HU Credits:
1st degree (Bachelor)
Responsible Department:
international relations
1st Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Prof alfred tovias
Coordinator Office Hours:
Teaching Staff:
Prof alfred tovias
Course/Module description:
The course provides the student with tools to grasp the profound reasons for, as well as implications derived from the complex relations prevailing between Europe and Israel since the creation after 1945 of pan-European integration projects first and foremost the European Economic Community in 1958, but also the OEEC in 1948 and EFTA in 1959. These relations are embedded since the 1970s in the context of Europe’s special relations with its non-European Mediterranean neighbors. Why is the Mediterranean so important for the EU? Why is the EU so important for its Mediterranean neighbors? The place that the development of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has in the state of bilateral Israel-EU relations and in the EU’s foreign policy will also be addressed. Since Israel has recently joined the OECD (the successor organization of the OEEC) and the Union for the Mediterranean, its relations with these two regional IOs will also be reviewed for comparative purposes.
Course/Module aims:
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
current policy debates taking place among the member states of the EU, as well as in the EU Commission regarding Israel and other Mediterranean Non Member Countries from a political economy viewpoint, including energy , rules of origin, open sky and mobility issues; understand Israeli policy perspectives regarding Europe and the Mediterranean over the last 60 years (including a thorough analysis of possible institutional links with the EU)
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
Course/Module Content:
- Mapping European economic and political integration since the 1950s
- Main developments in the Israeli political economy
- Evolution of institutional relations of the EU with Mediterranean non-members
- A chronology of Israel-EU relations
- Impact of internal EU developments on Israel(e.g. the Internal market; the euro crisis; Open Sky policies)
- Impact of the successive EU enlargements on Israel (e.g. the 2004 enlargement)
- Normative Power Europe , the Middle East and Israel
- Impact of the Arab Spring on EU-Israel relations
- Energy developments in the Eastern Mediterranean (2010-2016)
- Israel and the OECD
- Israel and the UfM
- Israel, the Mediterranean and Brexit
Required Reading:
Adler, E., Bicchi, F., Crawford B. and Del Sarto, R. (2006) (eds.)The Convergence of Civilizations: Constructing a Mediterranean Region, University of Toronto Press, selected chapters
Barbe E. (1996): “The Barcelona Conference: Launching Pad of a Process”, Mediterranean Politics, 1(1): 25-42.
Del Sarto, R. (2003),”Israel's Contested Identity and the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics, 8 (1): 27-58.
Del Sarto, R. (2011) “Plus ça change…? Israel, the EU and the Union for the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics 16(1): 117-153.
Del Sarto R. (2016),“Normative Empire Europe: The European Union, Its Borderlands, and the “Arab Spring”’, Journal of Common Market Studies 54(2): 215-232.
Del Sarto R. and Tovias, A. (2001), “Caught Between Europe and the Orient: Israel and the EMP”, The International Spectator, 36(4): 61-75.
Dosenrode, S. and Stubkjaer, A. (2002), The European Union and the Middle East, Sheffield Academic Press, selected chapters.
Greilsammer, I. and J. Weiler (eds.)(1988), Europe and Israel: Troubled Neighbours, Walter de Gruyter (for the European University Institute, Series C: Political and Social Sciences. 9)
Harpaz, G. and A. Shamis (2010), “Normative Power Europe and the State of Israel”, Journal of Common Market Studies 48(3): 579-616.
Hirsch, M.,Inbar E. , Sadeh T. (1996), The Future Relations between Israel and the European Communities-Some Alternatives, Bursi, selected chapters
Hollis, R.(2013), “Europe” in Peters, J.and Newman, D.(eds.), The Routledge Handbook on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Routledge, 336-45.
Nathanson, R.and S.Stetter(2006), The Monitor of the EU-Israel Action Plan, IEPN, Ebert Stiftung, selected readings
Nathanson, R.and S.Stetter(2008), Renewing the Middle east. Climate Change and Energy and the New Challenges for EU-Israel Relations, IEPN, Ebert Stiftung, selected readings
Pardo, S. and J.Peters (2010), Uneasy Neighbors: Israel and the European Union, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Pardo, S. and J. Peters, J. (2012), Israel and the European Union: A documentary history, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, selected chapters.
Reich, A.(2015),” The European Neighborhood Policy and Israel: Achievements and Disappointments”, Journal of World Trade, 49(4): 619-42.
Sadeh, T. (2003), " Israel and a Euro-Mediterranean Internal Market", Mediterranean Politics, 9: 29-52.
Shavit,Y.(1988): “The Mediterranean World and ‘Mediterraneanism’: The Origins, Meaning, and Application of a Geo-Cultural Notion in Israel”, Mediterranean Historical Review, 3(2): 96-117.
Tovias, A.(1978), Tariff Preferences in Mediterranean Diplomacy, St. Martin's Press, selected chapters.
Tovias, A. (1980), “Israel and a Community of Twelve: Challenges Ahead” in H. Giersch (ed.), The Economic Integration of Israel in the EEC, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 69 88.
Tovias,A.(1988) “The Impact of the Second Enlargement of the EC upon Israel's Balance of Payments”, in I. Greilsammer and J. Weiler (eds.), Europe and Israel: Troubled Neighbours, Walter de Gruyter (for the European University Institute, Series C: Political and Social Sciences. 9),173-94.
Tovias, A. (1994), “Israel Between Europe and America: The Status of Israel in a World of Rival Trading Blocks”, History of European Ideas, 18(5): 697-710.
Tovias , A.(1995), “From Twelve to Fifteen: The Impact of the Last European Union's Enlargement on Israel's Political Economy”, Israel Affairs, 2(2):70-94.
Tovias,A.(2000) “The Optimum Strategy for a Spoke: Linking with Other Spokes or Other Hubs?”, in M. Maresceau and E. Lannon(eds.), The EU’s Enlargement and Mediterranean Strategies, Macmillan,153-68.
Tovias, A.(2001), “On the External Relations of the EU-21: The Case of the Mediterranean Periphery”, European Foreign Affairs Review, 6 :375-94 .
Tovias, A. (2003), “Israeli Policy Perspectives on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in the Context of EU Enlargement”, Mediterranean Politics, 8(2-3): 214-32
Tovias, A. and A.Magen (2005), “Reflections From the New Near Outside: An Israeli Perspective on the Institutional Impact of EU Enlargement”, European Foreign Affairs Review, 10(5): 399-425.
Tovias, A. (2005), “Normative and Economic Implications for Mediterranean Countries of the 2004 European Union Enlargement”, Journal of World Trade, 39(6): 1135-59.
Tovias, A. (2006),“Exploring the "Pros" and "Cons" of Switzerland’s and Norway’s Model of Relations with the EU: What Can Be learned From These Two Countries’ Experience By Israel”, Cooperation and Conflict, 41(2):.203-22.
Tovias, A. (2007), “Spontaneous vs. Legal Approximation: The Europeanization of Israel”, European Journal of Law Reform, 9(3):.485-501.
Tovias,A., R.Aliboni ,A.Driss , T. Schumacher (2008),” Putting the Mediterranean Union in Perspective”, EUROMESCO Paper, Number 68,
Tovias, A. (2009), “Current Israeli Perspectives on EU-Mediterranean Relations”, Hellenic Studies, 17(2): 191-204.
Tovias,A. (2010), A Deeper Free Trade Area and Its Potential Economic Impact, in the series "10 Papers for Barcelona 2010", jointly published by the ISS (Institute for Security Studies) and the IEMed (European Institute of the Mediterranean), Number 10, September.
Tovias , A.(2012), "The EU and the Mediterranean Nonmember States", in F.Bindi and I.Angelescu (eds.), The Foreign Policy of the European Union,Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, 2nd edition, Brookings Institution Press, 186-202.
Tovias, A. (2013), “Relations Between Israel and the European Union” in A.Dieckhoff (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Israel, Routledge, 240-45.
Additional Reading Material:
Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 0 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 100 %
see additional information
Additional information:
The grading for the course will be based on three main criteria: 1) Attendance&eq;10%; 2) Team assignment (presentation of a subject based on readings)&eq;30% and 3) Presentation of an essay in English (6 to 8 pages)&eq;60%