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List of courses taught in English

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Found 18 results
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01503   |   The Archaeology of Ancient Israel ארכיאולוגיה של ארץ ישראל הקדומה
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Doron Ben-Ami
Seminar 2nd Semester Tuesday 18:30-20:15 301 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01506   |   Bibliography Guidance הדרכה ביבליוגרפית
0.5 h 1 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tarja Philip
Exercise 1st Semester Tuesday 16:30-18:15 208 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
This course will be held every other week.
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01537   |   Akkadian(second year): Assyrian Royal Inscriptio אכדית ) שנה שניה ( : סנחריב
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Elnathan Weissert
Exercise 2nd Semester Thursday 14:30-16:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Prerequisite: Completion of course 42942.
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01543   |   Akkadian (first year) אכדית - רמת מתחילים
4 h 6 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Elnathan Weissert
Exercise 1st Semester Thursday 16:30-20:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Elnathan Weissert
Exercise 1st Semester Monday 16:30-20:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01545   |   Biblical Hebrew - Intermediate Level עברית מקראית - רמה בינונית
2 h 4 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tania Notarius
Exercise 1st Semester Thursday 12:30-14:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Dr. Tania Notarius
Exercise 1st Semester Monday 12:30-14:15 205 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Prerequisite: Completion of 48527 Elementary Bib. Hebrew or placemen
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01556   |   The Synoptic Sections of the Book of Chronicles הפרקים הסינופטיים בספר דברי הימים וחשיבותם למחקר
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tania Notarius
Seminar 1st Semester Monday 14:30-16:15 209 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01587   |   Akkadian (first year) אכדית - רמת מתחילים
4 h 6 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Elnathan Weissert
Exercise 2nd Semester Thursday 16:30-20:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Elnathan Weissert
Exercise 2nd Semester Monday 16:30-20:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Prerequisite: Course 01543.
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01589   |   Biblical Hebrew - Intermediate Level עברית מקראית - רמה בינונית
2 h 4 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tania Notarius
Exercise 2nd Semester Thursday 12:30-14:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Dr. Tania Notarius
Exercise 2nd Semester Monday 12:30-14:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Prerequisie: Pass grade in course 01545 or score on the placement ex
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01591   |   Topics in the Archaeology of Jerusalem in Biblic נושאים בארכאולוגיה של ירושלים בתקופת המקרא
1.5 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Doron Ben-Ami
Seminar 1st Semester Friday 09:30-12:15  (Mt. Scopus)
Dr. Doron Ben-Ami
Seminar 1st Semester Wednesday 18:30-20:15 301 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
The course includes Friday morning tours
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01609   |   Ugaritic: Language and Literature אוגריתית: שפה וספרות
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tania Notarius
Lecture 2nd Semester Monday 14:30-16:15 206 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01623   |   Reading the Abraham Narratives (Genesis 11:27 - קריאה בספר בראשית - סיפורו של אברהם__
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Tarja Philip
Seminar 2nd Semester Tuesday 16:30-18:15 207 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Prerequisite: One year of Biblical Hebrew.
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01628   |   The History of the Hebrew Language during the Fi תולדות הלשון העברית בתקופת הבית הראשון והשני
2 h 4 credit/s Yearly Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. Barak Dan
Seminar Yearly Tuesday 08:30-10:15 207 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Prerequisite: Completion of course 01589 or placement exam results
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01687   |   The History of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (681-609 האיפריה הנאו-אשורית - 681-609 לפה"ס
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Elnathan Weissert
Seminar 1st Semester Thursday 14:30-16:15 205 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01689   |   Selected Topics in Pentateuchal Law and Narrativ סוגיות נבחרות בתורה, חוקיה וסיפוריה_
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof Baruch Schwartz
Seminar 1st Semester Wednesday 10:30-12:15 208 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
With permission of the instructor
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01846   |   Ezekiel: The Priest-Turned-Prophet יחזקאל: הכהן שהפך לנביא
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof Baruch Schwartz
Seminar 2nd Semester Wednesday 16:30-18:15 301 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
With instructor's permission only
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01858   |   The Book of Psalms - Poetry and Prayer שירה ותפילה בספר תהילים______________
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Dr. George Savran
Seminar 1st Semester Tuesday 10:30-12:15 202 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Prerequisite: Hebrew level Dalet is a prerequisite for this course.
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01897   |   The Kingdom of Judah: From the Reign of Manasseh ממלכת יהודה מימי מנשה עד חורבן הבית הראשון
1 h 2 credit/s 2nd Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof Mordechai Cogan
Seminar 2nd Semester Wednesday 10:30-12:15 301 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
Permission of the instructor is required.
Rothberg International School | The Bible & The Ancient Near East
01898   |   Homonymy and Polysemy in Biblical Hebrew Lexicog הומונמיה ופוליסמיה בלקסיקוגרפיה העברית המקראית
1 h 2 credit/s 1st Semester Taught in English
Lecturer Name Lesson TypeGroupSemesterWeek DaySpecial Dates Hour Room/Campus
Prof Harold Cohen
Seminar 1st Semester Sunday 10:30-14:15 301 בויא (Mt. Scopus)
This course will be held every other week
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