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Syllabus The Hinge of Fate: The Indian Ocean in WWII - 39864
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Last update 01-09-2018
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 2nd degree (Master)

Responsible Department: History

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Prof. Dan Diner

Coordinator Office Hours:

Teaching Staff:
Prof Dan Diner

Course/Module description:
The course will deal with events of the Second World War from the perspective of the Indian Ocean. It will include discussion on war logistics and epistemologic analysis

Course/Module aims:

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
To describe the main events of the Second World War
To Understand connections between different theatres of war
To organise main and sub events of the war
to compare different political approches
To analyse logistical and war time interests.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction:

Course/Module Content:
1. Session (15.10.2018): First Meeting/Introduction
2. Session (22.10.2018): Rhodos
3. Session (29.10.2018): The British Imperial Sphere
4. Session (05.11.2018): Italian East Africa
5. Session (12.11.2018): Malta
6. Session (19.11.2018): Logistics
7. Session (26.11.2018): Iraq 1941
8. Session (03.12.2018): Japanese Naval Forces
9. Session (10.12.2018): Singapore
10. Session (17.12.2018): Madagascar
11. Session (24.12.2018): 8th Army
12. Session (31.12.2018): Persian Corridor
13. Session (07.01.2018): Indian Ocean
14. Session (14.01.2018): Conclusion/Last Meeting

Required Reading:
al Karei tarnegolet: ha-okednus ha-hodi be-milchemet ofam II
(The Hinge of Fate: The Indian Ocean in WWII)

Mandatory reading before seminar begins:
Ewan Mawdsley, World War II. A New History, Cambridge 2009.

Recommended reading (prior or during the semester):
Antony Beevor, The Second World War, London 2014.
Gerhard L. Weinberg, A World at Arms. A Global History of World War II, Cambridge 2005.

1. Rhodos
Holland, Jeffrey, Part I, Strategic Objectives, in: ibid., The Aegean Mission: Allied Operations in the Dodecanese, 1943, New York/London 1988, 3–98.
Buckley, Christopher (1977). Five Ventures: Iraq, Syria, Persia, Madagascar, Dodecanese. H. M. Stationery Office.
Rogers, Anthony, Churchill‘s Folly: Leros and the Aegean, The Last Great British Defeat of World War 2, Athens 2007.
Shachar, The Lost World of Rhodes
Weinberg, Ignored and Misunderstood Aspects of the Holocaust

2. British Imperial Sphere
Jackson, Ashley, War and Empire in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean, London 2001. (Introduction and Ch. 2: Defence of Empire and the Sea Lanes: The Royal Navy and the British Indian Ocean World)
Eade, C. (Hg.), Winston Churchill’s Secret Session Speeches. London 1946.
Robinson, Francis, The British Empire and the Muslim World, in: Oxford History of the British Empire, Vol. 4, The Twentieth Century, ed. by Judith Brown/Wlm. Roger Louis, Oxford 1999, 398-420.
Kahn, Yasmin, The Raj at War. A Peoples History of India’s Second World War, London 2015, 34-43. (Chapter 3: Into the Middle East and North Africa)

3. Italian East Africa
Holt, Andrew, "'No more Hoares to Paris': British Foreign Policymaking and the Abyssinian Crisis, 1935". Review of International Studies. 37:3 (2011), S. 1383–1401.
Nicolle, David, The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia 1935–1936, Westminster 1997.
Stewart, A. (2016). The First Victory: The Second World War and the East Africa Campaign (1st ed.). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

4. Malta
Porch, Douglas, Hitler’s Mediterranean Gamble. The North African and the Mediterranean Campaigns in World War II, London 2004. [Intro: A Strategist’s Nightmare]
Roucek, Joseph S., The Geopolitics of the Mediterranean, in: The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1:13 (1953), S. 71–86.
Churchill, Winston S., Malta and the Desert, in: ibid., The Second World War Vol. 4, The Hinge of Fate, 260–279.
Elliott, Peter (1980). The Cross and the Ensign: A Naval History of Malta, 1798–1979. Naval Institute Press.
Titterton, G. A. (2002). The Royal Navy and the Mediterranean, Volume 2. Psychology Press.

5. Logistics
Churchill, Winston S., The Shipping Stranglehold, in: ibid., The Second World War Vol. 4, The Hinge of Fate, 167–180.
Jackson, Ashley, Supplying War: The High Commission Territories' Military-Logistical Contribution in the Second World War, in: The Journal of Military History 66:3 (2002), 719–760.
Miller, Michael, Sea Transport, in: Cambridge History of the Second World War. Volume III: Total War. Economy, Society and Culture, ed. by Michael Geyer/Adam Tooze, Cambridge 2015, 147-195.
O’Brien, Phillips Payson, How the War Was Won. Air-Sea Power and Allied Victory in World War II, Cambridge 2015, 1-16. (Introduction 1–16; The Air and the Sea War against Japan 1942–1944 374–429)
O’Brien, Phillips Payson, Logistics by Land and Air, in: Cambridge History of the Second World War. Volume I: Fighting the War, ed. by John Ferris/Evan Mawdsley, Cambridge 2015, 608–636.
Showalter, Dennis, Armies, Navies, Air Forces. The Instrument of War, in: Cambridge History of the Second World War. Volume I: Fighting the War, ed. by John Ferris/Evan Mawdsley, Cambridge 2015, 556-584.

6. Iraq 1941
Kolinsky, Martin, Britain's War in the Middle East Strategy and Diplomacy, 1936-42, London 2014, S. 145–167.
Jackson, Ashley, The Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War in Iran and Iraq, New Haven 2018. [particularly 44–65]

7. Japanese Naval Forces
Churchill, Winston S., Ceylon and the Bay of Bengalen, in: ibid., The Second World War Vol. 4, The Hinge of Fate, S. 152–166.
Ohmae, T. 1986. Japanese Operations in the Indian Ocean. In: R. G. O’Connor & D. C. Evans (Hg.), The Japanese Navy in World War II in the words of former Japanese Naval Officers. Annapolis: United States Naval Institute. [Kap. 4, 17]
Black, J., Midway and the Indian Ocean. Naval War College Review 62:4 (2009), 131–140.
Great Britain Ministry of Defence (Hg.), 1995. War with Japan. The South-East Asia operations and Central Pacific advance, The blockade of Japan. Bd. 4/5. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

8. Singapore
Chung, Ong Chit, The Singapore Strategy, in: Idem, Operation Matador. World War II, Britain’s Attempt to Foil the Japanese Invasion of Malaya and Singapore, Singapore 2011, 3-18.
Louis, W. R. 2006. The Road to the Fall of Singapore, 1942. British Imperialism in East Asia in the 1930s. In: W. Roger Louis, Ends of British Imperialism. The scramble for empire, Suez and decolonization; collected essays (2. Auflage). London: Tauris, S. 293-338.
McIntyre, W. David, The Strategic Significance of Singapore, 1917–1942. The Naval Base and the Commonwealth, in: Journal of Southeast Asian History 1:10 (1969), 69–94.

9. Madagascar
Thomas, Martin, Imperial Backwater or Strategic Outpost? The British Takeover of Vichy Madagascar, 1942, in: Historical Journal, 39 (1996), 1049-1074.
Buckley, Christopher, Five Ventures. Iraq, Syria, Persia, Madagascar, Dodecanes, London 1977.
Churchill, Winston S., Madagascar, in: ibid., The Second World War Vol. 4, The Hinge of Fate, 167–212.
Jackson, Ashley, War and Empire in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean (The Mauritius Regiment and the Madagascar Mutiny, 101–130)
Shores, Christopher, Dust Clouds in the Middle East: Air War for East Africa, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Madagascar, 1940–42, London 1996.

10. British 8th Army
Churchill, Winston S., The Eight Army at Bay, in: ibid., The Second World War Vol. 4, The Hinge of Fate, 371–389.
Neillands, Robin, Eighth Army: The Triumphant Desert Army That Held the Axis at Bay from North Africa to the Alps, 1939-45.

11. The Persian Corridor
Jackson, Ashley, The Persian Corridor, in: ibid., The Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War in Iran and Iraq, New Haven 2018, 295–315.
Coakley, Robert W., Chapter 9: The Persian Corridor as a Route for Aid to the USSR, in: Greenfield, Kent Roberts, Command Decisions. Washington 2000.
Motter, T.H. Vail, The Persian Corridor and Aid To Russia, Washington 2000.

12. Indian Ocean
Kamtekar, Indivar, The Shiver of 1942, in: Studies in History 18:1 (2002), S. 81–102.
Voigt, Johannes H., India in the Second World War. A History with Problems, in: Jürgen Rohwer/Hildegard Mülle (Eds.), Neue Forschungen zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Literaturberichte und Bibliographien aus 67 Ländern, Koblenz 1990, 187-201.
Khan, R. A., Strategic role of the Indian Ocean during Second World War, Pakistan Horizon 35:2 (1982), S. 39–50.
Paterson, L., Hitler’s Grey Wolves: U-boats in the Indian Ocean, London 2004. [Ch. 1, 2, 5, 6]

Additional Reading Material:

Grading Scheme :

Additional information:
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
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