HU Credits:
2nd degree (Master)
Responsible Department:
european studies
1st Semester
Teaching Languages:
Mt. Scopus
Course/Module Coordinator:
Dr. Valeria Croce
Coordinator Office Hours:
On Wednesdays, from 12:00 to 14:00, only by prior arrangement
Teaching Staff:
Dr. Valeria Croce
Course/Module description:
One of the greatest achievements of the European Union is the establishment of the free movement of its citizens and visitors across member states. This acquis has affected mobility patterns within and to the EU in its most relevant economic expressions, namely international migration and tourism. This course intends to provide students with the knowledge necessary to define, analyse and monitor international migration and international tourism dynamics in general, and apply them on specific events in Europe. The fact driven approach -based on real-life case examples, in-class discussions and group activities- will actively engage students in the learning process, develop critical thinking and help them acquire a deeper understanding of the evolution of the two phenomena in Europe.
Course/Module aims:
The course is divided into two blocks, following a similar structure, and developing around the two forms of mobility in exam. Each block starts with an overview of relevant theories on the subject, to help students developing a critical understanding of the key factors and motivations underlying each form of mobility. A second part is devoted to statistical frameworks for the empirical measurement of key theoretical aspects, to expose students to the merits and limits of official data sources. Throughout sections references to the role of policies in shaping migration and tourism will be highlighted, to help students familiarize with forms of governance in these areas.
Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
• Explain and criticize relevant theories related to international migration and international tourism development.
• Evaluate the influence of socio-economic factors on international migration and international tourism flows.
• Categorize different forms of migration and tourism.
• Measure international migration and international tourism flows.
• Develop insights relevant to policy formulation.
• Learn about current policies related to international migration flows to the European Union.
• Learn about the policies related to international tourism development in the European Union.
Attendance requirements(%):
Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:
This course combines upfront teaching, with in-class activities, collaborative tasks and writing assignments. The blend of teaching approaches is meant to teach students relevant theoretical and technical notions, while stimulating creative thinking and active and collaborative learning.
Students are expected to actively contribute to class discussions, both as called on by the instructor and on a voluntary basis.
NOTE: In this course it is not possible to ask for make-up assignments!
Course/Module Content:
1. An introduction to human mobility: key concepts, paradigms, and types of international mobility.
2. International migration: main theories and practical examples in Europe.
3. The socio-economic impact of international migration and consequences for European policy-makers.
4. Measuring international migration: overview and critical analysis of standard statistical frameworks.
5. Emerging methodologies to measure international migration.
6. Guest lecture: Measuring ghosts (TBC).
7. International tourism: conceptual definitions.
8. Determinants of international tourism development in Europe.
9. The tourisms sector in European national economies and policy implications.
10. The tourism intelligence production cycle.
11. Digital opportunities and challenges for data, statistics and analysis in tourism.
12. International migration and tourism in the 21st century.
Required Reading:
• Arslan, C., J.-C. Dumont, Z. Kone, Y. Moullan, C. Ozden, C. Parsons and T. Xenogiani (2015). "A New Profile of Migrants in the Aftermath of the Recent Economic Crisis." (160).
• Baggio, R. (2016). Big Data, Business Intelligence and Tourism: a brief analysis of the literature. IFITTtalk@Östersund. Mid-Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden.
• Candela, G. and P. Figini (2012). The economics of tourism destinations. The Economics of Tourism Destinations, Springer: 73-130. Chapters: 2, 3, 13, 14 & 15.
• Castles, S., H. d. Haas and M. J. Miller (2014). The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. 5th edition., Palgrave MacMillan. Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 14.
• Kurekova, L. (2011). Theories of migration: Conceptual review and empirical testing in the context of the EU East-West flows. Interdisciplinary conference on Migration. Economic Change, Social Challenge.
• Rajapaksha, P., R. Farahbakhsh, E. Nathanail and N. Crespi (2016). "iTrip, a Framework to Enhance Urban Mobility by Leveraging Various Data Sources."
• Skeldon, R. (2012). Migration and its measurement: towards a more robust map of bilateral flows. Handbook of Research Methods in Migration. C. Vargas-Silva, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Additional Reading Material:
• Hall, C. M. (2005). "Reconsidering the geography of tourism and contemporary mobility." Geographical Research 43(2): 125-139.
• Sheller, M. and J. Urry (2006). "The new mobilities paradigm." Environment and planning A 38(2): 207-226.
• Vargas-Silva, C. (2012). Handbook of Research Methods in Migration. UK, Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapters: 1, 5, 8, 13.
Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 0 %
Project work 60 %
Assignments 30 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 10 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %
Additional information:
Skills: This course doesn’t require any formal prerequisites. General academic skills of analytical thinking, comparison, essay writing, computer literacy (especially use of spreadsheets, e.g. MS Excel) and working with statistical material are of help.
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. If a student is absent for more than 20% of the course time, the student will be required to provide a justification for his or her absence.
Assignments: throughout the course, students will be asked to work in groups (s.t. number of registered students) to complete written assignments. Assignments will be based on the contents of the lecture, and the lecturer will provide students with the necessary theoretical background and guidance to perform each task. Students will be requested to present the outcome of their group work in 10-15 minutes presentation, which summarises key concepts and critically assesses the content of the article. Each group can receive a maximum of 5 points per assignment based on a collective evaluation (each group member receives the same number of points assigned to the group).
Participation: Students are also expected to contribute to and stimulate in-class discussions.
Final test: A written assignment consisting of an article to analyse.