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Syllabus The Holocaust in Western Europe - 13511
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Last update 12-09-2017
HU Credits: 2

Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor)

Responsible Department: history of jewish people & contemporary jewry

Semester: 1st Semester

Teaching Languages: Hebrew

Campus: Mt. Scopus

Course/Module Coordinator: Iael Nidam Orvieto

Coordinator Office Hours:

Teaching Staff:
Dr. Iael Orvieto

Course/Module description:
We will study the fate of Jews in several countries in Western Europe. We will discuss different factors that influenced the different fate in each country, through a comparative analysis. We'll check into several topics, such as Jews-Non Jews relations, the reactions of Jews to the persecutions, etc

Course/Module aims:
To know the history of the Holocaust in Western Europe. To understand the different factors that operated in each country and influenced the different fate of Jews. To analyze critically, the historiography and public discourse on the topic

Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
To examine the complexity of the History of the Holocaust in Western Europe, to compare between different countries, to explain the different factors that influenced the chances of rescue in different countries, to analyze and criticize the different historical approaches on the topic.

Attendance requirements(%):

Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: seminar

Course/Module Content:
Italy – between Myth and Reality
Belgium – the forgotten country
France- a Conquered Country or an ally?
Holland – Between East and West

Required Reading:
Fabio Levi, “Anti-Jewish Persecution and Italian Society”, in Joshua Zimmermann ed. Jews in Italy under Fascist and Nazi Rule, 1922–1945, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 199-208.
Liliana Picciotto, "The Italians and the Jews During the Fascist and German Persecutions", Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, David Bankier and Israel Gutman (eds.), Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, 2003, pp, 491-518.
Michele Sarfatti, Characteristics and Objectives of the Anti-Jewish Racial Laws in
Fascist Italy, 1938–1943, in Joshua Zimmermann ed. , Jews in Italy under Fascist and Nazi Rule, 1922–1945.
Michele Sarfatti, “Fascist Italy and German Jews in South-Eastern France in July 1943”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies” 3(3) 1998, 318-328.
Susan Zuccotti, "The Rescue of Jews and the Existence of a Papal Directive", Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, pp. 519-538.
Grazia Loparco, " Pius XII and Hiding in Italy", in Pius XII and the Holocaust-Current State of Research, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem , 2012.
Iael Nidam-Orvieto, "The Jewish Leadership Vis-à-vis the anti-Jewish Legislation 1938-1943: A Reevaluation".
יעל נידם-אורביטו, "חיי היומיום של יהודי איטליה תחת חוקי הגזע", דפים לחקר תקופת השואה, י"ח, אוגוסט 2004.
ליליאנה פיצ'וטו, "המדיניות האנטי יהודית של הרפובליקה הסוציאלית האיטלקית, 1943-1945", יד ושם יז'-יח', תשמ"ז, 1-28.
גורי שוורץ, "על בניית מיתוסים ובניין אומה: הולדת המיתוס של האיטלקי הטוב", יד ושם קובץ מחקרים, לו' (1), תשס"ח, עמ' 91-120
אינזה מיינן, "לקראת גירוש: כיצד נעצרו יהודים בבלגיה", יד ושם קובץ מחקרים, לו' (1), תשס"ח, עמ' 33-60.
הילברג, חורבן, עמ' 571-580
Maxime Steinberg, “The Judenpolitik in Belgium Within the West European Context: Comparative Observations”, in Dan Michman ed. Belgium and the Holocaust, Jews Belgians Germans, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1998, pp. 199-224.
Maxime Steinberg, “The Jews in the Years 1940-1944: Three Strategies for Coping with a Tragedy”, in Belgium and the Holocaust, pp. 347-372.
Lucien Lazare, “Belgian Jews in France, 1940-1944”, in Belgium and the Holocaust, 445-456.
Mordechai Ansbacher, “Rescue and Return: Post-Kristalnacht German-Jewish Refugee Children in Belgium and their Return to Germany in 1941”, in Belgium and the Holocaust, pp. 433-444.
Dan Michman, "Problematic National Identity, Outsiders and Persecution: Impact of the Gentile Population's Attitude in Belgium on the Fate of the Jews in 1940-1944", in
Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, pp. 455-468.
Jean-Philippe Schreiber, "Belgium and the Jews under Nazi Rule: Beyond the Myths", Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, pp. 469-489

אשר כהן, תולדות השואה: צרפת, ירושלים: יד ושם, תשנ"ו, עמ' 391-497.
אולריך הרברט, "המינהל הצבאי הגרמני בפריז וגירוש יהודי צרפת", טיוטה לקראת פרסום.
ירחמיאל כהן, "דת ומולדת – לדרכה של הקונסיסטוריה המרכזית בצרפת בתקופת מלחמת העולם השנייה", בן ישראל לאומות, ירושלים: זלמן שזר, תשמ"ח, עמ' 307-334.
ירחמיאל כהן, "הוויכוח על דרך ההנהגה ביהדות צרפת", יד ושם יד', (תשמ"ב), עמ' 131-157.
הילברג, חורבן, עמ' 580-632.
לורן ז'ולי," וישי וגירוש היהודים, מסה היסטוריוגרפית בעקבות ספרו של אלן מישל", יד ושם מ"א, תשע"ג, עמ' 197-210.
Vicki Caron, "French Public Opinion and the Jewish Question, 1930-1942: the Role of Middle Class Professional Associations", in Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, pp. 374-410.
Renee Poznanski, "The French Resistance: An Alternative Society for the Jews?", in
Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, pp. 411-435.
John Sweets, “Jews and non-Jews in France During the Second Worls War”, Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, pp. 361-373.
Marnix Croes, “Holocaust in the Netherland and the Chance to Survival”, draft before publishing.
Ido de Haan, “The paradoxes of Dutch history - The historiography of the Holocaust in the Netherlands”, draft before publication.
Ido de Haan, "Routines and Traditions: The Reactions of Non- Jews and Jews in the Netherlands to War and Persecution", in Nazi Europe and the Final Solution, pp. 437-454.
יוסף מכמן, הפולמוס על היודסה ראט באמסטרדם", בתוך דמות ההנהגה היהודית בתקופת השואה, עמ. 197-216.
פנחס בר אפרת, בין הלשנה להצלה – החברה ההולנדית והשואה, פרק שני : הדרך להשמדת יהודי הולנד, עמ' 53-70

Additional Reading Material:

Course/Module evaluation:
End of year written/oral examination 0 %
Presentation 0 %
Participation in Tutorials 20 %
Project work 80 %
Assignments 0 %
Reports 0 %
Research project 0 %
Quizzes 0 %
Other 0 %

Additional information:
The seminar is in collaboration with Yad Vashem, in memory of Prof. Yisrael Gutman
Students needing academic accommodations based on a disability should contact the Center for Diagnosis and Support of Students with Learning Disabilities, or the Office for Students with Disabilities, as early as possible, to discuss and coordinate accommodations, based on relevant documentation.
For further information, please visit the site of the Dean of Students Office.