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Syllabus Between cyber wars and internet governance - 54743
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Last update 11-02-2018
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: conflict management & resolution

Semester: 2nd Semester

Teaching Languages: English

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Dr. Efrat Daskal

Coordinator Email:

Coordinator Office Hours: Monday 18:00-19:00

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Efrat Daskal

Course/Module description:
This course examines the conflicts and the compromises taking place "behind the scenes" in the field of internet governance. In this course the student will learn about the national and the international actors operating within the cyber space and about the political, social and technological struggles that shape and construct the cyberspace in which we live.

Course/Module aims:
A critical introduction to the research field of internet governance and its social, technological and political significance.

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
1. To describe the technological and political infrastructure of the internet
2. To Identify the national and international stakeholders taking part in constructing internet governance
3. To explain the political interests and dilemmas of the various stakeholders that take part in internet governance.
4. To analyze the theoretical aspects of internet governance
5. To suggest political and technological solution to various problems of internet governance.
6. To formulate research questions and research design in the field of internet governance.

Attendance requirements(%):
80% of the classes

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: lecture

Course/Module Content:
A: Between technology and politics

1. Introduction: get me the person who is in charge of the internet

2. It starts with technology: The technological infrastructure

3. New technology. New form of governance: The multi-stakeholder approach

4. Personal and national security in the cyber sphere: Cybersecurity

5. Human rights in the digital sphere

B: The critical issues

6. Access to the internet and net neutrality

7. Copyrights

8. Freedom of speech

9. Offensive content

10. Privacy and surveillance

11-12. Students presentation

Required Reading:
1. Introduction: get me the person who is in charge of the internet

Mueller, M.L. (2010). Networks in action: Three case studies. In M.L. Mueller (Ed.), Network and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance (pp. 17- 30). MA: MIT press.

2. It starts with technology: The technological infrastructure

Diplo Foundation (2008). Internet structure.

DeNardis, L. (2014). Controlling internet resources. In L. DeNardis (Ed.), The global war for internet governance (pp. 33-62). CT: Yale university press.

3. New technology. New form of governance: The multi-stakeholder approach

איגוד האינטרנט הישראלי (2016). משילות האינטרנט. נדלה מהאתר

איגוד האינטרנט הישראלי (2016). שחקנים מרכזיים. נדלה מהאתר

DeNardis, L. & Raymond, M. (2013). Thinking clearly about Multistakeholder internet governance. Paper Presented at 8th Annual GigaNet Symposium Bali, Indonesia.

4. Personal and national security in the cyber sphere: Cybersecurity

DeNardis, L. (2014). Cybersecurity Governance. In L. DeNardis (Ed.), The global war for internet governance (pp. 86-106). CT: Yale university press.

5. Human rights in the digital sphere

ארגון האומות המאוחדות (1948). הצהרת האו"ם לזכויות האדם.

The Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition charter (2014)

Mueller, M., Pag´e, C. & Kuerbis, B. (2004). Civil Society and the shaping
of communication–information policy: Four decades of advocacy. The Information Society, 20, 169–185. doi: 10.1080/01972240490456845

B: The critical issues

6. Access to the internet and net neutrality

Borg, S. (May 2, 2011). Right to access the Internet: the countries and the laws that proclaim it. Diplo Foundation.

Oliver, J. (June 1, 2014). Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - net neutrality.

בן דוד, ע. (19 מאי, 2015). הארץ. מה מסתתר מאחורי היוזמה של פייסבוק להביא אינטרנט להמונים?

7. Copyrights

Muller, M.L. (2010). IP versus IP. In M.L. Mueller (Ed.), Network and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance (pp. 129-158). MA: MIT press.

Rutenberg, I. (October 29, 2013). Faking it: time to rethink intellectual property in developing countries? The Guardian.

8. Freedom of speech

Price, M. (2016). The internet and strategic architecture. In M. Price (ed.) Free expression, globalism and the new strategic communication (pp.121-133). NY: Cambridge university press.

איגוד האינטרנט הישראלי (2016). חסימות אתרים בישראל. נדלה מהאתר

מיפוי און-ליין של חסימות אתרים בעולם על ידי ממשלות -

חסימות אתרי רשתות חברתיות במדינות שונות בעולם: הודו, טורקיה וברזיל .

9. Offensive content

יפה, א. (16 באפריל, 2008). מבט משווה בנושא התמודדות עם תכנים פוגעניים לילדים. ירושלים: המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה.

10. Privacy and surveillance

איגוד האינטרנט הישראלי (2016). יישום הגנת DNSSEC. נדלה מהאתר

Brambila, J. A. (October 6, 2014). The Snowden effect. Center for global communication studies.

בראון, ג'. (15 יולי, 2015). שיחה מקומית. חשיפה: הצבא עוקב אחרי הפייסבוק שלכם.

12-11. מצגות של תלמידים

Additional Reading Material:
2. It starts with technology: The technological infrastructure

Mueller, M.L. (2010). Critical internet resources. In M.L. Mueller (Ed.), Network and states: The global politics of internet governance (pp. 215-252). MA: MIT press.

Lindsay, D. F. (2013). What do the .XXX disputes tell us about internet governance? ICANN's legitimacy deficit in context. Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 63(3). doi: //

איגוד האינטרנט הישראלי (2016). DNS. נדלה מהאתר

איגוד האינטרנט הישראלי (2011). איחוד תשתיות אינטרנט. נדלה מהאתר

איגוד האינטרנט הישראלי (2015). משבר ה - IPv6. נדלה מהאתר

3. New technology. New form of governance: The multi-stakeholder approach

Take, I. (2012). Regulating the Internet infrastructure: A comparative appraisal of the legitimacy of ICANN, ITU, and the WSIS. Regulation & Governance, 6, 499–523 doi:10.1111/j.1748-5991.2012.01151.x

Mansell, R. & Nordenstreng, K. (2006). Great media and communication debates: WSIS and the Macbride report. Information Technologies and International Development, 3(4), 15–36.

Epstein, D. (2010). Constructing the information society: The binding nature of nonbinding debates about internet governance. TPRC.

Drake, W. J. & Price, M. (2014) Beyond Netmundial: The roadmap for institutional improvements to the global internet governance ecosystem. Center for Global Communication Studies.

4. Personal and national security in the cyber sphere: Cybersecurity

Jewkes, Y. & Yar, M. (2010). Handbook of internet crime. UK: Willan Publishing

Mueller, M.L. (2010). Security governance on the internet. In M.L. Mueller (Ed.), Network and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance (pp. 159-184). MA: MIT press.

Tabansky, L. & Ben Israel, I. (2015). Cybersecurity in Israel. NY: Springer

Mukherjee, S., Roy, A. & Chakrabarty S. (Mar 13, 2016). Hackers are using expired domains to launch attacks. The Huffington Post.

Keck, Z. (April 12, 2014). China expands cyber spying. The Diplomat.

כביר, ע., קאהאן, ר. וצוק, נ. (20 אוגוסט, 2015). לא תנאף (ברשת):כל מה שרציתם לדעת על אשלי מדיסון ולא העזתם לשאול. כלכליסט.

ציפורי, ט. (4 אפריל 2016) היקף נזקי פשעי הסייבר בעולם: 500 מיליארד דולר בשנה. גלובס.

מפת התקפות סייבר

מטה הסייבר הלאומי

5. Human rights in the digital sphere

אמנות של האו"ם
UN Human Rights Council (July 12, 2012). First Resolution on Internet Free Speech. Global Legal Monitor.

UN Human Rights: Office of the high commissioner (Retrieved July 14, 2016). The right to privacy in the digital age.

אמנות ארגוני החברה האזרחית
APC Internet Rights Charter (2006)
The Global Network Initiative Principles (2008)

אתרי הארגונים למען זכויות דיגיטליות

Ó Siochrú, S. (2004). Civil society participation in the WSIS process: Promises and
reality. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 18(3), 330–344. doi: 10.1080/1030431042000256090.

Milan, S. (2014). The Fair of Competing Narratives: Civil Society(ies) after NETmundial. Center for global communication studies.

B: The critical issues

6. Access to the internet and net neutrality

DeNardis, L. (2014). Internet access & network neutrality. In L. DeNardis (Ed.), The global war for internet governance (pp. 131-152). CT: Yale university press.

Hooper, S. & Ahmed, S. (July 1, 2010). First nation makes broadband access a legal right. CNN.

Netizen report team (July 5, 2016). Netizen Report: The UN condemned internet shutdowns. But does it matter? Global Voices.

Faris, R., Roberts, H., Etling, B., Othman, D. & Benkler, Y. (2015). Score another one for the internet? The role of the networked public sphere in the U.S. net neutrality policy debate. The Berkman center for internet and society.

Net neutrality in Europe -

7. Copyrights

DeNardis, L. (2014). Internet architecture and intellectual property. In L. DeNardis (Ed.), The global war for internet governance (pp. 173-198). CT: Yale university press.

Postigo, H. (2008). Capturing fair use for the Youtube generation: The digital rights
movement, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the user-centered framing of fair use. Information, Communication & Society, 11(7), 1008-1027. doi: 10.1080/13691180802109071.

Benkler, Y., Roberts, H., Faris, R., Solow-Niederman, A. & Etling B. (2013). Social mobilization and the networked public sphere: Mapping the SOPA-PIPA debate. Cambridge, MA: Berkman Center Research Publication.

Layton, J. (May 10, 2016). If you pirate "Game of Thrones," we have some scary news. Hello Giggles.

8. Freedom of speech

Powers, S. M. & Jablonski, M. (2015). Toward information sovereignty. In S. M. Powers & M. Jablonski (Eds.), The real cyber war: the political economy of Internet Freedom (pp.159-179). IL: University of Illinois Press.

Yang, F. & Mueller, M.L. (2014). Internet governance in China: a content analysis.
Chinese Journal of Communication, 7(4), 446–465.

Borogan, I. (2012). RuNet: Russia on the Chinese road?

Aguerre, C & Galperin, H. (2015). Internet policy formation in Latin America: Understanding the links between the national, the regional, and the global. The Center for Global Communication Studies.

Akgül, M. & Kırlıdoğ, M. (2015). Internet censorship in Turkey. Internet Policy Review, 4(2). DOI: 10.14763/2015.2.366

9. Offensive content

Mueller, M.L. (2010). Content regulation. In M.L. Mueller (Ed.), Network and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance (pp. 185-214). MA: MIT press.

Livingstone, S. (May 5, 2015). GE2015: What’s to be done about online pornography and kids? Media policy project blog.

Banks, J. (2010). Regulating hate speech online. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 24(3), 233-239.

Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Responsibility of internet service providers and web hosting services. In R. Cohen-Almagor (Ed.), Confronting the internet dark side: Moral and social responsibility on the free highway. (pp. 147-229). NY: Cambridge university press.

Toor, A. (May 3, 2016). Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft agree to EU hate speech rules. The verge.

Samuel, H. (March 5, 2015). Facebook can be sued if it tries to censor content, says French court. The Telegraph.

יוזמה אקדמית כלל אירופאית בנושא אלימות באינטרנט

כללי הצגת תכנים פוגעניים בפייסבוק ובטוויטר

10. Privacy and surveillance

Bennett, C. (2008). The privacy advocates: Resisting the spread of surveillance.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT press.

DeNardis, L. (2014). The public policy role of private information intermediaries. In L. DeNardis (Ed.), The global war for internet governance (pp. 153-172). CT: Yale university press.

Powers, S. M. & Jablonski, M. (2015). Google, information and Power. In S. M. Powers & M. Jablonski (Eds.), The real cyber war: the political economy of Internet Freedom (pp.74-98). IL: University of Illinois Press

Apuzzo, M., Sanger, D.E. & Schmidt, M. S. (September 7, 2015). Apple and other tech companies tangle with US over data access. The New York Times.

Scott, M. (May 25, 2015). As Facebook sweeps Across Europe, regulators gird for battle. The New York Times.

מגנזי, א. ולוי, א. (12 במאי, 2015). לראשונה בישראל : מאסר בפועל לאדם שהסית בפייסבוק ועודד פיגועים. Ynet

ירון, ע. (16 אוגוסט, 2015). מוזילה ו – EFF הוציאו כלים שיעזרו לכם להגן על הפרטיות שלכם. הארץ.

פרויקט דירוג זכויות דיגיטליות

Grading Scheme :

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.