment according to NIDA
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Theoretical models for explaining addiction: the medical model: addiction as a brain disease
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
The history of treating addicts in Israel
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Inbuilt difficulties in treating addicts
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Women and addictions
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
The Twelve Step groups and the NA method
Lecturer: Prof. Nati Ronel
Addictions and other medical problems – physical and mental
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Aspects and variables to be related to in the field of treating addictions
Lecturer: Prof. Einstein
The principles of the motivational interview
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Lecturer: Dr. Shabtay Levit
Summary and preparation for the exam

Required Reading:
Gelkopf, M., Levit, S., & Bleich, A. (2002). An integration of three approaches to addiction and methadone maintenance treatment: The self-medication hypothesis, the disease model, and social criticism. The Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 39 (2), 140-151.
Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational interviewing: Preparing
people for change (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford. (pp. 33-42).

Dansereau, D. F., & Simpson, D. D. (2009). A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: The Case for Graphic Representations. Professional Psychology-Research and
Practice, 40(1), 104-110.

Schiff, M,. Nacasch, N,. Levit, S,. Katz, N.(2015) Prolonged Exposure for Treating PTSD Among Female Methadone Patients Who Were Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Israel. Social Work in Health Care
Volume 54, Issue 8

Additional Reading Material:

Grading Scheme :
Written / Oral / Practical Exam 100 %

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.