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Syllabus Supplementary Math Course -Linear Algebra - 76967
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Last update 21-09-2023
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: Brain Science: Computation & Information Proc.


Teaching Languages: English

Campus: E. Safra

Course/Module Coordinator: Rachel Cohen

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours:

Teaching Staff:
Prof Yoram Burak,
Ms. Rachel Cohen

Course/Module description:
ELSC Self-Study Supplementary Math Course- Linear Algebra for Neuroscience

Course/Module aims:

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
to apply the basic tools from Linear Algebra.
This course is essential for participation in the more advanced mandatory courses of ELSC program.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:

Course/Module Content:
● Vector and matrix arithmetics: elementary operations between vectors and matrices, linear combinations, linear dependence and independence, elementary matrices, invertibility, trace, similarity between matrices.
● Determinants: calculation, geometrical interpretation, multiplication rules and the effect of elementary operations.
● Systems of linear equations: general solutions of homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems, dependency on parameters, the inverse matrix.
● Finite dimensional vector spaces: Rn spaces, matrix spaces, polynom spaces, spanned sub-spaces, column and row spaces of a matrix, basis and dimension.
● Linear transformations: matrix representation of transformations, basis change transformations, representation of linear transformations in different bases, the dimension theorem for linear transformations.
● Matrix diagonalization: eigenvectors, eigenvalues, characteristic polynomial, diagonalization over real and complex spaces.
● Inner product spaces: standard inner product in Rn, orthogonality, orthonormal bases (GrahmSchmidt process), vector coordinates by orthogonal basis, Cauchy-Schwartz inequality.

Required Reading:
on Moodle

Additional Reading Material:

Grading Scheme :
Written / Oral / Practical Exam 100 %

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.