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Last update 10-08-2016 |
HU Credits:
1st degree (Bachelor)
Responsible Department:
1st Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Katya Assaf
Coordinator Office Hours:
Wed 12:15-13:00
Teaching Staff:
Dr. Katya Assaf
Course/Module description:
This seminar studies advertising using analytical tools from the fields of economics, psychology, cultural studies and communication theories. In addition, the students learn the legal regulations of advertising in various countries, including Germany, the USA and Israel. Special attention is devoted to the contrasts between the German and the Anglo-American legal systems: while the former strongly emphasizes moral considerations, the latter focuses on economic efficiency.
Course/Module aims:
The seminar aims to develop a critical perception of advertising and to grant extensive knowledge regarding the various aspects of this phenomenon.
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
•recognize advertising elements that exploit various psychological inclinations of the viewer
•recognize advertising elements that exploit social stereotypes and reinforce prejudices
•recognize elements in the plot of the non-advertising media contents that are designed to serve advertisers’ interests
•criticize the above phenomena
•analyze advertising using various theories
•estimate whether an advertisement or another marketing element is legal under the Israeli, US and German law
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Lectures and student presentations
Course/Module Content:
1st Lecture – Introduction; advertising as a complex and problematic phenomenon
The central schools of economics (the theory, its historical background and its criticism):
Classical School
Freiburg School
2nd Lecture - schools of economics continued:
Chicago School
Austrian School
Neoclassical School
3rd Lecture – Advertising and its influence on market conditions: prices, gains, demand elasticity, product quality, etc. We will learn various theoretical inquiries and empirical research examining these questions. We will put these studies into the context of the different schools of economic thought we have learnt.
4th Lecture – Advertising and the Legal System: Misleading and exaggerated advertising – its the legal treatment in Israel, Germany, EU and the US. We will recognize the economic theories standing behind the various legal regulations. We will examine how the different legal regulations influence the credibility of advertising and its ability to exploit the consumer’s weaknesses.
5th Lecture – Comparative Advertising: critical examination of its legal regulation in Israel, Germany, EU and the US. We will compare the things that are allowed to say in advertising referring to one’s own products with things that are allowed to say about a competitor. From this comparison we will conclude how much legal protection is granted to product images that are created in advertising.
6-7th Lectures: Advertising and Market Concentration: we will learn various theories and empirical studies regarding the influence of advertising on market structure. We will put this research into the context of the different schools of economics.
Advertising and Economic Growth
We will learn the theory developed by John Kenneth Galbraith and its criticism.
8-9th Lectures: Legal Protection of Trademark Image – we will learn the basics of trademark law and the doctrines that enable the protection of non-informative trademark image: the broad interpretation of the term “confusion,” post-sale confusion and the dilution doctrine. We will discuss the legal protection in Israel, the US and EU.
10-11th Lectures: Non-economic Effects of Advertising:
Advertising and Consumer Rationality
Advertising and Consumer Autonomy: we will learn a number of psychological techniques employed in advertising (classical conditioning, learning by imitation, mere exposure effect, neuro-marketing). We will discuss whether these techniques are legitimate.
Advertising and its influence on non-commercial media content
12th Lecture – The legal treatment of the various advertising techniques: we will discuss the legal regulation in Israel, Germany, EU and the US.
13-14th Lectures – The Influence of Advertising on Life Style:
Advertising and frustration, advertising and personal growth, advertising and well-being
Advertising and Consumer Culture; Materialism
Advertising prevents wars
Advertising and Status Competition
Advertising and Stereotypes, Advertising and Social Change
Advertising and Environment
Required Reading:
1. Les Brown, “Self-Regulation in American Television in Areas aside from Program Content”, 13 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 705 (1995)
2. Kathryn A. Braun, "Postexperience Advertising Effects on Consumer Memory," 25(4) The Journal of Consumer Research, 319 (1999)
3. Jerry C. Olson & Philip A. Dover, "Cognitive Effects of Deceptive Advertising," 15(1) Journal of Marketing Research 29 (1978)
4. Nicholas Kaldor, “The Economic Effects of Advertising”, 18 The Review of Economic Studies 1-27 (1950-1951)
5. קטיה זכרוב, היקף ההגנה על תדמית של סימן מסחר, משפטים ל"ה 435 (תשס"ה)
6. Jules Backman, Advertising and Competition, 1967, p. 17-57
7. Robert Dorfman, Prices and Markets, 1967, p. 104-111
8. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society, 1969, p. 121-160
9. Mark Lemley, "The Modern Lanham Act and the Death of Common Sense," 108 Yale Law Journal 1687 (1999)
10. Elizabeth Cowley, "Processing Exaggerated Advertising Claims," 59 Journal of Business Research 59 728 (2006)
11. Gregory S. Carpenter, Rashi Glazer & Kent Nakamoto, "Meaningful Brands from Meaningless Differentiation: The Dependence on Irrelevant Attributes," 31(3) Journal of Marketing Research 339 (1994)
12. Jules Henry, Culture against Man, 1963, p. 45-77, 93-99
13. Steven L. Snyder, “Movies and Product Placement: Is Hollywood Turning Films into Commercial Speech?”, 1992 University of Illinois Law Review 301
14. Sut Jhally, Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse
Additional Reading Material:
חנה קציר, פרסומת מסחרית, 2001
יובל קרניאל, דיני תקשורת מסחרית, 2003
מקור חשוב נוסף – אתר הרשות השניה לטלוויזיה ורדיו באינטרנט - . באתר מתפרסמים דו"חות שנתיים של הרשות ושל נציב תלונות הציבור. מעבר לכך, האתר מכיל מידע חשוב רב על פעילות הרשות.
חוק רשות השידור, תשכ"ה-1965
כללי רשות השידור (תשדירי פרסומת והודעות ברדיו), תשנ"ג–1993
כללי רשות השידור (מימון חוץ למישדרי טלויזיה), תשמ"ו-1985
כללי רשות השידור (מתן אפשרות תגובה לנפגע), תשנ"ז–1997
כללי רשות השידור (סייגים להשתתפות במכרז להזמנת תשדירי פרסומת לשם שידורם ברדיו), תשנ"ג–1993
כללי רשות השידור (תשדירי פרסומת והודעות ברדיו), תשנ"ג–1993
חוק הרשות השניה לטלויזיה ורדיו, תש"ן-1990
כללי הרשות השניה לטלוויזיה ולרדיו (שיבוץ פרסומות ואזכורים מסחריים בשידורי רדיו), תשנ"ט-1999
כללי הרשות השניה לטלוויזיה ולרדיו (אתיקה בפרסומת בשידורי רדיו), תשנ"ט-1999
כללי הרשות השניה לטלויזיה ורדיו (אתיקה בפרסומת בטלויזיה), תשנ"ד-1994
כללי הרשות השניה לטלויזיה ורדיו (אתיקה בשידורי טלויזיה ורדיו), תשנ"ד–1994
כללי הרשות השניה לטלויזיה ורדיו (שיבוץ תשדירי פרסומת בשידורי טלויזיה), תשנ"ב- 1992
כללי הרשות השניה לטלויזיה ורדיו (שידור תשדירי שירות ושידורי חסות), תש"ן–1990
חוק עוולות מסחריות, תשנ"ט–1999
חוק הגנת הצרכן, תשמ"א-1981
תקנות הגנת הצרכן (פרסומת ודרכי שיווק המכוונים לקטינים), תשנ"א-1991
חוק איסור לשון הרע, תשכ"ה-1965
פקודת סימני מסחר [נוסח חדש], תשל"ב-1972
חוק זכות יוצרים, 1911
פקודת זכות יוצרים
כללי לשכת עורכי הדין (פרסומת), תשס"א-2001
The Framework WHO Convention on Measures against Smoking
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIP’s)
Television Without Frontiers Directive, 89/552/EEC, 1989
Directive 84/450/EEC concerning misleading advertising, 1984
Directive 97/55/EC amending Directive 84/450/EEC concerning misleading advertising so as to include comparative advertising, 1997
Directive 2005/29/EC concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market, 2005
Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 1776
Jeremy Bentham, The Principles of Morals and Legislation, 1789
John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, 1861
G.E. Moore, in Principia Ethica, 1903
Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, 1962
Richard Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, 6th ed., 2002
George J. Stigler (ed.), Chicago Studies in Political Economy, 1988
George J. Stigler & Paul Samuelson, "A Dialogue on the Proper Economic Role of the State", Selected Papers, no.7. Chicago: University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, 1963
Robert H. Nelson, Economics As Religion: From Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond, 2001
Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, 1963
Friedrich Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy, 1973-1979
Joan Robinson, The Economics of Imperfect Competition, 1969
Edward Hastings Chamberlin, The Theory of Monopolistic Competition, 1958
Nicholas Kaldor, The Economic Effects of Advertising, 18 The Review of Economic Studies 1-27 (1950-1951)
Joe S. Bain, Barriers to New Competition, 1967
William S. Comanor & Thomas A. Wilson, Advertising and Market Power, 1974
משה נגבי, חופש העיתונות בישראל – ערכים בראי המשפט (מהדורה שנייה), 1999
יובל קרניאל, דיני תקשורת מסחרית, 2003
אורן טוקטלי, מדיניות תקשורת בישראל, 2000
דניאל דור, עיתונות תחת השפעה, 2001
Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, 1983
Matthew P. McAllister, The Commercialization of the American Culture, 1996
Leo Bogart, Who Pays for the Media? 34 Journal of Advertising Research 11-18 (1994)
William S. Comanor & Thomas A. Wilson, Advertising and Market Power, 1974
Vance Packard, The Waste Makers, 1960
David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man, 1963
Bogart, Leo, Is All This Advertising Necessary? 18 Journal of Advertising Research, 17-26 (1978)
Stigler, George J., The Economics of Information, 69 The Journal of Political Economy 213-225 (1961)
Jules Backman, Advertising and Competition, 1967
Nicholas Kaldor, The Economic Effects of Advertising, 18 The Review of Economic Studies 1-27 (1950-1951)
Jerry Kirkpatrick, In Defence of Advertising – Arguments from Reason, Ethical Egoism and Laissez-Faire Capitalism, 1994
Phillip Nelson, Advertising as Information, 82 Journal of Political Economy 729-754 (1974)
Lester G. Telser, Advertising and Competition, 72 Journal of Political Economy 537-562 (1964)
Robert Dorfman, Prices and Markets, 1967
Boris W. Becker, The Image of Advertising is Truth: Is Being Truthful Enough?, 34 Journal of Marketing 67-68 (1970)
K.W.Rothschild, A Note on Advertising, 52 The Economic Journal 112-121 (1942)
John Kenneth Galbraith, The New Industrial State, 1978
John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society, 1969
Milton Friedman, From Galbraith to Economic Freedom, 1977
Jean Boddewyn, Galbraith’s wicked wants, 25 Journal of Marketing 14-18 (1961)
Henry, Jules, Culture against Man, 1963
Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders, 1957
Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Affluent Society, 1984
Milton Friedman, From Galbraith to Economic Freedom, 1977
Jean Boddewyn, Galbraith’s wicked wants, 25 Journal of Marketing 14-18 (1961)
Rotfeld, Herbert J./Rotzoll, Kim B., Is Advertising Puffery Believed?, 9 Journal of Advertising,16-20 (1980)
Boris W. Becker, The Image of Advertising is Truth: Is Being Truthful Enough?, 34 Journal of Marketing 67-68 (1970)
Jerry Kirkpatrick, In Defence of Advertising – Arguments from Reason, Ethical Egoism and Laissez-Faire Capitalism, 1994
Herbert Marcuse, One Dimensional Man, 1964
Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, 1983
Matthew P. McAllister, The Commercialization of the American Culture, 1996
Arthur Asa Berger, Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture – Advertising’s Impact on American Character and Society, 2000
Andrew Wernick, Promotional Culture, 1991
John Hood, Selling the Dream, 2005
Liz McFall, Advertising – a Cultural Economy, 2004
Katherine T. Firth (ed.), Undressing the Ad – Reading Culture in Advertising, 1997
טלי פרידמן, הפסיכולוגיה של פרסום, 2002
אביבה גבע, התנהגות צרכנים – החלטות קניה, 1994
Paul Messaris, Visual Persuasion, 1997
ע"פ 43/93 יצחק נ' דברת
בג"צ 421/71 יפאורה נ' רשות השידור
בג"צ 606/93 קידום נ' רשות השידור
בג"צ 5118/95 מאיו סימון נ' הרשות השניה
ת"א 3266/98 בש"א 113039/98 נועם קדם נ' בזק
ע"פ 232/97 אופיס דיפו נ' מדינת ישראל
ת"ק 5431/96 מאיר אביגיל נ' גלגלי זהב בע"מ
ע"א 8737/00 "שלפרד" חברה לפיתוח ובנין בע"מ נ' ז'אק
בש"א 15033/04 לירן בריותי נ' פרופורציה פי.אם.סי. בע"מ
ת"א 2256/03 ההסתדרות הרפואית בישראל נ' אוביקטיבי מחקרים עולמיים לישראל בע"מ
בש"א 51961/99 חשבשבת בע"מ נ' מנהל - מידע ניהולי והנה"ח לעסקים בע"מ
ת"א 532/97 איטונג בע"מ נגד טרמודן בע"מ
ע"א 8483/02 אלוניאל בע"מ ואח' נ' אריאל מקדונלד , פ"ד נח (4) 314
ק' זכרוב, "היקף ההגנה על תדמית של סימן מסחר", משפטים ל"ה 435
ת"א 7585/92 דדון נ' אנגל חברה לקבלנות כללית
ת"א 920/95 כדורי פיתוח עירוני נ' אודי ארנון
פ' פרידמן, "גניבת עין: הגנתו (החלקית) של המתחרה המסחרי כנגד פרסומת כוזבת של יריבו", הפרקליט ל"ה 338
פ' פרידמן, "שקר מפגיע ולשון הרע – אפשרות התביעה במסגרת הגדרת סעיף 1(3) לחוק איסור לשון הרע, תשכ"ה-1965", הפרקליט לו(א) 77 (תשמ"ד)
פ' פרידמן, "שקר מפגיע – האופציה הלא מנוצלת להגנת המתחרה המסחרי מפני פרסום כוזב של יריבו", הפרקליט לו 425 (תשמ"ד)
בג"צ 15/96 תרמוקיר חורשים נ' הרשות השנייה
בג"צ 1858/96 אסם נ' רשות השידור
בג"צ 7833/96 מלניק נ' הרשות השניה
בג"צ 7012/93 יעקב שמאי נ' הרשות השניה
בג"צ 1893/92 צלי רשף נ' רשות השידור
Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 15 %
Participation in Tutorials 5 %
Project work 80 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %
Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.
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