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Syllabus The State of Israeli Democracy - the ideological struggle in the party system - 56313
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Last update 05-10-2023
HU Credits: 4

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: Political Science

Semester: Yearly

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr Gayil Talshir

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Wednesday 10.00-11.00

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Gayil Talshir

Course/Module description:
The seminar provides a critical analysis of the contested ideas, concepts, policies and narratives in contemporary Israeli society. It focuses on the 5 election cycles 2019-2022

Course/Module aims:
To provide analytical tools in reading Israeli society through the struggle for ideas between different actors, institutions and narratives.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
-Understanding key narratives in Israel society in 2015 elections
-Working within crisis of democracy theory to shed light on Israeli democracy
-Experiencing independent research

Attendance requirements(%):
80% + active participation

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Lectures, workshop, team-work, discussions and presentations.

Course/Module Content:
-Crisis of democracy theory
-Party system change
-Identity politics analysis
-Actors: parties, NGOs, NSMs
-Narrative analysis
-Ideological analysis
-Policy analysis

Required Reading:
ACRI, The Association of Civil Rights in Israel, 2013, Anti-Democratic Initiatives, in (accessed 27/7/2013).
Agmon Tamir and Ami Zadik. 2011. “Analyzing the Economic Implications of Concentration and Crosscutting Possessions in the Media”, Knesset research and information center, Jerusalem.
Arian Asher, Hadar Yael and Nir Atmor. 2006. Israel Democracy Index, Jerusalem: Israel Democracy Institute.
Arian Asher, Michael Philipov and Anna Knepelmann. 2009. Israel Democracy Index, Jerusalem: Israel Democracy Institute.
Avital Tomer, 2013. “Kendel on Concentrationalism” 29/5 Calcalist,7340,L-3603707,00.html (accessed 27/7/2013).
Beetham, David. 1994. “Key Principles and Indices for a Democratic Audit.” In: David Beetham, ed. Defining andMeasuring Democracy. London: Sage, 25-43.
Beetham, David, and Kevin Boyle. 1995. Introducing Democracy. Cambridge: Blackwell.
Ben-Basat, Avi and Momi Dahan (eds). 2009. The Political Economics of Municipalities, Israeli Democracy Institute, Jerusalem.
Beissinger, Mark and Gwendolyn Sasse. 2012. An End to Societal Patience? The Economic Crisis and Political Protest in Eastern Europe, Nuffield’s Working Papers Series in Politics.
Beyme, Klaus von. 1991. Theorie der Politik im 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.
--. 1999. Die parlamentarische Demokratie. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Bollen, Kenneth A. 1993. “Political Democracy: Conceptual and Measurement Traps.” In: Alex Inkeles, ed. On Measuring Democracy. New Brunswick, NJ: Transactior1, 3-20.
Bühlmann, Mare, Wolfgang Merkel, and Bernhard Weßels. 2008. Democracy Barometer. Zürich: NCCR.
Collier, David, and Steven Levitsky. 1997. “Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research.” World Politics 49: 430-451.
Croissant, Aurel. 2002. „Einleitung: Demokratische Grauzonen – Konturen und Konzepte eines Forschungszweiges.“ In: Petra Bendel, Aurel Croissant, and Friedbert W. Rüb, eds. Zwischen Demokratie und Diktatur. Opladen: Leske + Budrich: 9-54.
Croissant, Aurel, and Wolfgang Merkel, eds. 2004. Special Issue ofDemocratization: Consolidated or Defective Democracy? Problems of Regime Change. 1115.
Crouch, Colin. 2004. Post-Democracy. Cambridge: Polity.
Cutright, Philips. 1963. “National Political Development: Its Measures and Analysis”. American Sociological Review 28: 253-264.
Dahl, Robert A. 1971. Polyarchy. Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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Dahrendorf, Ralf 1992. „Die Zukunft der Bürgergesellschaft“, In: Bernd Guggenberger and Klaus Hansen, eds. Die Mitte. Vermessungen in Politik und Kultur. Opladen: Leske + Budrich: 74-83.
Dalton, Russell C. and Mark Wattenberg, eds. 2000. Parties without Partisans: Political change in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dalton Russell C., David Farrell and Ian McAllister. 2011. Political Parties and Democratic Linkage How Parties Organize Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Detal, Lior. 2013. “How Much Money Does your Child Get from the Ministry of Education”, The Marker 18/7/2013 (accessed 27/7/2013).
Diamond, Larry. 1999. Developing Democracy. Toward Consolidation. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
--. 2000. “Is Pakistan the (Reverse) Wave of the Future.” Journal of Democracy 1114: 81-107.
Downs, Anthony. 1968. Ökonomische Theorie der Demokratie. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr.
Elster, Jon. 1988. “Introduction.” In: Jon Elster and Rune Slagstad eds. Constitutionalism and Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-18.
Freedom House. 2001. (accessed 27/7/2013).
Fuster Morell, Mayo. 2012. “The Free Culture and 15M Movements in Spain: Composition, Social networks and Synergies.” Special Issue: Occupy! of the Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social Cultural and Political Protest 11(3-4).
Gavison Ruth, Mordhechai Kremnitzer and Yoav Dotan. 2000. Judicial Activism: For and Against, The Role of the High Court of Justice in Israeli Society, Jerusalem: Magnes and Yediot Achronot.
Ghanem, As’ad. 2001. The Palestinian Arab Minority: A Political Study. Albany: State Uni- versity of New York Press.
Habermas, Jürgen. 1962. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit. Neuwied: Luchterhand.
--. 1975. Legitimation Crisis. Cambridge MA: Beacon.
--. 1992. Faktizität und Geltung. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch.
--. 1996. „Über den internen Zusammenhang von Rechtsstaat und Demokratie.“ In: Jürgen Habermas. Die Einbeziehung des Anderen. Studien zur politischen Theorie. 2nd ed. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch: 31-66.
Hadar Yael and Atmor Nir. 2013. Participation in Elections and Declining Turnouts, IDIńôřéí-ĺîŕîřéí/îŕîřéí/äůúúôĺú-ááçéřĺú-ĺäéřéăä-áůéňĺř-ääöáňä-áéůřŕě/ (accessed 27/7/2013).
Hadenius, Axel. 1992. Democracy and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Held, David. 1996. Models of Democracy. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Heller, Hermann. 1971[1928]. „Demokratie und soziale Homogenität.“ In: Hermann Heller, Gesammelte Schriften. Vol. 2. Leiden: Sijthoff.
Herman Tamar, Atmor Nir, Heller Ella and Lebbel Yuval. 2012. Israel Democracy Index, Jerusalem: Israel Democracy Institute.
Huntington, Samuel P. 1991. The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Karatnycky, Adrian. 1999. “The Decline of Illiberal Democracy,” Journal of Democracy 10/1: 112-123.
Kenig Ofer and Anna Kneplmann. 2012. “The Decline of Big Parties” in Changing the Electoral System, Jerusalem: Israel Democracy Institute.
Kersting, Wolfgang, ed., 2000. Politische Philosophie des Sozialstaats. Weilerwist: Velbrück.
Kerton Sarah. 2012. “Tahrir, Here? The Influence of the Arab Uprisings on the Emergence of Occupy” Social Movement Studies, Vol. 11, Nos. 3-4, 302-308, August–November , Routledge.
Kriesi, Hans-Peter. 2011. “The political consequences of the financial and economic crisis in Europe: electoral punishment and popular protest”, Oxford Papers, version 3, November 2011.
Kremnitzer, Mordechai and Michal Kramer. 2011. Human Dignity as a Supreme and Absolute Constitutional Value in German Law –In Israel Too? Israeli Democracy Institute, Jerusalem.
Kretzmer, David. 1997. “The Path to Judicial Review in Human Rights Cases: From Bergman and Kol Ha’am to Mizrahi Bank.” [In Hebrew.] Mishpatim 28: 359–385.
Lauth, Hans-Joachim. 2001. „Rechtsstaat, Rechtssysteme und Demokratie.“ In: Michael Becker, Hans-Joachim Lauth, and Gert Pickel, eds. Rechtsstaat und Demokratie. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag: 21-44.
--. 2002. „Die empirische Messung demokratischer Grauzonen: Das Problem der Schwellenwertbestimmung.“ In: Petra Bendel, Amel Croissant, and Friedbert W. Rüb, eds. Zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 119-138.
Lijphart, Arend. 1992. “Democratization and Constitutional Choices in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland 1989-1991.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 4/2: 207-223.
Linz, Juan. 1990. “The Virtues of Parliamentarism.” Journal of Democracy 111: 84-91.
Linz, Juan J., and Alfred Stepan. 1996. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation, Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Lipset, Seymour M. 1959. “Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy.” American Political Science Review 53(1): 69-105.
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Luhmann, Niklas. 1984. Ökologische Kommunikation. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Mair Peter. 1997. Party System Change. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Marshall, T.H. 1950. Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maus, Ingeborg. 1994. Zur Aufklärung der Demokratietheorie. Rechts- und demokratietheoretische Überlegungen im Anschluss an Kant. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp.
Mautner, Menachem. 1993. The Decline of Formalism and the Rise of Values in Israeli Law. [In Hebrew.] Tel Aviv: Ma’agalay Da’at.
Meydani. Assaf. 2012. “The Supreme Court as a Political Entrepreneur The Case of Israel”, Israel Studies Review, Volume 27, Issue 2, Winter, 65–85.
Merkel, Wolfgang. 1999. „Defekte Demokratien.“ In: Wolfgang Merkel and Andreas Busch, eds. Demokratie in Ost und West. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 361-381.
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Merkel, Wolfgang, Hans-Jürgen Puhle, Aurel Croissant, Claudia Eicher, Peter Thiery (2003): Defekte Demokratie, Bd. 1: Theorie. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.
Merkel, Wolfgang, Hans-Jürgen Puhle, Aurel Croissant, Peter Thiery (2006): Defekte Demokratie, Bd. 2: Regionalanalysen, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
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Yona Yossi and Avia Spivak (eds.) 2012. It Can Be Different. Tel Aviv: Kav Adom.

Additional Reading Material:
Israeli election books
Israeli democracy index

Grading Scheme :
Essay / Project / Final Assignment / Home Exam / Referat 40 %
Presentation / Poster Presentation / Lecture/ Seminar / Pro-seminar / Research proposal 20 %
Active Participation / Team Assignment 30 %
Submission assignments during the semester: Exercises / Essays / Audits / Reports / Forum / Simulation / others 10 %

Additional information:
In addition there is an option for a seminar paper
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.