HU Credits:
1st degree (Bachelor)
Responsible Department:
2nd Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
guy harpaz
Coordinator Office Hours:
Teaching Staff:
Prof Guy Harpaz
Course/Module description:
The course is aimed at providing the students with a basic understanding about the EU and its unique legal order. The focus of the course would be on the constitutional-institutional dimensions of the EU legal order as opposed to its commercial aspects
Course/Module aims:
to provide introductory knowledge and critical thinking of the relevant issues
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
to critically analyze constitutional issues of the EU
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
regular lectures supported by reading materials
Course/Module Content:
Chapter One - introduction to the Course
Chapter Two – Introduction to the EU
Chapter Three – Institutions, Legal Sources, Legislative Process, legal enforcement
Chapter Four – Judge made Constitutional Law
Chapter Five – A Constitution for Europe? The Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Constitutional Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty
Chapter Six – The National Constitutional Response
Chapter Seven - Normative Power Europe and the State of Israel
Chapter Eight – The Challenges
Required Reading:
Chapter One - Introduction to the Course
The importance and relevance of the course, teaching methodology, the exam
Chapter Two – Introduction to the EU
Historical background, transformation from the European Coal and Steel Community into the EU, main trends, enlargement, deepening
Schuman Declaration
Nobel Prize
Joseph Weiler (2011), 'Editorial: 60 Years since the First European Community - Reflections on Political Messianism', European Journal of International Law, 22/3, 303-309
אריה רייך, "האיחוד האירופאי", פרק 8 לספרו של רובי סיבל המשפט הבינלאומי – מהדורה שנייה
Optional reading – Hebrew
ליאור זמר ושרון פרדו, הרהורים על אקטיביזים שיפוטי, משפט ועסקים ז (2007), 203, 205-207
Chapter Three – Institutions, Legal Sources, Legislative Process, legal enforcement
Articles 258-260, 263-265, 267 288-289
Treaty on the functioning of the EU
Chapter Four – Judge made Constitutional Law
G. Mancini, The Making of a Constitution for Europe, 26 Common Market Law Review (1989), 595-614
Joseph Weiler (1999), "The Transformation of Europe," in: The Constitution of Europe: Do the New Closes Have an Emperor? 2405-2431 & 2478-2483
G. Harpaz, Judicial Review by the European Court of Justice of UN "Smart Sanctions" against Terror in the Kadi Dispute, 14 EFAR (2009), 65.
C - 6/64 Costa v. ENEL [1964] ECR 585
Factortame (2) [1991] AC 603
C- 26/62 Van Gend en Loos [1963] ECR 1
C- 43/75 Defrrenne v. SABENA [1976] EC R 455
C- 36/74 Wallrave and Koch v. AVCI [1974] ECR 1405
C- 148/78 Public Ministrey v. Ratti [1978] ECR 1629
C – 152/84 Marshall [1986] ECR 723
C- 106/89 Marleasing SA v. La Commercial [1990] ECR I – 4135
FRANCOVICH - ראה לעיל
C- 29/69 Stauder v. Ulm [1969] ECR 419
C- 4/73 Nold v. Commission [1974] ECR 491
C- 299/95 Kremzow v. Austria [1997] ECR I – 2629
C – 159/90 Society for the Protection of the Unborn v Grogan [1991] I – ECR 4685
C-70/88 European Parliament v Council of the European Communities, Para. 13-14 21-31
Opinion 1/91 (EEA)
Opinion 2/94 (accession ECHR)
Opinion 2/13
C-265/95 Commission v France just as discussed in class
Joined Case C-402/05 and C-415/05 P Kadi and Al Barakaat International Foundation v Council and Commission,.
Optional reading – Hebrew
ליאור זמר ושרון פרדו, הרהורים על אקטיביזים שיפוטי, משפט ועסקים ז (2007), 203
Chapter Five – A Constitution for Europe? The Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Constitutional Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty
G. Harpaz (2011), 'European Integration in the Aftermath of the Ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon: Quo Vadis?' European Public Law 17/1 European Public Law, 73
C-131/12 Google Spain SL and Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) and Mario Costeja González
The Google verdict
Chapter Six – The National Constitutional Response
A. Steinbach, 'The Lisbon Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court' 11/4 German Law Journal (2010), 368
ARMIN VON BOGDANDY and STEPHAN SCHILL, Overcoming Absolute Primacy: Respect for National Identity under the Lisbon Treaty Common Market Law Review 48: 1–38, 2011.
Chapter Seven - Normative Power Europe and the State of Israel
I. Manners, Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?, 40/2 JCMS 235 (2002)
Yoram Hazoni
G. Harpaz and A. Shamis (2010), 'Normative Europe and the State of Israel: An Illegitimate Eurotopia?', 48/3 Journal of Common Market Studies, 579-616
G. Harpaz and Eyal Rubinson, (2010) 'The Interface between Trade, Law and Politics and the Erosion of Normative Power Europe: Comment on Brita', European Law Review
Chapter Eight – Euro-skepticisms and the way forward
Etzioni, Amitai, "The Community Deficit" . Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 23-42, March 2007
Weiler, Editorial: The Case for a Kinder, Gentler Brexit EJIL Talk
Georgopoulos, EJIL Talk
Additional Reading Material:
Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 100 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 0 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %
Additional information: