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Syllabus INT. TO ECONOMIC A - 71709
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Last update 21-09-2016
HU Credits: 4

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Environmental Economics & Management

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Rehovot

Course/Module Coordinator: Ofer Bruner

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Monday 11:00

Teaching Staff:
Mr. Ofer Bruner

Course/Module description:
Introduce the student to the basic concepts of Economy and Finance, the course will deal with the question of allocation of resources by the central authority versus the allocation of resources by the free market. Study the classical model of product supply and demand under perfect competition and the impact of government intervention. Explain the behavior of producers - the supply curve and the behavior of consumers - demand curve. Will discuss market failures and deal with the Problem of scarcity and opportunity cost concept.

Course/Module aims:
Introduce the basic principles of micro-economic analysis

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
Recognize basic term in economy
Familiar with the market mechanism advantages and disadvantages.
Analyze basic economic phenomena from micro economics.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: lectures and exercises

Course/Module Content:
1.Production function and assigning resources.
2.The Labor Market.
3. Supply function.
4. Demand function.
5. Competitive market equilibrium.
6. Government intervention and its impact on the market.
7. Market failures.
8. Opportunity cost and scarcity problem.

Required Reading:

Additional Reading Material:
1. "מבוא לכלכלה - מיקרו כלכלה"(1994); יצחק אורון, נילי מארק, גליה עופר,
הוצאת עמיתי תל-אביב(להלן - אורון וחובריו).

2. "מבוא לכלכלה-מיקרו" (1982); הוצאת האוניברסיטה הפתוחה, יחידות 1 ,2 ,3 (להלן - מיקרו)

3. "מבוא לכלכלה"; דן פטנקין, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים (רשימות לפי הרצאות)
הוצאת אקדמון (להלן - פטנקין)

4. "מבוא לכלכלה-מקרו" (1988); הוצאת האוניברסיטה הפתוחה, יחידות 1 ,2 ,3 (להלן - מקרו).

Grading Scheme :

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.